Be as smart as a Liberal... It's EASY!

Stop being such a fucking idiot. I have congestive heart failure, along with a host of other cardiac ailments. When someone calls an ambulance due to symptoms I am exhibiting, and the drivers concur, I go along. Resisting medical help during a heart or stroke situtation is a typical male reaction which generally leads to death.

Again, I am paying the bill, NOT you or the tax payers, you judgemental piece of shit.

Well it's fucking amazing to me, you support a nationalized health care plan that will flood your doctor's office with thousands of new patients, who will take up your doctor's time and ultimately make the less-available care you have cost more. That when you really do NEED an ambulance, they are probably going to be on a call to some paranoid hypochondriac or an illegal alien, who can now access everything free of charge, thanks to Obamacare! It's amazing that you would be so selfless as to give up your own access and availability to health care, just so others can have free stuff.
Someone has to pay the bill, whether it is the family or the taxpayer, the bill has to be paid by someone. Specialists don't work for free, and they won't work for free under Obamacare, that's for certain. Again, if you want Medicaid to include people who scrape by on $25k, we can do that.. we don't have to implement and pay for any new plan to do so.

Sure, just like the Repubs wanted to help the unemployed.

Again, Republicans suggested a number of reforms that needed to be made, Democrats gagged them and bound them with duct tape during the committee hearings. Obama shook his finger at John McCain and told him the election was over, and doe-eyed Nancy finagled enough votes to get it through the Senate with a rules change to prevent a supermajority (something all taxation requires, btw) and it was passed without a single supporting Republican vote. You didn't WANT to include any of our ideas, you had your own.

And what were the unemployed supposed to eat while the Repubs decided on reforms? The unemployed needed money for groceries. People's unemployment was running out. The decent thing to do is automatically extend it and then talk about reforms, if one wants.

No I have not! You have given examples of people who didn't USE the free clinics which were right there, available to them! You have failed to explain WHY they didn't use this resource that our tax dollars already pay for!

So you believe the woman who was working part time while dying of cancer never thought of free clinics? You're nuts, Dix.

Please... close your pie hole. No money will be saved. You don't care about saving money. This has nothing to do with saving money. We all know it won't save money. We all know it will cost MASSIVE amounts of money. So please.... JUST FUCKING STOP!

No, I don't care about saving money when people are needlessly dying. I don't care about saving money when 12 year olds are dying from an infected tooth. A tooth! Are you nucking futs? The richest country in the world and a 12 year old dies from an infected tooth (taxpayer thread, post #415). And I explained how check-ups included in government insurance save money in the same thread but it has to start with government insurance and check-ups before savings are realized. First the government insurance. Then the savings. It doesn't work the other way. If savings came first there would be no need for government insurance.

What is wrong with you?
No it isn't you fucking Marxist! Stop LYING through your shit-stained teeth about it! Our premiums will go up DRAMATICALLY! The cost of a doctor's visit will increase DRAMATICALLY! The typical cost of a hospital stay will increase DRAMATICALLY! Our tax rates will have to go up DRAMATICALLY! BUT YOU DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS! YOU NEVER HAVE! THIS IS NOT ABOUT SAVING MONEY!

They won't go up. Every country with government medical has lower costs. No exception.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just making a fool of yourself.
Do you know how many times I have been to the emergency room in my entire LIFE? NEVER, personally... and only ONCE related to family. Now, I know that's probably the exception and not the rule, and there have been lots of times when I could have gone to the ER, but didn't. The point is, I found another option, even when I didn't have insurance. Our towns here in lowly Alabama, have dozens of 'urgent care' facilities... I call them "Doc-in-the-Box" ...they are open 24/7 and usually just as suitable as an ER for dealing with minor injuries, illnesses and such. I think I paid $55 the last time I visited, I had a severe sinus infection. I have had dental work done at the UAB School of Dentistry. A crown and root canal cost me $85 vs. $800 at the regular dentist. Again, no insurance, no problem!

Most people can find a way to cope and get by... Liberals for some reason, think that government is supposed to come wipe your ass for you.

Why make life complicated when there's no need for it?

As for the government wiping asses I'm particular when it comes to toilet tissue. :eek:
Well it's good you found an answer, Althea... now maybe you can come up with something that is actually bought and sold?

Here's the question again, for all the pinheads who missed it the first time:
Name something "the taxpayer" doesn't ultimately pay for?

You see... no matter what you come up with (except sarcasm), you'll find taxpayers are paying for it. Now, you might say, what about the poor welfare mom? Well, where does her monies come from? What about the unemployed? Again... where does their money come from? Even people who's incomes are low and they don't pay income tax, they still pay a payroll tax and SSI... so they too, are taxpayers. Virtually everything under the sun that is purchased, is bought by a taxpayer. This is an important point to remember when you are arguing for Socialism by pointing to all the things taxpayers pay for.

Why are you so selfish, Dix? Did you grow up in poverty?
Sure, just like the Repubs wanted to help the unemployed...
And what were the unemployed supposed to eat...
The unemployed needed money for groceries...
People's unemployment was running out...

We were talking about the health care debates, which had nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Why are you changing subjects?
And.... didn't Republicans vote to extend unemployment benefits?
We were talking about the health care debates, which had nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Why are you changing subjects?
And.... didn't Republicans vote to extend unemployment benefits?

We're talking about unemployment because you mentioned the Repubs talked about reforms that needed to be made to medical care. The Repubs always talk. Talk about reforms, talk about better ideas, talk about better plans and nothing gets done. Medical care has been talked about for 100 years!

It's the same thing with unemployment. The Repubs wanted to talk. Fine, however, the unemployed wanted to eat. If I recall the Repubs mentioned a plan could be put in place within six months or a year. Were the unemployed supposed to stop eating for 6 months? A year? The ill have been waiting for 100 years! Well, not the same ill individual but the ill, as a group. There was talk about medical care way back in 1912. How anyone can have the gall to say Obama rushed, Obama threw caution to the wind, Obama raced ahead.....

The needy have to be looked after; the ill and the unemployed. They've waited long enough. If people want to talk, fine. Supply medical attention for the ill and put food on the table of the unemployed while they're talking. Then they can take all the time they want to talk. I guarantee the talks would speed up dramatically.

So, now there's ObamaCare. A plan has been set in motion. If the Repubs disagree with parts of the plan they can talk. They can come up with ideas and if they're better than the current ideas let them put them to the public but until their ideas are set in law the ill will be receiving medical care under ObamaCare. What could be more fair?
I got a better idea... When voters turn out in droves come November, we send home all the pinheads who support keeping Obamacare, and replace them with people who WILL REPEAL IT! Then, constitutional or not, it's ALL academic, because it no longer exists. And you can spend the rest of your days, explaining to us how we are stupid and dumb, and threw away the best thing we ever had! You seem to enjoy explaining stuff, and we certainly enjoy keeping our own money and dealing with our own health care... so it is a WIN/WIN!
I got a better idea... When voters turn out in droves come November, we send home all the pinheads who support keeping Obamacare, and replace them with people who WILL REPEAL IT! Then, constitutional or not, it's ALL academic, because it no longer exists. And you can spend the rest of your days, explaining to us how we are stupid and dumb, and threw away the best thing we ever had! You seem to enjoy explaining stuff, and we certainly enjoy keeping our own money and dealing with our own health care... so it is a WIN/WIN!

I suppose a man is allowed to dream but you certainly take advantage of that.
And I suppose you can use up all your HOPE now, and not save any for election night!

Won't require much hope on election night. It's pretty well cut and dried. Obama will get his second term, ObamaCare will unfold as it should and the Repubs will continue to pull their hair out.
Wow... you must know something Rasmussen doesn't know, is all I can say.

It's just a matter of seeing what Romney has to offer which is nothing. He's the same "trickle down" economist as past Republicans. The same "export jobs overseas and give them tax breaks" while US citizens lose their jobs. No job, no health insurance but let's scrap ObamaCare and have a chat. Just because the private sector couldn't come up with a plan over the last 100 years is no need to worry. Romney will solve the problem.

Do you think that will sell?
It's just a matter of seeing what Romney has to offer which is nothing. He's the same "trickle down" economist as past Republicans. The same "export jobs overseas and give them tax breaks" while US citizens lose their jobs. No job, no health insurance but let's scrap ObamaCare and have a chat. Just because the private sector couldn't come up with a plan over the last 100 years is no need to worry. Romney will solve the problem.

Do you think that will sell?

I don't think anyone, including Romney, thinks it is possible for you to change your mind and vote Republican. IF you think that means it's a sure thing and a done deal, and "cut and dried" then more power to ya... I don't think that's what Democrats in general believe, nor anyone else who has a lick of common sense.

Virtually every economic indicator is DOWN from where it was 4 years ago. Unemployment remains high, gas prices remain high, the cost of living is beginning to skyrocket and we will probably start seeing double-digit inflation by the Fall, and IF this man in the White House, manages to get himself re-elected after all this, it will be the most remarkable thing that has ever happened in American politics, because it will be an unprecedented FIRST!

Now you can spend the time from now until November, dreaming and fantasizing about how this thing is "in the bag" and there is no chance of your guy losing, but on election night, you are setting yourself up for a major disappointment. I look forward to your spin the day after.
It's just a matter of seeing what Romney has to offer which is nothing. He's the same "trickle down" economist as past Republicans. The same "export jobs overseas and give them tax breaks" while US citizens lose their jobs. No job, no health insurance but let's scrap ObamaCare and have a chat. Just because the private sector couldn't come up with a plan over the last 100 years is no need to worry. Romney will solve the problem.

Do you think that will sell?

Obama will win if Canadians can vote for him......