Biden is afraid of Texas

"On Election Day, Cruz defeated O'Rourke[7] by a margin just short of 215,000 votes, or 2.6 percent; the race was the closest U.S. Senate race in Texas since "

Beto was a shitty candidate and Cruz barely won. You're a dick. And a Nazi. And you don't know where the clitoris is.

Child. Grow up.
When all else fails, and you've been exposed as an economically illiterate dumb fuck, try to divert away from it with some mockery, eh?? Doesn't work with me, libtard.

Do you realize why you failed Economics 101??

Hint: How does supply and demand affect prices?
You can keep repeating the same nonsense, but you still look like an ass. The claim on the table is that drilling in Texas (oil companies refuse to increase production) will solve our gas price issues.

If you believe that, you're even dumber than the board previously thought.
You can keep repeating the same nonsense, but you still look like an ass.
You've already claimed the title of ass, dude.

The claim on the table is that drilling in Texas (oil companies refuse to increase production) will solve our gas price issues.
Nope. The claim on the table is that "drilling in Texas won't do anything to lower gas prices".

If you believe that, you're even dumber than the board previously thought.
You have failed Economics 101. Learn what supply and demand are and how they affect price.
You've already claimed the title of ass, dude.

Nope. The claim on the table is that "drilling in Texas won't do anything to lower gas prices".

You have failed Economics 101. Learn what supply and demand are and how they affect price.
If more drilling won't help then maybe Texas should just stop drilling and pumping oil.
Hmm.. Care to provide any evidence of permits being blocked?

As of May, the last month listed, there were 8,920 approved permits to drill in the US and 4,408 still in process. 2022 APD Status Report May.pdf

Interior Department approvals to drill oil and gas wells on public lands have dropped significantly in recent months, a shift from 2021, when the Biden administration topped the Trump administration’s permitting record in its first year.

The Bureau of Land Management in January approved just 95 permits for oil and natural gas wells across federal lands in the United States, a plunge from the zenith of 643 issued last April, according to a review of data by E&E News.

The reason for the permitting slowdown is unclear, but it comes as Biden administration officials have been pushing the oil and gas industry to increase drilling amid surging gas prices. Many environmental groups also have been frustrated with the rapid pace of approvals, seeing it as a betrayal of President Biden’s pledges to confront climate change. They say the approvals carved into the number of backlogged permits Biden inherited by nearly 1,000 by year’s end.
Well, keep throwing your votes away, Tiger. I'm voting Democrat because I don't want this nation destroyed.
How is that working for you? A million people dead from the CHINA VIRUS . Inflation 9.1% . $5 gasoline. No baby food. Supply chain shortages. Crime up. Murder up. Disarray at the border. Illegals raping minors. Little girls being raped at the border by cartel thugs. Fentanyl OD deaths on the rise.
He won't come to the Texas border and he won't come to Texas to promote more Texas oil production. Biden is obviously Terrified of Texas. That is OK we aren't to wild about him either.

You speak like your typical self as a trolling fool. Why should President Biden the first legitimate POTUS since before 2016 be afraid of Texas and its clump of seditious repukes, considering President Biden is the Commander in Chief of Texas too?
You speak like your typical self as a trolling fool. Why should President Biden the first legitimate POTUS since before 2016 be afraid of Texas and its clump of seditious repukes, considering President Biden is the Commander in Chief of Texas too?
Because Texans know he is a plagiarizing corrupt demented old fool. His caretakers are terrified of exposing him even more.
How is that working for you? A million people dead from the CHINA VIRUS.
Covid19 does not kill. No variant of the Covid/SARS series kills. Like any respiratory virus, pneumonia can occur in some people. Pneumonia can kill, particularly if it's not treated promptly.
Inflation 9.1% . $5 gasoline.
No baby food.
Supply chain shortages.
Caused partially by high fuel prices and the Biden administration shutting down food plants.
Crime up. Murder up.
That tends to happen when Democrats defund and dismantle police departments.
Disarray at the border.
That tends to happen the federal government invites invasion.
Illegals raping minors.
A result of the disarray at the border.
Little girls being raped at the border by cartel thugs.
Another result of disarray at the border.
Fentanyl OD deaths on the rise.
Another result of disarray at the border. It is easier than ever to import drugs like this now, thanks to the Democrats.