Biden is afraid of Texas

But, but, but, you said ……….

It is a deposit bet, Biden, and probably any Democrat running for President, ain’t winning Texas, just like they ain’t winning Kansas, Mississippi, Wyoming, Utah, and the other dozen plus ruby red States who would vote for Lincoln Rockwell if he ran as a Republican. A Democrat going there is a waste of time, plus is probably encouraged not to by the Secret Service for obvious reasons

What's happening on the Texas border effects all of America but thank you for admitting Biden only cares about politics not doing his job. One problem with your opinion is Biden won't run for a second term anyway so Texas being red shouldn't matter.
He won't come to the Texas border and he won't come to Texas to promote more Texas oil production. Biden is obviously Terrified of Texas. That is OK we aren't to wild about him either.

Biden couldn't find Texas on a map. Hell, Biden can't find his chair after giving a five-minute garbled speech...
You are more illogical than normal this morning.
And you’re normally pretty illogical. Teletubbies. :palm:

Um it was a humorous sarcasm. It's okay if you don't get it.

Anyway Texas is full of gun toting nutjobs who hate Beto and Biden. And they aren't afraid of Texas. So essentially your question is dumb.
I haven’t kept up with the teletubbies since that whacked out preacherman said one of them was gay.
I had no idea they’re now considered nazis. :dunno:

Sighs. It was a joke. Wow you cannot figure it out? Your question was dumb and a joke so I decided to follow along with it to be sarcastic with you.

Besides I said Teletubbies because they're colorful in reference to purple state.