Banning people from Threads

Hahhaha. Man if I lose my internet access at an inopportune time I am going to be in trouble! All true though! If only the washwoman could put that in his memoirs!

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It is still irrelevant to my point. Sorry that you are too much the fool to recognize that.

Whatever superfreak. I saw the washwoman saying "he he he he" and I just didn't think twice about it. Who cares? I find it hard to believe you are actually employed?
I wrote out some details of the whole thought process I went through coming to the gender conclusion. I had to delete them all though, i'd get in trouble. but it's all there. There's more, but...I would blush to tell it.
Hahhaha. Man if I lose my internet access at an inopportune time I am going to be in trouble! All true though! If only the washwoman could put that in his memoirs!

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Whatever superfreak. I saw the washwoman saying "he he he he" and I just didn't think twice about it. Who cares? I find it hard to believe you are actually employed?

If you ever decide to stop rambling nonsensically, let us know. In the meantime we can just put you into the same deranged nut job category Desh is in.
Oh he despised Billy. I can't remember who actually created the gun forum, whether it was grind or billy, but billy got blamed for it. I don't think he was any fan of Grind's either, but he would really go after Billy. And he considered moving all of his gun threads to the newly-created gun forum a suppression of his free speech. He claimed to be leaving forever and then came back as a conservative troll. He is obviously attempting to ruin the board if you ask me. But if you ask others he's tight with the mods, or actually is one of the mods, and this is all a big scam. It's the internet so who knows. For all you know my real name isn't even Darla. ;)

Fascinating, even over two years ago people thought Legion Troll was either tight with the mods or one of them.