"Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence"

The point is the willingness to shape and lie to you. the 4th estate is a 5th column, or it was a 5th column, now its the propaganda wing of this administration.

maybe you like being lied to, I don't/

Yeah, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I already told you I consume information critically. Your hatred toward MSM was trained. It's neither natural nor rational. I thought we would get along. It's a shame.
Spot on post. I am not on a team. I was critical of Obama when I felt it was warranted. What I don't give a crap about is things like Schumers 'erection' misspeak, or Obama's 57 state statement. I don't care for the most obvious reason, it has nothing to do with substance. But the less obvious reason is that I know those people wouldn't try to pretend that their misspeak was actually correct. But not Trump. When Trump misspoke, which was often, he doubled down. The Alabama hurricane. Injecting lysol. Hydroxychloroquine. Build the wall. Making a mistake is not a character flaw. Refusing to admit that mistake IS. And it is a flaw shared by Trump and all of the members of his cult. Every one of them.

I ragged on Obama a lot. I'll do the same with Biden. Trump was also the worst president of my lifetime. His supporters are foul people. Partisans bore me to fucking tears, especially when they're brain dead. I do believe in admitting to mistakes. Trump and his asshole lickers instead say, "He didn't say what he meant and he didn't mean what he said and everything is ok and nothing matters."
Yeah, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I already told you I consume information critically. Your hatred toward MSM was trained. It's neither natural nor rational. I thought we would get along. It's a shame.

its not conspiracy, it really happens.

what did the media do with covefe?

what did the media do with erection?

That's not conspiracy that is an unarguable fact.

The differences are as stark as they are fundamental. Biden is out front promoting the scientists as the leaders and Trump undermined them all the time.
There will be 3 scientist led press briefings and Q&A per week. If you haven't noticed, since Biden became potus they have rolled out vax to the over 80 crowd,
then the over 75 crowd. Even my mother who lives in the stix has her appointment. Fauci is free to bash the Orange turd for disallowing contradiction
of Trump's retarded antiscience musings. Biden is not trying to push responsibility off his own plate like Trump.

I feel the vax surge coming fast. America is coming back from 4 years of total disarray and....weirdness.
The differences are as stark as they are fundamental. Biden is out front promoting the scientists as the leaders and Trump undermined them all the time.
There will be 3 scientist led press briefings and Q&A per week. If you haven't noticed, since Biden became potus they have rolled out vax to the over 80 crowd,
then the over 75 crowd. Even my mother who lives in the stix has her appointment. Fauci is free to bash the Orange turd for disallowing contradiction
of Trump's retarded antiscience musings. Biden is not trying to push responsibility off his own plate like Trump.

I feel the vax surge coming fast. America is coming back from 4 years of total disarray and....weirdness.

link to "rolling out vax to over 80 crowd".
its not conspiracy, it really happens.

what did the media do with covefe?

what did the media do with erection?

That's not conspiracy that is an unarguable fact.

Did Schumer send out his press secretary to tell the world that "erection" had a secret meaning that only he and a small group of people understood and then not say what that secret meaning was?

It doesn't require a vast media conspiracy inspired by evil bias to fucking listen to words, Bull.

Did Schumer send out his press secretary to tell the world that "erection" had a secret meaning that only he and a small group of people understood and then not say what that secret meaning was?

It doesn't require a vast media conspiracy inspired by evil bias to fucking listen to words, Bull.

That does not absolve the media lying to you.

here is another example:


Do you like being lied to? manipulated?
Trump put distribution in the hands of the governors where it belongs.
It happened to be especially brilliant as it put the spotlight on incompetant democrat ones like Virginia's Gov Blackface. An actual medical doctor who as led us to be 50th of 50 in delivery effectiveness.
Hilarious !
You have got to be kidding me. A Trump supporter is trying to tell me about lies and manipulation?? :laugh:

See you were lied to and conditioned that if I disagree with you and point out media lying, I must be a trump supporter. come on you can be better than the tribal garbage. I never voted for trump nor would I. This is a cop out and you are better than this.

I will ask again, do you like being manipulated?

Remember covington? Do you believe Nathan Phillips is a vientnam veteran?
See you were lied to and conditioned that if I disagree with you and point out media lying, I must be a trump supporter. come on you can be better than the tribal garbage. I never voted for trump nor would I. This is a cop out and you are better than this.

I will ask again, do you like being manipulated?

Remember covington? Do you believe Nathan Phillips is a vientnam veteran?

The Native American who had a tiff with those Catholic students more than two years ago? Why is that on your mind and why would you bring that up? No, he was never deployed to Vietnam. I'm glad that you claim not to be a Trump supporter, but you most definitely share their irrational dislike for media that doesn't share your points of view. It's pretty typical.
The Native American who had a tiff with those Catholic students more than two years ago? Why is that on your mind and why would you bring that up? No, he was never deployed to Vietnam. I'm glad that you claim not to be a Trump supporter, but you most definitely share their irrational dislike for media that doesn't share your points of view. It's pretty typical.

patterns.... it shows a pattern that the media you truest implicitly lies and manipulates you and the truth. My dislike of the media stems from my objective observation of thier lies. fox and the right are no better but they aren't as ubiquitous as the lw media. I am showing you numerous examples where they openly lie to you, manipulate you and just like they trained you you call me a trump supporter for it.

btw, snopes is still showing "unproven" that he claimed he was a vietnam veteran even though there are videos of him claiming to be in theater, combat vet.

we need to demand integrity of our media. dismissing me as a trump supporter because I don't like being lied to, has some irony to it.
patterns.... it shows a pattern that the media you truest implicitly lies and manipulates you and the truth. My dislike of the media stems from my objective observation of thier lies. fox and the right are no better but they aren't as ubiquitous as the lw media. I am showing you numerous examples where they openly lie to you, manipulate you and just like they trained you you call me a trump supporter for it.

btw, snopes is still showing "unproven" that he claimed he was a vietnam veteran even though there are videos of him claiming to be in theater, combat vet.

we need to demand integrity of our media. dismissing me as a trump supporter because I don't like being lied to, has some irony to it.

The media that I trust implicitly? Please, Bull. I can count on two hands the people I trust implicitly; and none of them are media outlets. Your reflexive inability to objectively evaluate a source is typical of the way I pegged you. I called you a Trump supporter one time, but you've brought it up more than that. Hmm.
The media that I trust implicitly? Please, Bull. I can count on two hands the people I trust implicitly; and none of them are media outlets. Your reflexive inability to objectively evaluate a source is typical of the way I pegged you. I called you a Trump supporter one time, but you've brought it up more than that. Hmm.

its the opposite, I still use these sources but question questionable claims, and spin. you seem to ignore their clear lying to you and call people who point out their lies "trump supporters". whats up with that? I have no idea what you are on about in your last sentence. please don't be like those idiots who think everyone they disagree with is a closet trump supporter, that's anti intellectual garbage and you are better than that.
its the opposite, I still use these sources but question questionable claims, and spin. you seem to ignore their clear lying to you and call people who point out their lies "trump supporters". whats up with that? I have no idea what you are on about in your last sentence. please don't be like those idiots who think everyone they disagree with is a closet trump supporter, that's anti intellectual garbage and you are better than that.

Listen, Bull. You're not any better than I am. You're not smarter than I am. I have no disability related to evaluating media sources and assigning credibility or the lack thereof to their reportage. Get over yourself. You're better than that.
Listen, Bull. You're not any better than I am. You're not smarter than I am. I have no disability related to evaluating media sources and assigning credibility or the lack thereof to their reportage. Get over yourself. You're better than that.

I never suggested either. I consider you one of the better lw posters here, much more intelligent than most, if I challenge your position dont take it personally.
I never suggested either. I consider you one of the better lw posters here, much more intelligent than most, if I challenge your position dont take it personally.

Fine. You're right. We are dissimilar, but I do enjoy talking to you. You're neither a troll nor a moron; and I appreciate your perspective. I'm in Korea now and have been jet lagged for two days, so I hope you will excuse my poor attitude. You're good people, Bull.
"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

The imbecile joe said on Oct 23, 2020 that he had a 7 point plan. He hasn't done a fucking thing and he kis Americans everyday by his inaction but you are so proud of him aren't you bcg?