Biden is afraid of Texas

More people have died from COVID during the Biden administration than did during the Trump administration.

Nice try kiddo. DeSantis killed 35,000 people last year between July and September. Abbot had similar numbers. If they had followed Biden's direction, the blood would not be on their hands.

But they don't care about their constituents. You ought, at the very least, to TRY to keep the facts straight.
That is like saying the bullet didn't kill you.
No it isn't. False equivalence fallacy. Covid19 is a respiratory virus, like many others. Like any of them, they can cause pneumonia. Pneumonia CAN kill, if it's not treated promptly and aggressively.
COVID attacks epithelial cells and causes an immune response.
Just like any respiratory virus. A common cold (any of the rhinovirus series) does the same thing.
The white blood cells attack the infected endothelial cells,
A typical first response.
causing more problems: inflamed organs and internal scarring and clotting.
No. You obviously don't understand anatomy or how the body fights off any virus.

Nice try kiddo. DeSantis killed 35,000 people last year between July and September.
DeSantis hasn't killed anyone.
Abbot had similar numbers.
Abbot hasn't killed anyone.
If they had followed Biden's direction, the blood would not be on their hands.
What blood?
But they don't care about their constituents.
Indeed they do.
You ought, at the very least, to TRY to keep the facts straight.
What facts????!? Void argument fallacy.
A bald faced lie.

A bald faced lie.

Trump isn't dead. You must be smoking the same stuff Dutch is smoking. You are hallucinating.

He held so many super-spreader events in violation of Secret Service policy, but - as has been proven the Secret Service is in the tank for twump.