Barrack Jimma Carter Obama


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his first big fuckup calling for a windfall profits tax.
Not enough to derail him be about 3 more like this and he's done.:pke:
It's racist to question Obama.

It's racist to criticize Obama.

It's racist to oppose Obama.

In fact, unless you vote for Obama at least 3 times in November, you're racist.
he was saying tax oil companies to help the poor with their energy and OTHER bills.
LOFL who isn't he left of. Does he want to make it close.
his first big fuckup calling for a windfall profits tax.
Not enough to derail him be about 3 more like this and he's done.:pke:

What's up with this Topspin? Like you said this is straight out of Carter's playbook. You need to get on his economic advisors team ASAP.
So let me ask you smart boys something. You can consult your smartphones if need be.

In a time when there is seething and still rising anger over gas prices, you think that the guy who is pushing for an additional tax break for Exxon Mobile is going to win huh?

I feel sorry for both of you because you don't have any idea of what's going on. And, left to your own devices, you would make this situation worse and worse, until finally, the ruling elite was overthrown and they, and you, ended up with your heads on the guillotine, while Madame Defarge knitted and cackled as each of your severed heads hit the ground.
I'm voting for Obama even if he bans the sale of gasoline.
That doesn't make him right on passing welfare on the backs of energy companies.
Tax a product hard and see if you get more or less of it. This was tried by Carter and it started the dependence on foreign oil.
I would tell you to check a history or economics book Dhula but that would take away from you shoe shopping.
you won't find it on the left becuase few have enough economics to know what to call for. A GED IS NOT ENOUGH
I'm voting for Obama even if he bans the sale of gasoline.
That doesn't make him right on passing welfare on the backs of energy companies.
Tax a product hard and see if you get more or less of it. This was tried by Carter and it started the dependence on foreign oil.

On the backs of energy companies? Please.

Maybe they will lower their prices. There are some people who believe that talking windfall tax would incentivise lower gas prices. Gas is at an historic high and so are the profits of oil companies. Theyre not making the same, they're making more. Can you put those two things together? Punch them into your smart phone and see what it says.
This is not communist Russia. Last I check we sorta still live in a free market economy. Please look at countries that don't allow free flow of capital and tell me if any are not in the third world. I know that's kinda tough for you not ever having sat in a an economics class or even tried to learn the basics.
This is not communist Russia. Last I check we sorta still live in a free market economy. Please look at countries that don't allow free flow of capital and tell me if any are not in the third world. I know that's kinda tough for you not ever having sat in a an economics class or even tried to learn the basics.

The free market is a tool, not a religion. And like all tools, it needs to be adjusted now and again.
So let me ask you smart boys something. You can consult your smartphones if need be.

In a time when there is seething and still rising anger over gas prices, you think that the guy who is pushing for an additional tax break for Exxon Mobile is going to win huh?

I feel sorry for both of you because you don't have any idea of what's going on. And, left to your own devices, you would make this situation worse and worse, until finally, the ruling elite was overthrown and they, and you, ended up with your heads on the guillotine, while Madame Defarge knitted and cackled as each of your severed heads hit the ground.

Darla it is not about who one is voting for its about good economics. Among other things windfall profits tax incentivizes less domestic oil drilling which causes our reliance on overseas oil to increase and will do nothing to lower the price of gas at home. Jimmy Carter tried it. It was not successful. There is nothing different today that will all of a sudden make it successful this time.
Darla it is not about who one is voting for its about good economics. Among other things windfall profits tax incentivizes less domestic oil drilling which causes our reliance on overseas oil to increase and will do nothing to lower the price of gas at home. Jimmy Carter tried it. It was not successful. There is nothing different today that will all of a sudden make it successful this time.

I thought it was liberal environmentalists who had already stopped domestic drilling? So are we drilling domestically and a windfall profit tax would bring a sudden hault to that, or did liberals already hault or severly hamper domestic drilling, which is it?

Can you show evidence that the idea of a windfall profit tax couldn't be used to put some strength behind talks with the oil companies to stop what some see as their price gouging?
Topsy, you're so naive. Always rushing to the defense of poor ol' big oil.

Not sure if you're keeping up with current events, but we have a little energy crisis on our hands. Oil is more than simply a commodity in the free market; it is an issue of economic survival, independence & national security. And there is gouging, to the tune of 10's of millions of dollars that the oil companies can spend on D.C. lobbying efforts to keep flex fuel options & other alternatives from seeing the light of day as a real, viable choice for American consumers. This, in turn, is royally f**king us for the future.

A windfall profits tax is a very modest measure in light of what the oil industry is doing.
Topsy, you're so naive. Always rushing to the defense of poor ol' big oil.

Not sure if you're keeping up with current events, but we have a little energy crisis on our hands. Oil is more than simply a commodity in the free market; it is an issue of economic survival, independence & national security. And there is gouging, to the tune of 10's of millions of dollars that the oil companies can spend on D.C. lobbying efforts to keep flex fuel options & other alternatives from seeing the light of day as a real, viable choice for American consumers. This, in turn, is royally f**king us for the future.

A windfall profits tax is a very modest measure in light of what the oil industry is doing.

What do you expect to happen to gas prices if a windfall profits tax becomes law?
Its a huge mark against obama. As Obama would say: "Here is what we know"

1) American oil companies make between about 5-10% margins. (as a comparison most high tech companies are not considered successful unless making over 50% margins.)
2) The oil companies will either lay off worker or raise the price of there product to make up the difference
3) Govt cant be trusted with extra tax money. Where is the extra money going to go?

I have to say its somewhat making me nervous that obama throws out the word tax so quickly.. I was looking for him to attack energy problems with more tax incentives for alt energy.. not windfall taxes.
oncelor/Lorax go knock on another door your last sales call was a flop.
You have an energy crisis (not enough) you don't shoot the only guy producing it. WHAT A FOOL
Its a huge mark against obama. As Obama would say: "Here is what we know"

1) American oil companies make between about 5-10% margins. (as a comparison most high tech companies are not considered successful unless making over 50% margins.)
2) The oil companies will either lay off worker or raise the price of there product to make up the difference
3) Govt cant be trusted with extra tax money. Where is the extra money going to go?

I have to say its somewhat making me nervous that obama throws out the word tax so quickly.. I was looking for him to attack energy problems with more tax incentives for alt energy.. not windfall taxes.

This is from a pro-oil company piece on CNN money, entitled "in defense of oil companies".

Nice dodge on throwing your BS about "high tech" companies in there chap.

"The average net profit margin for the S&P Energy sector, according to figures from Thomson Baseline, is 9.7%. The average for the S&P 500 is 8.5%. So yes, energy companies are more profitable than many others...but not by an inordinate amount.