Barter - only hope for freedom

Kamala Trump

Verified User
So, when nobody can get loans, and all the money based jobs go away. Should we just sit around until we die?

Hell no.

We can work and create without money. It's called the barter system and it is completely impervious to manipulation by fascist shitheads.

Read up on it, people, and step into the now.
the value of something is what it will buy

Or what you can trade it for. Or the impact it has on allowing you to survive, food shelter, etc. Those are the primary needs of man which now will be denied to many because of how fiat currency has warped the value system.
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what i should have said is ' the value of something is what it will bring'

Or it may just have an innate value, like food, or shelter, and can be used directly to enhance life.

When currency is not pegged to one of these innate value items, everything gets all noobly.
In my system he can suck dick direcly for beer itself, thus leaving no room for inflation to rob him of the value of his services rendered.
Hmm the barter system. I use it quite a bit in my neighbothood. However I would have trouble bartering with Japan for a new car. Geographical limititations you know. The main reason money was invented.

of course we would need no more stock market or finiancial types..

Hmm sounding better all the time.