Banning people from Threads


Verified User
I understand that sometimes people want to keep certain individuals from coming in and spewing ad homs, but most of the time it is nothing more than a daisy chain of "we're so much better than all of them." Why do people come here if not to debate?
rana thanks your op but there is no doubt she'll still threadban in the future.

I would say the vast majority of the people ban a few trolls or spammers from their threads. Spammers and trolls don't contribute to the discussion in the first place. I don't know about everyone though.
This is truly hilarious!

This is also why we thread ban. I can only think of two people here I would thread ban, and those two are Ishmael and Big Money. I actually love everyone else here, including those I disagree with. I do not want everyone to agree with me....I am wrong on a lot of things.
rana thanks your op but there is no doubt she'll still threadban in the future.

I would say the vast majority of the people ban a few trolls or spammers from their threads. Spammers and trolls don't contribute to the discussion in the first place. I don't know about everyone though.

Dear Mr. Talking Out Your Ass, aka Karma Police,

Please find more than one thread I have posted where I have used thread ban. I don't use thread ban, you have me on forced ignore for several people and I ignore a couple of others, but I don't thread ban.

I thanked him because I was thinking of Big Money and his ban of most of the liberals.

I understand banning BM and Truth Detector and possibly even Evince, but don't understand banning Dantes, or Darla, Etc., ignore him if you wish, but allow him to participate because others may wish to debate them.
Big money is a troll. He destroys threads, and that's his entire purpose. I'm actually pretty convinced that he is purposefully trying to destroy the board because he hates Billy. He did the *internet flounce* last year over the gun section, he was furious about it.
Big money is a troll. He destroys threads, and that's his entire purpose. I'm actually pretty convinced that he is purposefully trying to destroy the board because he hates Billy. He did the *internet flounce* last year over the gun section, he was furious about it.

That's an interesting theory. I didn't realize he hated Billy but would make sense for his behavior. I looked at the board the day after Christmas and almost every post Christmas Day was from Legion. I mean who spends hours on Christmas Day trolling an internet chat board?
That's an interesting theory. I didn't realize he hated Billy but would make sense for his behavior. I looked at the board the day after Christmas and almost every post Christmas Day was from Legion. I mean who spends hours on Christmas Day trolling an internet chat board?

Oh he despised Billy. I can't remember who actually created the gun forum, whether it was grind or billy, but billy got blamed for it. I don't think he was any fan of Grind's either, but he would really go after Billy. And he considered moving all of his gun threads to the newly-created gun forum a suppression of his free speech. He claimed to be leaving forever and then came back as a conservative troll. He is obviously attempting to ruin the board if you ask me. But if you ask others he's tight with the mods, or actually is one of the mods, and this is all a big scam. It's the internet so who knows. For all you know my real name isn't even Darla. ;)
I mean who spends hours on Christmas Day trolling an internet chat board?

-People who hate Baby Jesus
-People whose families have restraining orders against them
-People who are iceslut
-Aging Virgins
I have intimate knowledge for many years about board feuds, disruptions, trolls and members who always refuse to ignore one another. Having the ability to block people that ruin your threads is awesome. I've seen endless times where a member would follow around another member like a lost puppy dog, and would then crap in every thread the other started. Having the ability for the member side to prevent this is priceless. If someone gets blocked by an "enemy", then I can't understand much why they would care, unless they are upset that they can't get their words in and feel like the other person beat them by blocking them. Truth is, there are more than enough other threads to post in, but being butt hurt by being blocked is the reality.

Oh, and the ability for staff to place a member on another persons ignore list, when they refuse to and endless threads get ruined because of these one on one feuds. Always wanted that option and now I have it. I think that's another invaluable option. Some obviously will bitch, but having members ignore one another and giving them the ability to save threads - always better than having to ban members outright.
This is also why we thread ban. I can only think of two people here I would thread ban, and those two are Ishmael and Big Money. I actually love everyone else here, including those I disagree with. I do not want everyone to agree with me....I am wrong on a lot of things.

You came into the bar flapping your insulting big mouth and got knocked on your ass. Crybaby.
I love you like a brother, which is why I am not groaning your post. I have lots of friends who are gay, and lots of friends whoa re tea party conservatives. None of them is even close to the asshat Ishmael Pequod is.

I have lots of liberal friends and none of them whine and moan like a hag with hot flashes like you do.
This is also why we thread ban. I can only think of two people here I would thread ban, and those two are Ishmael and Big Money. I actually love everyone else here, including those I disagree with. I do not want everyone to agree with me....I am wrong on a lot of things.

I would tend to agree... though Desh is most certainly in their category of spamming.