Bannon to report to prison

You sad fucks keep trying to make an equivalency that’s not there. Holder not only testified to Congress, he also turned over thousands of documents related to Fast and Furious. Obama invoked executive privilege on some of those as well. The remainder of the case was adjudicated a couple years later.

Holder testified before congress several times, which is irrelevant.

Bannon also testified before congress,

Both refused to respond to a particular subpoena issued by congress.

Bannon was prosecuted - Holder was not, because Holder is a party member and not subject to laws. That's how banana republics work.

Bannon did NONE OF THE ABOVE. No testimony. No nothing. Merely thumbed his nose at everybody. Unlike Holder, 100% defiant.

There’s the difference, bitch.

The only difference is that Holder is a party member and Bannon is an enemy of the party.

There is only one law in America - obey the party without question.
He'll have is flunkies fill in for him (i.e., Fox News, etc.). Or he could pull a Mumia-Abdul Jamal broadcast from prison (it's a minimum security 4 month deal, so it's all just whining & BS).

Clapper doesn't need to though - he is above the law - as all party members of rank are.
Lies, you are slipping further into delusion

Eric Holder (D), James Clapper (D), John Brennan (D), and Steve Bannon (R) all famously engaged in contempt of congress over the last decade.

One of them was prosecuted - can you spot the difference?

In a banana republic, some are more equal than others.
Eric Holder (D), James Clapper (D), John Brennan (D), and Steve Bannon (R) all famously engaged in contempt of congress over the last decade.

One of them was prosecuted - can you spot the difference?

In a banana republic, some are more equal than others.
Yes, you are lying.
Holder testified before congress several times, which is irrelevant.

Bannon also testified before congress,

Both refused to respond to a particular subpoena issued by congress.

Bannon was prosecuted - Holder was not, because Holder is a party member and not subject to laws. That's how banana republics work.

The only difference is that Holder is a party member and Bannon is an enemy of the party.

There is only one law in America - obey the party without question.
Nope, wrong again
Holder testified before congress several times, which is irrelevant.

Bannon also testified before congress,

Both refused to respond to a particular subpoena issued by congress.

Bannon was prosecuted - Holder was not, because Holder is a party member and not subject to laws. That's how banana republics work.

The only difference is that Holder is a party member and Bannon is an enemy of the party.

There is only one law in America - obey the party without question.
Bannon did not testify before Congress on the matter at hand. Holder did. The other issues with Holder were also adjudicated.

I can only hold your stupid fucking hands so far, Cletus. At some point, you have to fix your own ignorance.
Show us a link or something... Prove it. Not just what Jessie Watters insinuated into your pea brain.
sorry Cuntselor.....your games don't play notoriously refuse to provide links and you lie constantly......then you demand links for things everyone knows to be you'll claim you must be right because I won't play your fucking game.......

in short, you're a worthless cunt and everyone knows'll just have to cope with the fact no one believes your shit any more........
July 1 Steve Bannon is to report to prison. July 11 Trump will be sentenced for his 31 felony convictions.

July is going to be a fun month

How will Trumper know what to think if Steve Bannon is in jail?
Amazing how you or I would already be chilling in our cells if we had committed the same crimes that #TRE45ON and Slob Bannon did. Apparently being a rich white male still confers a lot of privilege.
Yes, you are lying.

What's sad is that really is the best you can do.

Four men engaged in contempt of congress - that can't be disputed - one was prosecuted.

What was different about that one?

What makes the law apply to some, but not others?
Nope, wrong again

Bannon did not testify before Congress on the matter at hand. Holder did.

That is a lie. Holder ignored the subpoena and failed to appear.

Both men testified at other times, but in each case they ignored a summons.

The other issues with Holder were also adjudicated.

Found not subject to law due to party membership?

I can only hold your stupid fucking hands so far, Cletus. At some point, you have to fix your own ignorance.

One nation, two VERY different standards of law, Herr Himmler.
What's sad is that really is the best you can do.

Four men engaged in contempt of congress - that can't be disputed - one was prosecuted.

What was different about that one?

What makes the law apply to some, but not others?
Prove you stupid allegations... You cant. Its made up by your minders.
That is a lie. Holder ignored the subpoena and failed to appear.

Both men testified at other times, but in each case they ignored a summons.

Found not subject to law due to party membership?

One nation, two VERY different standards of law, Herr Himmler.
I keep trying, but I can’t fix your willful ignorance