"Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence"

Fine. You're right. We are dissimilar, but I do enjoy talking to you. You're neither a troll nor a moron; and I appreciate your perspective. I'm in Korea now and have been jet lagged for two days, so I hope you will excuse my poor attitude. You're good people, Bull.

oh god how I miss Korea...... I loved being stationed there.

no worries.
"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

You just love to lie don't you dumbass? Of course, no one is surprised that the Biden Presidency will be built on lies and then point the finger of blame at Trump. Gullible dipshits like you will believe it.

Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, refuted a claim by the Biden administration that the outgoing Trump administration left no plan for distributing coronavirus vaccines.

President Biden said at a White House press conference on Thursday that the Trump administration’s distribution of coronavirus vaccines has been a “dismal failure,” and set a goal to vaccinate 100 million Americans by the end of April. Meanwhile, sources in the Biden administration claimed that the previous administration left no vaccine distribution plan.

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source told CNN on Thursday.

However, Dr. Fauci directly refuted this claim after Biden left the press conference.

If Trump had spent these last couple of months focused on vaccine distribution and not trying to overturn the election, he might have been able to salvage something of his honor.

Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution

good news........under this non existent Trump distribution plan my vaccination has been stepped up from February to tomorrow at noon....now if I can just stay alive till then.....
Whoa. You suddenly believe Fauci?

you suddenly dont and then there is the claim that biden will try to get a million vaccines a day out.


As Biden took office yesterday, with an estimated 912,497 vaccine doses had been delivered per day under outgoing President Donald Trump, Bloomberg News reported.


So biden is upset that a reporter asked him if he could keep the pace with what trump was doing.
you suddenly dont and then there is the claim that biden will try to get a million vaccines a day out.


As Biden took office yesterday, with an estimated 912,497 vaccine doses had been delivered per day under outgoing President Donald Trump, Bloomberg News reported.


So biden is upset that a reporter asked him if he could keep the pace with what trump was doing.

I never said I don't believe what Fauci says.
"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

Claim: Trump administration left no vaccine plan.

Rated: False