Bell Verdict

I was going to say, we should not further insult the victim and his family in this by making it about Bush. It is about the fact that our legal system still gives law enforcement a pass when it comes to encounters with Blacks, particularly black men.

There are still parts of the US including Florida which are under consent decrees for pulling over people for driving while black. I have seen studies that show that cops pull their guns far more when FIRST encountering black men than any other group. There should be a march this weekend. It needs to be peaceful, because even this post indicates that a riot is assumed to occur.

My last girlfriend was black. Sometimes I would be the only white person at a party or family gathering. On some occasions the police would show up at a function. There was one time at a picnic in the park they showed up for no reason other than to harrass a bunch of black people in the park. I was in the bathroom when they got there. I came out and walked back over to the gathering. When one of the cops saw me he told me, in a relatively polite manner, to "move on" that it "didn't concern me". When I pointed out that I was with the group and pointed to my Girlfriend, his demeanor changed. He told me he wanted to frisk me. I asked him if he thought he had reasonable suspicion, which is supposed to have, and reminded him that he DIDN'T want to frisk me until he found out I was with the black people. He got shitty with me and asked for my ID. I showed him my DL and my Bar Card and shortly after that the cops left. There is no doubt in my mind that Law enforcement treats people different based on race. I live in a town with a 50+% hispanic population and they get treated different.

My girlfriend now is Hispanic, and she said that before we dated she would consistently get stopped at the borderpatrol station on I-10 and I 25 and asked a whole slew of questions about whose car she was driving, where she was going, where she was coming from etc. Since we have been together the last 3 years we have NEVER been stopped and questioned at the BP station. They look in the van, see a white guy and wave us through. I have NEVER been asked whose car I was driving, it is assumed that it is mine, I have one time in 20 years been asked where I am going and where I am coming from. Racial profiling takes place all the time. But since there are no records of who gets questioned and who doesn't no one can prove it.

Racial profiling and racism is what leads to innocent people getting shot in their homes and in their cars and on the side of the road. And because, as BAC said, it is not a 92 year old white woman getting murdered in her own house, the stink only lasts a little while.

great post.
Overkill: the militarization of police in america

It's a good read. Maybe it will wake some of you up.
I continually say to anyone that will listen, this is the result of the war on drugs, the war on crime the war on everything. Police no longer see themselves as community caretakers, they seem themselves as soldiers. Because they seem themselves as soldiers they MUST have an enemy. Their enemy does not wear uniforms and does not operate on fronts. So we are all potentially the enemy. We get treated that way, and some of us MUCH more than others. But we are all at risk of being mistaken for the enemy and wounded in this war. The Militarization of the police is one of the worst by products of this mindset. Until WE THE PEOPLE tell our local officials that we will no longer accept WARS instead of policing, we are all going to remain at risk. If there is a march this weekend, people of all races should be there because it was an american that was killed and that should OUTRAGE us all!
I was going to say, we should not further insult the victim and his family in this by making it about Bush. It is about the fact that our legal system still gives law enforcement a pass when it comes to encounters with Blacks, particularly black men.

There are still parts of the US including Florida which are under consent decrees for pulling over people for driving while black. I have seen studies that show that cops pull their guns far more when FIRST encountering black men than any other group. There should be a march this weekend. It needs to be peaceful, because even this post indicates that a riot is assumed to occur.

My last girlfriend was black. Sometimes I would be the only white person at a party or family gathering. On some occasions the police would show up at a function. There was one time at a picnic in the park they showed up for no reason other than to harrass a bunch of black people in the park. I was in the bathroom when they got there. I came out and walked back over to the gathering. When one of the cops saw me he told me, in a relatively polite manner, to "move on" that it "didn't concern me". When I pointed out that I was with the group and pointed to my Girlfriend, his demeanor changed. He told me he wanted to frisk me. I asked him if he thought he had reasonable suspicion, which is supposed to have, and reminded him that he DIDN'T want to frisk me until he found out I was with the black people. He got shitty with me and asked for my ID. I showed him my DL and my Bar Card and shortly after that the cops left. There is no doubt in my mind that Law enforcement treats people different based on race. I live in a town with a 50+% hispanic population and they get treated different.

My girlfriend now is Hispanic, and she said that before we dated she would consistently get stopped at the borderpatrol station on I-10 and I 25 and asked a whole slew of questions about whose car she was driving, where she was going, where she was coming from etc. Since we have been together the last 3 years we have NEVER been stopped and questioned at the BP station. They look in the van, see a white guy and wave us through. I have NEVER been asked whose car I was driving, it is assumed that it is mine, I have one time in 20 years been asked where I am going and where I am coming from. Racial profiling takes place all the time. But since there are no records of who gets questioned and who doesn't no one can prove it.

Racial profiling and racism is what leads to innocent people getting shot in their homes and in their cars and on the side of the road. And because, as BAC said, it is not a 92 year old white woman getting murdered in her own house, the stink only lasts a little while.

Great post bac.

This is part of the site that STY posted. It shows excessive police raids, where innocents were terrorized by police raids, where innocents were killed, where cops got injured (and remember, even in times where warrants are obtained through false affidavits, there are good innocent police officers only there to assist that get hurt or killed as well, they are not all bad), deaths of non-violent offenders etc. There is one raid that have have first hand knowledge of in Topeka Kansas. The Shively case, where a police officer was killed when police attempted to batter down his door without announcing themselves. Shively actually called 911 to report he was being forcefull burglarized, he shot in self defense and kill officer Patterson. What that ballon will not tell you is that Shively was shot in the back by a police officer after laying down his gun when he realized they were the police.

From the blurb on that site:

In 1998, a judge released Shively after he had served two years and seven months of sentence. And in 1999, the Kansas Court of Appeals ruled that the search warrant officers used to raid Shively's apartment was illegal. "Regrettably, the loss of an officer's life might have been prevented if the affidavit had been candid and not designed to mislead the magistrate into issuing the search warrant," the court wrote.