Biden announces the creation of first White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention t

Harris is not border czar, so what is your point?

She is in charge of Central American policy, but Central America does not border on the USA(Check a map if you are unsure). Central American problems are fueling border issues, but that is not the same as being border czar.

Oh look, a democrat is lying through his fucking teeth.

Another demon got his horns.

VP Kamala Harris touts successes as 'border czar' as she returns to immigration beat with overseas investments | Fox News
Good, shows he has the courage to flip off the NRA and address the problem of forty thousand plus Americans every year dying from gun violence. The right’s alternative is mores guns, and daily we witness how absurdity of that strategy

You have a problem with gun violence? Shoot back.
The Ho hasn't done anything to stop the influx of illegals, so us gun owners shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Thing is, Kamaltoe LOVES illegal aliens, but HATES civil rights.

She'll do anything she can to end the 2nd, and the rest of the Bill of Rights.
This is post-constitutional America. We live under the Revolution.

Which is why civil war is inevitable. I had hoped it could've been avoided. I see no chance of that now.
The only way the constitution can be restored is through violence now. I won't be pretty.

If Trump is nominated and wins, the Democrats will go ape and start civil war.
If a Democrat is nominated and wins, the tyranny will result in civil war.
If the election faults again, people will know in no uncertain terms that the elections are meaningless and there will be civil war.

People will no longer put with the crime, the lawlessness, and city councils and state government siding with the criminals.
They will rise and do something about it.

Already it's happening. Business are leaving cities because it's no longer possible to conduct business there. The crime organized and beyond reason.
Thing is, Kamaltoe LOVES illegal aliens, but HATES civil rights.

She'll do anything she can to end the 2nd, and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

The 'federal' government has already ended the Bill of Rights. It no longer recognizes any of these amendments (or indeed the rest of the constitution). The Constitution, however, isn't dead. It's still held high by the people, and they want to restore constitutional government.

The rights themselves, of course, CANNOT be taken away. They are inherent. No matter how oppressive a government may be, those rights still exist.

They cannot stop people from believing what they choose to believe.
They cannot stop people from defending themselves, including revolts.
They cannot stop States from dissolving the 'federal' government and forming another.

If people unite against The Oligarchy on any level, The Oligarchy is through. It's done.

The people of this country have had to revolt against a King before. They can do it again.
Do you not imply all should be carrying? How else would they be ready, save themselves from gun violence, if they weren’t packing?
are you going to assume i'm adding children in my implication of all people should be carrying?

So based on your logic the safest place from gun violence would be inner city Chicago where most are packing and we know that ain’t true
do you have factual references to show that most people in chicago are packing?

And your last comment is nonsensical, gun regulation deters nearly no one if they really want to secure a weapon, you can even get one off of the International employing such as Armslist and alike by just signing a statement you will abide by all relating regulations
this comment is nonsensical. or you are simply willfully ignoring what I said.
Good, shows he has the courage to flip off the NRA and address the problem of forty thousand plus Americans every year dying from gun violence. The right’s alternative is mores guns, and daily we witness how absurdity of that strategy

How about you start in Chicago
Harris is not border czar, so what is your point?

She is in charge of Central American policy, but Central America does not border on the USA(Check a map if you are unsure). Central American problems are fueling border issues, but that is not the same as being border czar.

Fake News! Why you lie?

"Kamala Harris's record as border czar under scrutiny"

"US President Joe Biden has put Vice-President Kamala Harris in charge of controlling migration at the southern border following a big influx of new arrivals."
So if Harris does this like she does her border czar job nothing will get done. I guess that is why Biden also appointed two anti-gun activist to help Harris

Exactly how can gun violence be prevented without the total confiscation of all weapons currently in the hands of private citizens and with the passing of laws that prohibit the manufacturing, sales and possession of weapons? And all while not violating the Constitution?
Exactly how can gun violence be prevented without the total confiscation of all weapons currently in the hands of private citizens and with the passing of laws that prohibit the manufacturing, sales and possession of weapons? And all while not violating the Constitution?

Biden wants to make us a communist country