"Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence"

I'd say the same shit in front of your fat face. Usually the guy who goes straight to "if we were face to face I'd kick your ass" is the one who would drop with a single uppercut.

1. no you wouldn't.

2. you would lead with an uppercut? oh my.

3. never suggested I would fight you or kick your ass, I am positing you are so insecure you would be to afraid that anyone you look face to face just might, therefore you are far more reserved than this online big mouth persona.

your a feckless whiny internet douche with a big mouth. you hide behind a screen hurling insults at people because you are too much a little man to ever be anything but absolute polite and non confrontational in person, no matter the situation.

I have you pegged.
Trump ignored COVID. He failed.

He had no plan once the vaccines were ready, and the pace of vaccinations up until he left office was anemic. And yes, I am joyous because a leader is FINALLY addressing that w/ a plan. Since Trump didn't conduct a normal transition, Biden had little to no information about what the previous admin had in place - so of course he has to start from scratch. That's hardly a surprise; not much he could have done on that one.

Hey, that's a lie. Trump DID have a plan:

to me it seems he made the distribution bench marks, remember they didn't even release the vaccine until after the election. distribution wise it seems fine for what was available. now getting it into arms, isn't that local hospitals and therefore the states responsibility?

seems fake newsish to me.

it will be interesting to see the details of what trump did or did not do specifically. I cant simply take this claim from a party apparatchik at face value.

Trump made hundreds or thousands of promises that he didn't keep; and many dozens of them, at least, relate to COVID. Don't be disingenuous, Bull, please. The Trump administration promised vaccines injected, not vaccines put on a truck. They failed. There is no good reason at all to defend what happened. Partisan politics does not bring dead people back to life.
Trump made hundreds or thousands of promises that he didn't keep; and many dozens of them, at least, relate to COVID. Don't be disingenuous, Bull, please. The Trump administration promised vaccines injected, not vaccines put on a truck. They failed. There is no good reason at all to defend what happened. Partisan politics does not bring dead people back to life.

again, at this time there are 15 million people who received the vaccine, not the 2 mil that was falsely suggested. logistics is a pain in the ass. and there aren't enough vaccines in production yet. even a 100 days from now when biden misses his goal. I'm not going to call him out on it even though production will be 1000x what it is now.

it's a debunked fake story.
again, at this time there are 15 million people who received the vaccine, not the 2 mil that was falsely suggested. logistics is a pain in the ass. and there aren't enough vaccines in production yet. even a 100 days from now when biden misses his goal. I'm not going to call him out on it even though production will be 1000x what it is now.

it's a debunked fake story.

Again, Trump promised 20 million vaccinations completed by 22 days ago. As of last Friday (15 days after the target he selected), 13.8 million doses had been administered, including 10.6 million first doses and 1.6 million first and second doses. It's not a fake story. And seriously, why are you even try to defend it??

Again, Trump promised 20 million vaccinations completed by 22 days ago. As of last Friday (15 days after the target he selected), 13.8 million doses had been administered, including 10.6 million first doses and 1.6 million first and second doses. It's not a fake story. And seriously, why are you even try to defend it??


How many were delivered? how is trump supposed to make hospitals and states administer thier doses any faster? how will biden make them?
How many were delivered? how is trump supposed to make hospitals and states administer thier doses any faster? how will biden make them?

He already has. He issued executive orders his first day which are going to speed up both delivery and administration exponentially.

I don't know where people get the notion that the chief executive of the nation is helpless once the vaccines get to the states.
Trump said early on "let it run its course". Then he did it as much as was possible. That cold-hearted calculation is typical for Trump. Trump only talked about Corona when he thought it was helpful for him politically. He took over the Corona conferences and made them about him. Once he finally realized he was driving people away, he shut them down. He did not allow the doctors to continue. That told you how much he cared. He spent months not talking about it and did not even talk about how badly he felt about those suffering and dying. That is because he felt no sympathy. Trump's internal CPU is corrupted. He is missing parts.
He already has. He issued executive orders his first day which are going to speed up both delivery and administration exponentially.

I don't know where people get the notion that the chief executive of the nation is helpless once the vaccines get to the states.

which ones? how do they specifically do this?

as for where I get the notion? the US Constitution my friend.
which ones? how do they specifically do this?

as for where I get the notion? the US Constitution my friend.

The Constitution separates powers, but doesn't preclude the chief executive from taking action in emergencies.

The admin is going to use the Defense Production Act to ramp up production and reduce bottlenecks in the process, and also ensure that manufacturers have the supplies they need for the increased pace. They're directing FEMA to appoint a point person for each individual state, which will help coordinate, manage and accelerate the rate of vaccinations. They're also planning to create vaccine centers at stadiums, community centers and other venues to increase availability.

I mean, we only have to watch. The rate is going to increase significantly.
How many were delivered? how is trump supposed to make hospitals and states administer thier doses any faster? how will biden make them?

Trump's administration delivered 14 million doses. Of those, 13.8 million doses were administered.

So let's do this, Bull, because I would hate to think that you're being disingenuous. The Trump administration promised 20 million shots in arms. Fail. The Trump administration promised 20 million doses shipped. Fail. The states administered 98.57% of the vaccines they were given. So where exactly are you getting your news? Why are you clinging so desperately to a failed administration that is gone? Why are you making excuses that cost human lives?

" White House National Economic Director Brian Deese said on a call Thursday night previewing the orders. "More than ...10 million Americans are out of work, 14 million Americans are behind on their rent and nearly 30 million adults and as many as 12 million children are experiencing food insecurity."

Not just vax, Trump left a 40 gallon trash bag full of shit on the front porch when he left. ^
He already has. He issued executive orders his first day which are going to speed up both delivery and administration exponentially.

I don't know where people get the notion that the chief executive of the nation is helpless once the vaccines get to the states.

They heard it from Fox News. President Trump was never responsible for anything ever, but all of a sudden, these people want the buck to stop with Biden. And it should. But they're hypocrites. Trump was a shitty, awful, terrible president, yet these people can't operate in reality. Nothing new after the past four years.
Trump said early on "let it run its course". Then he did it as much as was possible. That cold-hearted calculation is typical for Trump. Trump only talked about Corona when he thought it was helpful for him politically. He took over the Corona conferences and made them about him. Once he finally realized he was driving people away, he shut them down. He did not allow the doctors to continue. That told you how much he cared. He spent months not talking about it and did not even talk about how badly he felt about those suffering and dying. That is because he felt no sympathy. Trump's internal CPU is corrupted. He is missing parts.

I do think that scientists need to study Trump's brain. I have never in my life known someone so insecure, so manipulative, so vindictive, so incompetent, so narcissistic, etc. The fact that millions of human beings worship him as the second coming of christ? I mean, you can't make this up.