"Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence"

"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

Biden inherited no vaccine plan from Trump: Complete incompetence

Cumo on CNN says thats a lie
"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

When I heard this yesterday, I just shook my head. I wasn't even surprised. Trump was faking president every day for four years. He only "worked" for a couple of hours a day a few days a week. The fact, though, that he spent an entire year watching Americans die and medical professionals crying and begging for help and didn't do one damn thing about it is criminal. He should die in prison for intentionally and recklessly endangering the public health (among other things).
Ahh not even 24hrs out of the gate and every issue biden has will be trumps fault has already started. so much for the buck stopping shit, eh?
20 million doses promised and 2 million delivered. That is the whole Trump Administration in a nutshell. Totally incompetent, which is no surprise with the people he hired. He promised the world and delivered shit.

uhm, link please. over 30 million have been delivered.
So what?

I have a higher bar for an American leader. Literally, Trump did nothing. He failed.

It would have been better if Trump had actually done nothing. Instead, he passively murdered thousands and thousands of Americans by telling them not to wear masks, telling them that COVID was neither dangerous nor a problem, telling them not to socially distance, and on and on. Short of bombing American cities, he did his best to kill as many people as possible.
It would have been better if Trump had actually done nothing. Instead, he passively murdered thousands and thousands of Americans by telling them not to wear masks, telling them that COVID was neither dangerous nor a problem, telling them not to socially distance, and on and on. Short of bombing American cities, he did his best to kill as many people as possible.

So cuomo is demanding now we all open up.

he put covid paitents in nursing homes.

right now we have the highest infection rate of the entire pandemic and he's calling for us to open.

how would he be any different that what you say about trump?
"As the nation continues to be besieged by the raging coronavirus pandemic that continues to claim thousands of lives daily, the new presidential leadership is confirming it will be starting from scratch with a vaccine strategy."

"Source described the situation as the new administration having to start from “square one” because their predecessors had no plan. “Wow,” the second source says, “just further affirmation of complete incompetence.”

"The Biden transition team expressed concerns prior to the inauguration due to the lack of information coming out of the White House."

"Former U.S. Secretary of State Alex Azar announced earlier this month that the federal government would begin releasing vaccine doses it had been holding in reserve as the second dose for inoculated Americans. However, according to reports, no such stockpile existed."


"Biden COVID-19 czar calls Trump vaccine planning so much worse than we could have imagined"

"Biden's team reportedly realized after inauguration that Trump really had no vaccine distribution plan

Shocker, nothing turned out "tremendous," "best in history," "biggest ever"

Guarantee this won't be the first surprise, appears there was a real reason Trump was in no hurry to start any kind of transition planning between the two Administrations

What Biden's czar is saying could very well be true and sadly it wouldn't be surprising. But what incentive does he have to say otherwise? Think he will say "the Trump Administration gave us a great plan which we will continue to follow and implement"? Doubtful. But saying what he has does two things, 1) sets a low bar and 2) sets him up to be the hero
So cuomo is demanding now we all open up.

he put covid paitents in nursing homes.

right now we have the highest infection rate of the entire pandemic and he's calling for us to open.

how would he be any different that what you say about trump?

I've been here in NY so far this year. Cuomo is managing to piss me off just about every day, but his response last spring was damn near perfect. He led. He made hard decisions when people were still learning what COVID-19 even meant (and while Trump's administration still thought it was the nineteenth coronavirus). He has made mistakes, but I don't think he made them intentionally. Trump's response literally could not have been any worse.
Ahh not even 24hrs out of the gate and every issue biden has will be trumps fault has already started. so much for the buck stopping shit, eh?

That's not a fair characterization. Biden will own his administration, his decisions, his successes, and his failures. This thread is about the fact that Donald Trump didn't even create a fucking vaccination plan after spending a year in a global pandemic. A YEAR. Which doesn't even touch on the fact that since the entire world anticipated a pandemic someday, perhaps the United States federal government should not have gotten caught with its hand down its pants in the first place. Trump was a suit and a haircut. He was a silver spoon fed frat boy who never did his homework and paid or sued for passing grades. He was the worst president of my lifetime and a lot longer than that.
I've been here in NY so far this year. Cuomo is managing to piss me off just about every day, but his response last spring was damn near perfect. He led. He made hard decisions when people were still learning what COVID-19 even meant (and while Trump's administration still thought it was the nineteenth coronavirus). He has made mistakes, but I don't think he made them intentionally. Trump's response literally could not have been any worse.

I disagree, I at first thought he was doing well then I began to see where he got a pass for murdering those nursing home patients by sending covid patients to nursing homes. javits and the comfort were never used.

hospitals never got over 80% capacity and no venitlators requested were used, existing stock piles were sufficient.

He killed the restuaraunt industry, has one side of a street's small busineses shut down while across the st in yonkers, literally across the st open.

I agree with you trumps response was bad, but you have to admit cuomo and murphy's were just as bad.

a mistake is allowing home depot to remain open and shutting down ace hardware.

a mistake is shutting down mom and pop record stores but allowing walmart to sell non-essentials.

Those are mistakes.

whats not a mistake is telling all these small businesses they must close and go out of buisness while bills and taxes pile up at 3% during the trump administration, but now under the biden administration calling for us to re-open at what 7% infection rate? So why were peoples businesses sacraficial at 3% but not 7%

doesn't that bother you?
That's not a fair characterization. Biden will own his administration, his decisions, his successes, and his failures. This thread is about the fact that Donald Trump didn't even create a fucking vaccination plan after spending a year in a global pandemic. A YEAR. Which doesn't even touch on the fact that since the entire world anticipated a pandemic someday, perhaps the United States federal government should not have gotten caught with its hand down its pants in the first place. Trump was a suit and a haircut. He was a silver spoon fed frat boy who never did his homework and paid or sued for passing grades. He was the worst president of my lifetime and a lot longer than that.

disagree, I have been of forums long enough to know that the party in power's tribal fans will blame all it's failures on the predecessor while taking all the predecessors successes as their own. happened with obama, bush, trump, wont change here.