Bad faith of the agnostic

Like I said, I don't begrudge you your made up version of whatever it is you want to worship. Enjoy it! It's yours!

And, yeah, I've read the Bible cover to cover. Plus a lot of history of the Christian faith.

so you're a Christian?

see, this is what idiot masons do.

the're not actually Christians, but they're ready to burn people at the stake.

sounds like a Catholic to me.
see, this is what idiot masons do.

the're not actually Christians, but they're ready to burn people at the stake.

sounds like a Catholic to me.

they just like the killing.

Wow. Are you using a random word generator? That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the post you responded to.

It's like a markov chain text generator or "autocomplete" on the phone.

Next time try sticking to a topic and try to stay focused.
Wow. Are you using a random word generator? That has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the post you responded to.

It's like a markov chain text generator or "autocomplete" on the phone.

Next time try sticking to a topic and try to stay focused.
which sentence don't you understand?

these are just all new thoughts for you, not the same shit you've been memorizing for 40+ years.

it's not your Masonic routine about being NOT a Christian, but yes being the definer of the faith.
Masons always strive to keep religion crazy and or violent, to use in false flag violent attacks, and to avoid actual discussion of morality and human unity.

Divide and conquer tactics on the world....
what is it with masons and evil?

Sure I've heard all about the various Masonic Plots...I mean who hasn't read the ramblings of the insane from time to time. Just curious why you are so amped up about it.

freemasonry used to be white magic (see Leo zagami).

Wow. Interesting.

it was taken over by the illuminati.

Oooooh, I see. The ILLUMINATI took them over. Got it.

see Bavarian illuminati Adam Weishaupt, jacob Frank, Nathan Rothschild.

Well, it all makes sense now! You need to print this out and get to stapling it on all the telephone poles in your town! ASAP. Lest the Illuminati-Masonic axis of malevolence try to stop you.
Sure I've heard all about the various Masonic Plots...I mean who hasn't read the ramblings of the insane from time to time. Just curious why you are so amped up about it.

Wow. Interesting.

Oooooh, I see. The ILLUMINATI took them over. Got it.

Well, it all makes sense now! You need to print this out and get to stapling it on all the telephone poles in your town! ASAP. Lest the Illuminati-Masonic axis of malevolence try to stop you.
so what is your rebuttal to any of these documented truths?
Sure I've heard all about the various Masonic Plots...I mean who hasn't read the ramblings of the insane from time to time. Just curious why you are so amped up about it.

Wow. Interesting.

Oooooh, I see. The ILLUMINATI took them over. Got it.

Well, it all makes sense now! You need to print this out and get to stapling it on all the telephone poles in your town! ASAP. Lest the Illuminati-Masonic axis of malevolence try to stop you.
check into Leo zagami.
All things are a decision, including not doing anything.

I don't think it matters if this "god" exists at all. An all powerful being that takes attendance at "services" is an absurd notion.