Banning people from Threads

Big money is a troll. He destroys threads, and that's his entire purpose. I'm actually pretty convinced that he is purposefully trying to destroy the board because he hates Billy. He did the *internet flounce* last year over the gun section, he was furious about it.

You never add anything to any thread I have ever seen you engage in; you define trolling. How ironic that a dunce like you thinks others are the trolls.

But this is typical for the dullard class of lefttards on this forum who spend so much time spamming it with nonsense and then whining and bitching like childish buffoons when the utter bullshit you dunces spew gets called out.

Oh he despised Billy. I can't remember who actually created the gun forum, whether it was grind or billy, but billy got blamed for it. I don't think he was any fan of Grind's either, but he would really go after Billy. And he considered moving all of his gun threads to the newly-created gun forum a suppression of his free speech. He claimed to be leaving forever and then came back as a conservative troll. He is obviously attempting to ruin the board if you ask me. But if you ask others he's tight with the mods, or actually is one of the mods, and this is all a big scam. It's the internet so who knows. For all you know my real name isn't even Darla. ;)

If you think that the your idiot posts, those of Evince, The Dud, Dante's shitty panties, Anti-Thinker, Jardud or the cabal of dullard brain dead leftists who spam thus forum with nonsense add anything remotely intelligent to this forum, you just might be an idiot and a hypocrite.

Have some cheese with that vagina whine dunce. ;)
Said the man who feel him a fool
For he be the wiseman
For the man
Who don't think he's a fool he
Control his destiny
But he's too cool for himself
For himself
Slightly Stupid
Thank you, Rana, you, Darla and the Dude are my biggest boosters, but most of the time I feel as if I'm barely literate. And many days it's much worse than that and I just feel stupid!

Most of the time you ARE barely literate. So that would explain that feeling.
This is hilarious! Biggest laugh of my morning.

What is truly amusing is watching you and Darla pretend Dantes offers intelligent posts to the board. I would love to see one of you post examples of this great wisdom displayed by Dantes. Perhaps you can point out a thread for us?
What is truly amusing is watching you and Darla pretend Dantes offers intelligent posts to the board. I would love to see one of you post examples of this great wisdom displayed by Dantes. Perhaps you can point out a thread for us?

I am probably laughing harder than Rana. You're so arrogant, which would be alright, except you really don't have anything to back it up.

Dantes is the smartest person on the board, and the smartest person in most rooms. Certainly in any room you'd be in. They're off the charts and you sadly, are smack in the middle. Thanks for the laughs though SF. He who is the court jester also serves.
What is truly amusing is watching you and Darla pretend Dantes offers intelligent posts to the board. I would love to see one of you post examples of this great wisdom displayed by Dantes. Perhaps you can point out a thread for us?
Just look at any post he makes. He is brilliant, and well read, sorry you are jealous of his intellect that you can't be honest.
What is truly amusing is watching you and Darla pretend Dantes offers intelligent posts to the board. I would love to see one of you post examples of this great wisdom displayed by Dantes. Perhaps you can point out a thread for us?

Dante's licks Darlas ass for her. That is all that is required. They are leftists and have leftist beliefs ergo in their little world they are the most intelligent people in the world.

Snarla just needs to bake me my cookies.