BEFORE the 2020 election over 50 people from the intel agencies FALSELY claimed....

That the Hunter Biden laptop story had been debunked. That it was MADE UP out of thin air or not his laptop at all. So the question is this.......Are the intel agencies made up of a bunch of non thinking imbeciles OR were they corrupt and IN THE BAG for Biden in an attempt to influence the election ? Oh and how the MSM was more than happy to go right along with them in lock step. So which is it? Glaringly STUPID or massively CORRUPT,....or BOTH ? I ask because it defies all logic and reason for them ALL to be WRONG. And people wonder why the nation has lost all faith in our institutions? Why wouldnt they if they are a bunch of latte sipping MORONS or corrupt individuals. One or the other....there is no other option. And let me say this for the idiots out there......Dont even attempt explaining this away, CANT, will only make yourself look like a LYING partisan who cares for nothing of the actual truth.

Hunter Fucking Biden.
With his party turning the nation into a Handmaid's Tale,
with red states openly using their constitutionally granted right to rig elections,
with the US just about the only developed nation in the world without universal healthcare,
with our education system in shambles,
with our citizens openly showing their seething hatred for one another,
and with his party being exposed for outright sedition,

the brokedick stoner wants to talk about Hunter Fucking Biden, a non-entity elected to nothing.

What the fuck is your problem? And how did you get internet access in your rubber room?
Hunter Fucking Biden.
With his party turning the nation into a Handmaid's Tale,
with red states openly using their constitutionally granted right to rig elections,
with the US just about the only developed nation in the world without universal healthcare,
with our education system in shambles,
with our citizens openly showing their seething hatred for one another,
and with his party being exposed for outright sedition,

the brokedick stoner wants to talk about Hunter Fucking Biden, a non-entity elected to nothing.

What the fuck is your problem? And how did you get internet access in your rubber room?

Yet another dumb fuck without the ability to read or figure out what the topic is. . What do expect from a punch drunk old tomato can I guess.
And let me say this for the idiots out there......Dont even attempt explaining this away, CANT, will only make yourself look like a LYING partisan who cares for nothing of the actual truth.

Let's not call the Kettle black now! :laugh:

Yet another dumb fuck without the ability to read or figure out what the topic is. . What do expect from a punch drunk old tomato can I guess.

Keep riding on that that line. Don't strain yourself, Stoner. I'm sure it doesn't take much.
Hunter Fucking Biden.
While sexual perversions are the norm in the Democrat party, I don't Hunter ever fucked Biden.
With his party turning the nation into a Handmaid's Tale,
There's a certain amount of truth to this.
with red states openly using their constitutionally granted right to rig elections,
There's a constitutional right to rig elections?????!? Who knew??????!?
with the US just about the only developed nation in the world without universal healthcare,
Healthcare is available to everyone.
with our education system in shambles,
Some of it still functions, but not a lot, thanks to Democrats.
with our citizens openly showing their seething hatred for one another,
Nah. Just Democrats.
and with his party being exposed for outright sedition,
Yes. Democrats are seditious. Their recent coup proves that.
the brokedick stoner wants to talk about Hunter Fucking Biden, a non-entity elected to nothing.
Because Biden helping Hunter the way he did is treasonous.
What the fuck is your problem?
Treason. Didn't you read his post?
And how did you get internet access in your rubber room?
Really?????!? Can't you come up with a better insult than that????!?
Milquetoast Macaw constantly quotes my posts, but I can read a fucking thing that the idiot posts.
Thank you, Ignore Function.

I don't know why I'm still amusing myself with the troglodyte Stoner, though.
I suppose that it will be time to delete him again soon enough.