Bannon to report to prison

Lie all you want - it changes nothing.

Same act, different law depending on the party each belongs to.
You can’t find a single lie, bitch. Just your whiney assed opinion.

Bannon didn’t testify. Holder did. AND produced documents. Some were held out due to Executive Privilege. Holder’s case was finally adjudicated in 2018.

You’re merely a butthurt Trump cultist
You wouldn't know justice if it was right in front of you. Stfu
Hey fucking idiot,

Justice is what the American judicial system meets out

12 jurors deciding the facts

You ass brained Russianed up fuck wits call that injustice

Go stick your head back up trumps ass you worthless shit bag

Fuck you very much
Lying to congress is felony that will land you in prison - unless you are a democrat - in which case it's perfectly legal.

Ask Clapper, Comey, Holder, Hunter, and KGB Brennan.

One nation, two VERY different standards of law.

The Biden banana republic.
None of them lied you Putin taint polisher
In normal circumstances it wouldn't be but a conviction fueled by hatred and political vengeance isn't the normal circumstances.

Besides that though even if the punishment fits the crime and the criminal, someone who takes pleasure in that persons punishment is pretty fucked up in the head.
Quilty people go to prison

It’s a good thing crime boy
Who is "Banion," Comrade? And what do they have to do with the inequality between Steve Bannon and Eric Holder?

One nation, two VERY diffent standards of justice. Uber Alles democrat.
The standards of justice are different because each party uses the government to its advantage when in power. Presidents have often tried to use the Justice Department to go after enemies--Trump, Nixon, Obama, Lincoln....
The standards of justice are different because each party uses the government to its advantage when in power. Presidents have often tried to use the Justice Department to go after enemies--Trump, Nixon, Obama, Lincoln....
You threw Obama in with your Repub power abusers. He does not fit.
Why not give a citation showing that it happened...that Eric Holder was found guilty of the same offenses Bannon was...and served no time?

You cannot do it, because it never happened.
That's what we have the receptionist at a law firm. He can ask one of these ambulance chasers as they stroll in every day.
You can’t find a single lie, bitch. Just your whiney assed opinion.

Nope, you are lying like the jackbooted little Nazi you are. Eric Holder refused to appear for a summons to congress, a lawful subpoena. He was deemed above the law as a ranking party member.

Testifying before that summons is utterly irrelevant. He was called because he lied under oath - which is why he refused to appear. You can lie all you like - you're a Stalinist - you lie, about everything - always.

Steve Bannon refused to appear for a summons to congress, a lawful subpoena. He is going to jail - he is not a party member.

We are a nation with two tiers of law - the party is not subject to law - the rest are strictly held to the absolute letter.

We are a banana republic.

None of them lied you Putin taint polisher


I see you got out of county.

What was it this time? Meth? Crack? Fentanyl?
The standards of justice are different because each party uses the government to its advantage when in power. Presidents have often tried to use the Justice Department to go after enemies--Trump, Nixon, Obama, Lincoln....


Trump never use the DOJ on enemies. Go ahead, show us the enemies Trump prosecuted or even investigated? Who with? Sessions? ROFL? Barr? LOL

Nixon had an enemies list, but it was a different time and the IRS refused to act on his wishes.

Obama very much used the IRS against enemies, Lois Lerner.

And Lincoln imprisoned enemies much as Quid Pro Biden does now, but the country was in a civil war. Of course I guess it is now as well, under Traitor Joe.

What Biden and the party did in New York used to be fairly common. Lynching is a shameful part of our past - both the massive political lynchings of the Wilson era and the racial lynchings that democrats carried out in the South.

America had moved past slavery and lynching - democrats under Biden have brought both back. There are more slaves in America today than before republicans defeated democrats in the 1860's. And as we saw in the banana republic of New York, lynching is in full bloom.

Trump never use the DOJ on enemies. Go ahead, show us the enemies Trump prosecuted or even investigated? Who with? Sessions? ROFL? Barr? LOL

Nixon had an enemies list, but it was a different time and the IRS refused to act on his wishes.

Obama very much used the IRS against enemies, Lois Lerner.

And Lincoln imprisoned enemies much as Quid Pro Biden does now, but the country was in a civil war. Of course I guess it is now as well, under Traitor Joe.

What Biden and the party did in New York used to be fairly common. Lynching is a shameful part of our past - both the massive political lynchings of the Wilson era and the racial lynchings that democrats carried out in the South.

America had moved past slavery and lynching - democrats under Biden have brought both back. There are more slaves in America today than before republicans defeated democrats in the 1860's. And as we saw in the banana republic of New York, lynching is in full bloom.
Trump tried to appoint a high official to the DOJ who would go after enemies and investigate voter fraud which Barr and the other leaders would not do because there was no evidence. Trump backed off this appointment because the other high officials threated to resign.

Prosecuting individuals for their crimes is not a lynching except to those willing to make any excuses for their leaders.

Nixon also asked the CIA to cover up the investigation of Watergate by claiming it was a national security issue. The funniest act was the kidnapping of AG Mitchell's wife.
You threw Obama in with your Repub power abusers. He does not fit.
It is not just Republicans. I'm sure there were other Democrats but I can't remember the examples.

Obama tapped the phones of journalists to find leaks. When the men asked the journalist who leaked information she (Attkisson?) told them "it is you guys."
It is not just Republicans. I'm sure there were other Democrats but I can't remember the examples.

Obama tapped the phones of journalists to find leaks. When the men asked the journalist who leaked information she (Attkisson?) told them "it is you guys."
Obama did not. The FBI routinely taps Russians in America especially the ones thought of as agents or possible agents. The problem is that they found a lot of their communication was with Trump's people, especially the campaign people.
Trump tried to appoint a high official to the DOJ who would go after enemies and investigate voter fraud which Barr and the other leaders would not do because there was no evidence. Trump backed off this appointment because the other high officials threated to resign.

Complete fabricated bullshit.

Prosecuting individuals for their crimes is not a lynching except to those willing to make any excuses for their leaders.

Prosecuting the political opposition when there is no crime - as the Soros/Biden team did in the banana republic is the exact definition of lynching.

Nixon also asked the CIA to cover up the investigation of Watergate by claiming it was a national security issue. The funniest act was the kidnapping of AG Mitchell's wife.

Which has nothing to do with prosecuting political enemies - but I understand the disaster the lynching has turned out to be for you of the Marxist party.

You're just flinging shit in every direction hoping something will stick.
Nope, you are lying like the jackbooted little Nazi you are. Eric Holder refused to appear for a summons to congress, a lawful subpoena. He was deemed above the law as a ranking party member.

Testifying before that summons is utterly irrelevant. He was called because he lied under oath - which is why he refused to appear. You can lie all you like - you're a Stalinist - you lie, about everything - always.

Steve Bannon refused to appear for a summons to congress, a lawful subpoena. He is going to jail - he is not a party member.

We are a nation with two tiers of law - the party is not subject to law - the rest are strictly held to the absolute letter.

We are a banana republic.
Nope, you’re full of shit. You can’t refute a single claim of mine.

You’re merely a pathetic, butthurt Trumptard.

Pick another fruit, crybaby. Your bananas are old.