Biden is afraid of Texas

Yes we know you have never been called "Normal". Maybe nurse Ratchet will get you a longer leash if you are a good boy. :)


I'm sorry, I still can't hear you over my own laughter after you suggested you were "normal". OMG.. I need to catch my breath. Thanks for the har har, loser.
Stop playing stupid... Let me rephrase that... Stop BEING stupid.

More drilling means more supply.
Moot point. American oil companies are no better than OPEC.

More supply of oil doesn't bring down gas prices.

Oil is trading in the $95 dollar range.
Hmm.. Care to provide any evidence of permits being blocked?

As of May, the last month listed, there were 8,920 approved permits to drill in the US and 4,408 still in process. 2022 APD Status Report May.pdf

The Biden administration was forced by a federal court to end its moratorium on oil and gas leasing.

Interior’s leasing pause “did not affect ongoing permitting on legally-held leases, so that has continued,” Daniel-Davis said Tuesday at her Senate confirmation hearing, responding to a question from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).

it is ridiculous for you to deny Biden't was a campaign promise and he put it in place in his first week in office........
You can keep repeating the same nonsense, but you still look like an ass. The claim on the table is that drilling in Texas (oil companies refuse to increase production) will solve our gas price issues.

If you believe that, you're even dumber than the board previously thought.

I know, right?.....why would anyone think that increasing production would bring down prices.......I mean, upside down thinking like that may lead to stupid actions like begging Saudi Arabia or Venezuela to increase production.....
Thanks for confirming my claim....

From your source --
During 2021, the Bureau of Land Management approved nearly 4,000 drilling permits — a rate higher than during the first three years of the Trump administration.
Now, the oil industry is sitting on a remarkable 9,173 approved, but unused, federal lands drilling permits.

I wonder why the approval numbers for calendar year 2022 is so low in a post written early in the year. Can you figure it out PMP?
Thanks for confirming my claim....

From your source --
During 2021, the Bureau of Land Management approved nearly 4,000 drilling permits — a rate higher than during the first three years of the Trump administration.
Now, the oil industry is sitting on a remarkable 9,173 approved, but unused, federal lands drilling permits.

I wonder why the approval numbers for calendar year 2022 is so low in a post written early in the year. Can you figure it out PMP?
you completely ignore the fact that the permits approved in 2021.were those filed during Trump's presidency.....can you figure that out?...
you completely ignore the fact that the permits approved in 2021.were those filed during Trump's presidency.....can you figure that out?...

So your evidence of Biden administration blocking permits is the fact that they have approved almost 5,000 permits while processing over 5,200? That doesn't seem to be evidence of them blocking permits. It would seem to be evidence of the Trump administration blocking permits since there were so many pending permits when Biden took office.
So your evidence of Biden administration blocking permits is the fact that they have approved almost 5,000 permits while processing over 5,200? .

nope....the evidence is Biden's promise to bankrupt the oil industry, his executive order ending leases which would still be in in place if the courts hadn't reversed him, the fact that while they finished processing the Trump era permits as the court ordered but they have seriously clamped down on permits filed since he got put in office.....
nope....the evidence is Biden's promise to bankrupt the oil industry, his executive order ending leases which would still be in in place if the courts hadn't reversed him, the fact that while they finished processing the Trump era permits as the court ordered but they have seriously clamped down on permits filed since he got put in office.....

LOL. So now that your claim that Biden didn't approve any drilling permits is proven false since his administration has approved almost 5,000 you decide that you can pretend you didn't make a false claim and change the topic?

I am curious as to what executive order ended leases. Can you provide a number for this mythical EO? Perhaps you should come join the rest of us in the real world some time. An EO pausing new leases and new permits for 60 days does not end leases. It also doesn't end permits to drill.
The Biden administration has issued almost 5,000 new permits to drill. That is hardly clamping down since it is more than the Trump administration approved in its first two years.
LOL. So now that your claim that Biden didn't approve any drilling permits is proven false since his administration has approved almost 5,000 you decide that you can pretend you didn't make a false claim and change the topic?

I am curious as to what executive order ended leases. Can you provide a number for this mythical EO? Perhaps you should come join the rest of us in the real world some time. An EO pausing new leases and new permits for 60 days does not end leases. It also doesn't end permits to drill.
The Biden administration has issued almost 5,000 new permits to drill. That is hardly clamping down since it is more than the Trump administration approved in its first two years.

The Bureau of Land Management in January approved just 95 permits for oil and natural gas wells across federal lands in the United States, a plunge from the zenith of 643 issued last April, according to a review of data by E&E News.
LOL. So now that your claim that Biden didn't approve any drilling permits is proven false since his administration has approved almost 5,000 you decide that you can pretend you didn't make a false claim and change the topic?

I am curious as to what executive order ended leases. Can you provide a number for this mythical EO? Perhaps you should come join the rest of us in the real world some time. An EO pausing new leases and new permits for 60 days does not end leases. It also doesn't end permits to drill.
The Biden administration has issued almost 5,000 new permits to drill. That is hardly clamping down since it is more than the Trump administration approved in its first two years.

I believe you know I have linked that order at least a dozen times in the last cunts always demand I repost the same proof over and over and then run away from the threads without know it happened and every other person here knows it happened.........the court that overturned him knows it happened.......I've posted the chart showing the decline from 20 to 21 and 21 to've ignored that as well....get back to me if you have a legitimate response.....