"Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence"

What Biden's czar is saying could very well be true and sadly it wouldn't be surprising. But what incentive does he have to say otherwise? Think he will say "the Trump Administration gave us a great plan which we will continue to follow and implement"? Doubtful. But saying what he has does two things, 1) sets a low bar and 2) sets him up to be the hero

I don't imagine the COVID czar would say, "The Trump administration gave us a great plan," but he certainly wouldn't say, "The Trump administration didn't even have a plan," unless that is true. It's criminal negligence.
I disagree, I at first thought he was doing well then I began to see where he got a pass for murdering those nursing home patients by sending covid patients to nursing homes. javits and the comfort were never used.

hospitals never got over 80% capacity and no venitlators requested were used, existing stock piles were sufficient.

He killed the restuaraunt industry, has one side of a street's small busineses shut down while across the st in yonkers, literally across the st open.

I agree with you trumps response was bad, but you have to admit cuomo and murphy's were just as bad.

a mistake is allowing home depot to remain open and shutting down ace hardware.

a mistake is shutting down mom and pop record stores but allowing walmart to sell non-essentials.

Those are mistakes.

whats not a mistake is telling all these small businesses they must close and go out of buisness while bills and taxes pile up at 3% during the trump administration, but now under the biden administration calling for us to re-open at what 7% infection rate? So why were peoples businesses sacraficial at 3% but not 7%

doesn't that bother you?

I hear you, Bull. I have been regularly confounded and constantly frustrated by government response to the virus. Since the American outbreak one year ago, I have lived part-time in NY, CO, Korea, and Sweden. The US has been a fucking catastrophe. Our federalist form of government is a double-edged sword, but the federal government fucked up bigger than anyone could have even possibly imagined a year ago.

Personally, I am one of the most COVID-conscious people I know. I don't go anywhere I don't have to go. I mask. I social distance. I wash and sanitize my hands compulsively. I isolate alone for fourteen days every time I travel. I don't touch groceries or goods until I am certain I will buy them. I've been as cautious as a person can be (mostly). My line of work (commercial real estate) causes me to be in contact with any number of our thousands of tenants regularly. Many of them are small business owners. I have spent the majority of my waking time since last April talking to the owners of bars, gyms, restaurants, nail salons, pet groomers, barbers, dentists, hair braiders, etc. Some of our conversations have nearly broken me. I do believe that most of the restrictions that have been put into place have had some basis in fact, evidence, knowledge, and science. Some of them seem arbitrary -- both from the perspective of closing too much for too long and reopening before it was safe to do so. It is incredibly difficult for me understand and to explain to other people why and how various jurisdictions have made the decisions that they have.

I don't have all the right answers. Obviously I want small businesses to survive. It's directly related to my livelihood. I also don't understand why restrictions are being lifted or relaxed all over the country as infection and death rates soar. We're in a lose-lose-lose-lose situation. We screwed the pooch. We didn't do enough in time and in most cases, we worked against ourselves and caused the spread to be worse than it would have been otherwise. At this point, we just have to pile up the body bags and get vaccinated as quickly as we can. That's my position anyway.
Says the law.

What law?

Do you have any idea what logistical concerns go into getting vaccine doses from one area to another? You don't think getting vaccine doses from NYC to South Dakota -- in the interests of public health -- might necessitate federal government assistance?

This isn't "states rights", this is cooperation among states and the federal government to save lives, and the economy.

Do you WANT the vaccines to be injected at a slower pace so more of us can die, and the jobless rate can climb? How fucked up and partisan are you to hope this fails -- or insist it's illegal -- when all it's doing is helping you?
disagree, I have been of forums long enough to know that the party in power's tribal fans will blame all it's failures on the predecessor while taking all the predecessors successes as their own. happened with obama, bush, trump, wont change here.

Well, you won't see me doing that. There is always a hangover period between administrations, but the Trump people literally never stopped talking about Obama. Ever. The economy is not within a president's immediate control. I am and will continue to be slow to assign any blame or any credit for economic results to any president. You have to, I hope, realize that this vaccination plan is not a matter of giving Biden some sort of pass. Trump literally didn't do his fucking job.
20 million doses promised and 2 million delivered. That is the whole Trump Administration in a nutshell. Totally incompetent, which is no surprise with the people he hired. He promised the world and delivered shit.

10% competence!
90% treason!
Ahh not even 24hrs out of the gate and every issue biden has will be trumps fault has already started. so much for the buck stopping shit, eh?

Yeah, that's generally how it works when one guy fucks it up for 4 years, and the next guy has only been in office 24 hours, you unbelievably stupid douche.
Well, you won't see me doing that. There is always a hangover period between administrations, but the Trump people literally never stopped talking about Obama. Ever. The economy is not within a president's immediate control. I am and will continue to be slow to assign any blame or any credit for economic results to any president. You have to, I hope, realize that this vaccination plan is not a matter of giving Biden some sort of pass. Trump literally didn't do his fucking job.

Trump was the most willfully incompetent, mendacious asshole ever to hold the office, and these fucking wingnuts will forget ALL about that right away. Hell, we're only a few months away from them lionizing him with some sort of misplaced boner-inducing nostalgia for white supremacism.
Yeah, that's generally how it works when one guy fucks it up for 4 years, and the next guy has only been in office 24 hours, you unbelievably stupid douche.

you have a big potty mouth on the internet.

So you are saying all trumps failures was obama's fault?

you have a big potty mouth on the internet.

So you are saying all trumps failures was obama's fault?


Yeah, it was Obama's fault that trump lied about the pandemic, then ignored it for 10 months and whined about election fraud while 4,000 people died per day.

Sure. That makes sense.

Try reading your posts out loud before you click "post quick reply." I honestly think it will help you a lot.
Yeah, it was Obama's fault that trump lied about the pandemic, then ignored it for 10 months and whined about election fraud while 4,000 people died per day.

Sure. That makes sense.

Try reading your posts out loud before you click "post quick reply." I honestly think it will help you a lot.

so if we cherry pick things we can be here all day. strawmen and red herrings.

you aren't very bright. imagine if your intelligence matched your vitriol, you'd be straight up mensa

so when biden misses his deadline of 100 days, how much do you want to bet right here you all will be blaming trump?
you mindless fuck......we've been dealing with covid at an amazing rate all along while you whined and demanded better........now the man you've hand picked has admitted that his plan is to tell you "we will make a plan"......and you are joyous.....

Trump ignored COVID. He failed.

He had no plan once the vaccines were ready, and the pace of vaccinations up until he left office was anemic. And yes, I am joyous because a leader is FINALLY addressing that w/ a plan. Since Trump didn't conduct a normal transition, Biden had little to no information about what the previous admin had in place - so of course he has to start from scratch. That's hardly a surprise; not much he could have done on that one.
It would have been better if Trump had actually done nothing. Instead, he passively murdered thousands and thousands of Americans by telling them not to wear masks, telling them that COVID was neither dangerous nor a problem, telling them not to socially distance, and on and on. Short of bombing American cities, he did his best to kill as many people as possible.

Agreed, 100%. Worst possible leader for a pandemic like COVID.
Trump was the most willfully incompetent, mendacious asshole ever to hold the office, and these fucking wingnuts will forget ALL about that right away. Hell, we're only a few months away from them lionizing him with some sort of misplaced boner-inducing nostalgia for white supremacism.

I'm not sure they'll forget it. They love it. They live for it. They are just like Trump. What we have learned in the past five years is that about a third of the adult American population are incredibly stupid liars who think "regular folk" have been victimized by or at the expense of minorities.
so if we cherry pick things we can be here all day. strawmen and red herrings.

you aren't very bright. imagine if your intelligence matched your vitriol, you'd be straight up mensa

so when biden misses his deadline of 100 days, how much do you want to bet right here you all will be blaming trump?

I'm referencing Trump's horrific mishandling of a once-per-century pandemic and you call it "cherry-picking"?

Seriously, in real life, do people stare at you and walk away slowly? Does your own family ignore you?

You are one STUPID motherfucker.
I'm referencing Trump's horrific mishandling of a once-per-century pandemic and you call it "cherry-picking"?

Seriously, in real life, do people stare at you and walk away slowly? Does your own family ignore you?

You are one STUPID motherfucker.

your mouth writes check the internet saves you from having to cash, coward.....

seriously, I bet you are far more polite in person, lol

I cant wait until 100 days and infection rates are still higher than under trump and look forward to the excuses you will continue to make.
so if we cherry pick things we can be here all day. strawmen and red herrings.

you aren't very bright. imagine if your intelligence matched your vitriol, you'd be straight up mensa

so when biden misses his deadline of 100 days, how much do you want to bet right here you all will be blaming trump?

I'll go on the record right here. Biden didn't know anything about Trump's (nonexistent) vaccinations plan when he made his 100 million doses pledge. If he is smart, then he made that promise understanding what he didn't know. If he can't get it done in 100 days, then he missed his goal and broke his promise. All by himself. And once again, that has nothing to do with Trump not doing one fucking worthwhile thing for an entire year.
I'll go on the record right here. Biden didn't know anything about Trump's (nonexistent) vaccinations plan when he made his 100 million doses pledge. If he is smart, then he made that promise understanding what he didn't know. If he can't get it done in 100 days, then he missed his goal and broke his promise. All by himself. And once again, that has nothing to do with Trump not doing one fucking worthwhile thing for an entire year.

to me it seems he made the distribution bench marks, remember they didn't even release the vaccine until after the election. distribution wise it seems fine for what was available. now getting it into arms, isn't that local hospitals and therefore the states responsibility?

seems fake newsish to me.

it will be interesting to see the details of what trump did or did not do specifically. I cant simply take this claim from a party apparatchik at face value.
At the pace it was under Trump, we wouldn't have any kind of herd immunity for 7-8 years.

"So many" seems to be a bit of a relative term.

PostmortemPussy is suffering from a severe case of Herd Mentality.


your mouth writes check the internet saves you from having to cash, coward.....

seriously, I bet you are far more polite in person, lol

I cant wait until 100 days and infection rates are still higher than under trump and look forward to the excuses you will continue to make.

I'd say the same shit in front of your fat face. Usually the guy who goes straight to "if we were face to face I'd kick your ass" is the one who would drop with a single uppercut.