Biden is afraid of Texas

I believe you know I have linked that order at least a dozen times in the last cunts always demand I repost the same proof over and over and then run away from the threads without know it happened and every other person here knows it happened.........the court that overturned him knows it happened.......I've posted the chart showing the decline from 20 to 21 and 21 to've ignored that as well....get back to me if you have a legitimate response.....

Since an order ending leases doesn't exist, I don't know how you can claim you did such a link.
same ploy you usually try after being provided with the links a dozen times......I have no intention of feeding your fuckwitted stupidity.......

Same ploy you always use when your lies are pointed out. You pretend you don't have to provide any proof.

Here is the EO
Anyone is free to read it and see that it doesn't cancel any leases and it was only for 60 days to review

Sec. 5. Expiration Date. This Order is effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60
days, or until any of its provisions are amended. superseded, or revoked.

The delegations of authority to Department Bureaus and
Offices to take any of the following actions are hereby temporarily suspended, but may be
approved by leadership identified in Section 4 of this Order:

g. To issue any onshore or offshore fossil fuel authorization, including but not limited to a
lease, amendment to a lease, affinnative extension of a lease, contract, or other
agreement, or permit to drill.

Yeah.. Nothing in there about cancelling leases. And it was a 60 day suspension

So bottom line. You lied about what was in the EO and you lied about linking to an EO that said something not in this EO.
LOL. So now that your claim that Biden didn't approve any drilling permits is proven false since his administration has approved almost 5,000 you decide that you can pretend you didn't make a false claim and change the topic?

I am curious as to what executive order ended leases. Can you provide a number for this mythical EO? Perhaps you should come join the rest of us in the real world some time. An EO pausing new leases and new permits for 60 days does not end leases. It also doesn't end permits to drill.
The Biden administration has issued almost 5,000 new permits to drill. That is hardly clamping down since it is more than the Trump administration approved in its first two years.

Cancelling drilling permits is not approving them.
I've already won. I will never stop.

None of your posts show an understanding of Economics 101.
Of course they do. Remember when you were so sure that trump would win the election?

This is similar. You are so sure of yourself, but everyone else is laughing at you.

They all reference the EO that suspended all new leases and permits for 60 days. That EO didn't cancel any leases. It didn't prevent any new leasing after the 60 days.

Here is the EO
Anyone is free to read it and see that it doesn't cancel any leases and it was only for 60 days to review
Sec. 5. Expiration Date. This Order is effective immediately and will remain in effect for 60
, or until any of its provisions are amended. superseded, or revoked.

The delegations of authority to Department Bureaus and
Offices to take any of the following actions are hereby temporarily suspended, but may be
approved by leadership identified in Section 4 of this Order:

g. To issue any onshore or offshore fossil fuel authorization, including but not limited to a
lease, amendment to a lease, affinnative extension of a lease, contract, or other
agreement, or permit to drill.

So bottom line. You lied about what was in the EO and you lied about linking to an EO that said something not in the EO.
They all reference the EO that suspended all new leases and permits for 60 days. That EO didn't cancel any leases. It didn't prevent any new leasing after the 60 days.

Here is the EO
Anyone is free to read it and see that it doesn't cancel any leases and it was only for 60 days to review

So bottom line. You lied about what was in the EO and you lied about linking to an EO that said something not in the EO.

sorry to be the one to bitch slap you with reality.......Biden suspended leasing for "60 days".......he resumed leasing after "60 days" on April 15, 2022.......longest 60 days in US history....
WASHINGTON— The Bureau of Land Management announced today that it will resume oil and gas leasing on public lands, violating President Biden’s campaign promise to end new oil and gas leasing and locking in new extraction that thwarts his pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
sorry to be the one to bitch slap you with reality.......Biden suspended leasing for "60 days".......he resumed leasing after "60 days" on April 15, 2022.......longest 60 days in US history....

Suspending new leasing is not the same thing as cancelling leases.

Let's find the errors in your original claim...
nope....the evidence is Biden's promise to bankrupt the oil industry, his executive order ending leases which would still be in in place if the courts hadn't reversed him, the fact that while they finished processing the Trump era permits as the court ordered but they have seriously clamped down on permits filed since he got put in office.....

1. His executive order didn't end any leases.
2. His EO would not still be in place since it was only for 60 days.
3. They have not seriously clamped down on permits since they have approved more permits in 18 months than were approved in the first 24 months of the Trump administration.
4. If he resumed leasing after the 60 days, the courts could not have stopped his EO since it was intended to be in place for 60 days.
1. His executive order didn't end any leases.
2. His EO would not still be in place since it was only for 60 days.

okay you retarded semanticist......he didn't end leases.....he ended leasing.....his executive order was still in place (as the article clearly states) because they didn't resume leasing until April of, stop being an idiot......and stop lying out of your ass.....
Remember when you were so sure that increased oil drilling wouldn't bring down gas prices?

Oil prices are now what they were in February at the beginning of Wall St.'s artificial 'shortage'. With Fed. and some state taxes removed temporarily, gas is still $.75/gallon more than it was in Feb.

You probably studied economics with trump.