banned cloud9

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please to explain:

so you joined straight out of highschool, an e-1..... made it all the way to 0-3 and a helo pilot in 10 years, gets transfered to the navy and lingered for 30+ years as an o-4....

Please to explain that shit.
Please explain why you think it's such a great idea to give personal information to a paranoid psychotic on the Internet?

Give me one sane reason why that's such a great fucking idea.
Please explain why you think it's such a great idea to give personal information to a paranoid psychotic on the Internet?

Give me one sane reason why that's such a great fucking idea.

I already picked a side in 1975 when I took the oath to support and defend the Constitution. Yes, I'm fully ammoed up. I'm well trained, thanks to those who actually paid taxes unlike you and I stay proficient, in both long range and short range shooting.
I prefer long range overwatch because I can lay down and relax. :)

served "75-85"
Do you think it would be odd if I kept trying to make you believe I'm a retired Navy Commander?

I was a Captain, CH-46 pilot. Officers feel different about the situation as repeatedly shown in Military Times polls.

Are you claiming to be a Marine? I am one. 75-85. Retired Navy, still a Marine.

FWIW, Vietnam officially ended in 1975. My enlistment in the Marine Corps was after HS graduation (1974).

Straight out of highschool and made it to officer and 0-4? in 10 years? and a pilot to boot! you claimed you were a captain, after claiming you were a lt commander? and only made it to 04 in 46 years, was a scout sniper helicopter pilot wuttttt?
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