Banned From Youtube Tucker Carlson Questions Vaccine Safety

riginally Posted by Darth Omar
Well, there’s a forensic audit going on that will settle the lie bit and settle who the liars really are.

I notice Trumfuck posts are infused with a whole lot of "someday" Never any 'now' or 'evidence.'
With a special camera created by the guy who made up the conspiracy, it’s just nuts!

Conducted by a voter fraud conspiracist who won’t release info on their “auditing” methods, who has ZERO experience in forensic audits like this and who hires Trumpanzees as workers.

What could ever be amiss here? :rofl2:
Over 75 bingo playing crowd

Astute observation, perhaps, although somewhat painful to me.

Leave out the Bingo part, and I'll be in that demographic well before year's end.

Unless the Red Sox are on, I watch Chris Hayes.

Fox News is the only station on my cable box with parental lockout actuated.
I'm terrified that while flipping channels, I might catch a head shot of Jeanine Pirro and turn to stone.
No, we already know. No oversight, Qanut company conducting audit, conspiracy of 40,000 bamboo ballots, no evidence. It’s nuts!

This isn't democracy.

This is what "elections" in Putin's Russia are like: allowing political partisans count the ballots.
Nope. It's legal to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
You can't be arrested for what is legal.
Rights do not come from constitutions. That is not what they do.
Not sure where you're getting this. False alarms, whether for a fire or a bomb, often categorized as felonies. "Free speech" will not work as a defense.
So what magick holy entrails are you using for this prediction?

No entrails needed. The facts are simple - Trump knows literally nothing about modern technology. We also know that Trump is very reluctant to rely on experts. Therefore, the more Trump is involved with a particular endeavor, the more policies he sets, the more he is involved in the day-to-day operations, the more likely it is to fail. Therefore, for Trump to start his own social media platform, he will either have A) to become extraordinarily savvy with both technology and social media. Or B) he'll have to recruit people who ARE savvy - but will occasionally have to tell Trump things that he doesn't want to hear.

The first requirement A) is so far outside the realm of possibility that I'm comfortable saying it's impossible. And B) is proven recipe for disaster, as evidenced by Trump's documented inability to work with subject matter experts like medical professionals, and military experts.
No entrails needed. The facts are simple - Trump knows literally nothing about modern technology. We also know that Trump is very reluctant to rely on experts. Therefore, the more Trump is involved with a particular endeavor, the more policies he sets, the more he is involved in the day-to-day operations, the more likely it is to fail. Therefore, for Trump to start his own social media platform, he will either have A) to become extraordinarily savvy with both technology and social media. Or B) he'll have to recruit people who ARE savvy - but will occasionally have to tell Trump things that he doesn't want to hear.

The first requirement A) is so far outside the realm of possibility that I'm comfortable saying it's impossible. And B) is proven recipe for disaster, as evidenced by Trump's documented inability to work with subject matter experts like medical professionals, and military experts.
Trump only values his own “expertise”