BEFORE the 2020 election over 50 people from the intel agencies FALSELY claimed....


Well-known member
That the Hunter Biden laptop story had been debunked. That it was MADE UP out of thin air or not his laptop at all. So the question is this.......Are the intel agencies made up of a bunch of non thinking imbeciles OR were they corrupt and IN THE BAG for Biden in an attempt to influence the election ? Oh and how the MSM was more than happy to go right along with them in lock step. So which is it? Glaringly STUPID or massively CORRUPT,....or BOTH ? I ask because it defies all logic and reason for them ALL to be WRONG. And people wonder why the nation has lost all faith in our institutions? Why wouldnt they if they are a bunch of latte sipping MORONS or corrupt individuals. One or the other....there is no other option. And let me say this for the idiots out there......Dont even attempt explaining this away, CANT, will only make yourself look like a LYING partisan who cares for nothing of the actual truth.
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THAT is the real story here. Not that Hunter is a real creep,....thats been widely known forever. The real story is why the intel agencies blatantly LIED in an attempt to influence an election. This TOO will all be exposed after November. Like I say,.....GLAD some of you seem to like probes and hearings so much, are going to be treated to some real whoppers in the near future. ;)

What did he want to do with the intel community before he was murdered in Dallas? I YOU?
This wont go away. Evidence is all right there, among other things. ;) Investigations indeed...:cool:
That the Hunter Biden laptop story had been debunked. That it was MADE UP out of thin air or not his laptop at all. So the question is this.......Are the intel agencies made up of a bunch of non thinking imbeciles OR were they corrupt and IN THE BAG for Biden in an attempt to influence the election ? Oh and how the MSM was more than happy to go right along with them in lock step. So which is it? Glaringly STUPID or massively CORRUPT,....or BOTH ? I ask because it defies all logic and reason for them ALL to be WRONG. And people wonder why the nation has lost all faith in our institutions? Why wouldnt they if they are a bunch of latte sipping MORONS or corrupt individuals. One or the other....there is no other option. And let me say this for the idiots out there......Dont even attempt explaining this away, CANT, will only make yourself look like a LYING partisan who cares for nothing of the actual truth.

Who gives a flying fuck what he had on his laptop other than right wing assholes with nothing else to say. Your fucking Furher is facing legal troubles in New York, Washington and Georgia any of which could easily prevent him from so much as running in 2024 and you are starting threads about what some meaningless asshole had on his laptop? you are sad.
Who gives a flying fuck what he had on his laptop other than right wing assholes with nothing else to say. Your fucking Furher is facing legal troubles in New York, Washington and Georgia any of which could easily prevent him from so much as running in 2024 and you are starting threads about what some meaningless asshole had on his laptop? you are sad.

I can think of two reasons.......1) it shows Biden was taking money from foreign governments while he was VP......and 2) it shows Biden was lying to the American public about it.......

besides that we are sad.......sad that you mindless fucks ignore the evidence of that while wasting our time searching for evidence to back up the lies you've been spreading for six years.......
I don't give a fuck if Hunter Biden did blow with transvestite hookers. Joe Biden is President. Donald Trump is going to jail. You are a loser.
THAT is the real story here. Not that Hunter is a real creep,....thats been widely known forever. The real story is why the intel agencies blatantly LIED in an attempt to influence an election. This TOO will all be exposed after November. Like I say,.....GLAD some of you seem to like probes and hearings so much, are going to be treated to some real whoppers in the near future. ;)
Just another Russian Hoax (claims of the laptop was Russian dezinformatsia)
Senator Schumer threatening to weaponize the IC.

“Let me tell you, you take on the IC, the IC have 'six ways from ... › let-me-tell-you-y...
the I C have 'six ways from (to) Sunday' at getting back at you,” - Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.
That the Hunter Biden laptop story had been debunked. That it was MADE UP out of thin air or not his laptop at all. So the question is this.......Are the intel agencies made up of a bunch of non thinking imbeciles OR were they corrupt and IN THE BAG for Biden in an attempt to influence the election ? Oh and how the MSM was more than happy to go right along with them in lock step. So which is it? Glaringly STUPID or massively CORRUPT,....or BOTH ? I ask because it defies all logic and reason for them ALL to be WRONG. And people wonder why the nation has lost all faith in our institutions? Why wouldnt they if they are a bunch of latte sipping MORONS or corrupt individuals. One or the other....there is no other option. And let me say this for the idiots out there......Dont even attempt explaining this away, CANT, will only make yourself look like a LYING partisan who cares for nothing of the actual truth.
BOTH. But this was a calculated lie to the American public in an attempt to effect the election. They all should have their security clearances immediately revoked. They are clearly not working in the interest of Americans.
Who gives a flying fuck what he had on his laptop other than right wing assholes with nothing else to say. Your fucking Furher is facing legal troubles in New York, Washington and Georgia any of which could easily prevent him from so much as running in 2024 and you are starting threads about what some meaningless asshole had on his laptop? you are sad.

You of course blew right past the point of the OP. Is the leadership of our intel agencies manned by a bunch of morons ? Are they corrupt? Or both. My vote would be answer number 2. Your deflection skills SUCK. Get better.
I don't give a fuck if Hunter Biden did blow with transvestite hookers. Joe Biden is President. Donald Trump is going to jail. You are a loser.

Deflection number two,....nothing to do with the OP. I dont blame you,.....I wouldnt want this talked about either if I were you.
BOTH. But this was a calculated lie to the American public in an attempt to effect the election. They all should have their security clearances immediately revoked. They are clearly not working in the interest of Americans.

BTW......That NONSENSE the Intel community puked out of their mouths BEFORE the election? Its all been DEBUNKED and all fifty of them have been DEBUNKED TOO.
So what did he have on his laptop? Other than whores and crack? :dunno:

I dunno. Musta been REALLY bad though for over fifty of our top Intel people to blatantly LIE about it and knowingly spread disinformation about it before an election in an attempt at swaying it . :cool: Otherwise they would have no reason to LIE their asses off right?
I dunno. Musta been REALLY bad though for over fifty of our top Intel people to blatantly LIE about it and knowingly spread disinformation about it before an election in an attempt at swaying it . :cool: Otherwise they would have no reason to LIE their asses off right?

Rudy had the laptop. :dunno: