Biden is not our guy!


Well-known member
I really hope it’s anyone but Biden!

Harris or Warren.

But I’ll vote Biden over Rump.
I really hope it’s anyone but Biden!

Harris or Warren.

But I’ll vote Biden over Rump.

Many will stay home if their faction of the party isn’t represented in the election. I didn’t like Obama and I sat out in 2012.

The democrat party is split between moderate and radical. If I was a moderate democrat, I’d be really frustrated that they couldn’t do better than Old Joe. He talks and sounds more like a white supremacist than the supposed ‘white supremacists’ do lol. I can’t think of a single thing he’s accomplished after all his decades in DC. But Joe is the establishment’s guy [he might as well have ESTABLISHMENT tattooed on his forehead] so he’s got the pundit class and liberal media in his corner.

On the other side [with maybe two or three exceptions] are the loons. These aren’t the democrats best days .
Many will stay home if their faction of the party isn’t represented in the election. I didn’t like Obama and I sat out in 2012.

The democrat party is split between moderate and radical. If I was a moderate democrat, I’d be really frustrated that they couldn’t do better than Old Joe. He talks and sounds more like a white supremacist than the supposed ‘white supremacists’ do lol. I can’t think of a single thing he’s accomplished after all his decades in DC. But Joe is the establishment’s guy [he might as well have ESTABLISHMENT tattooed on his forehead] so he’s got the pundit class and liberal media in his corner.

On the other side [with maybe two or three exceptions] are the loons. These aren’t the democrats best days .

I think there are a lot of moderates and anti-Trump conservatives who could vote for Biden but not people like Harris or Warren. Biden was a long-time supporter of civil rights--I think the other Democrats are trying to unfairly smear his record on race to unite against the front runner.
I really hope it’s anyone but Biden!

Harris or Warren.

But I’ll vote Biden over Rump.

I'm getting tired of Biden's asinine gaffes, he may be to old for the job?!!
But that being said, if he is the nominee I will support and vote for him over Trump!
If Biden keeps making these gaffes, the dems should look for another front running too?!!


Hiding might get him through the primaries—and he does have a decent shot at the nomination, but he won’t be able to hide from Trump in the general election season.

Putting myself in the shoes of a moderate democrat, I could live with the gaffes if he had good principles but I don’t think Joe has any, really.

Joe just wants to be President.
If you can't figure that out for yourself, you are hopeless. Try reading it. Biden plans to be a "caretaker" president. If you don't want any change, you are part of the problem. You might as well vote for Trump if you want a continuation of the status quo.

rant on ya fuckin moron

Fox News poll shows Trump losing to Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris

Source: The Hill

A Fox News poll released Thursday showed President Trump losing head-to-head matchups against four of the top Democratic primary contenders following the second round of debates last month.

The poll found Trump with the support of only 39 percent of registered voters against Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), while registering just 38 percent support from voters in a matchup against former Vice President Joe Biden.

Warren and Harris registered support among 46 and 45 percent of voters in matchups against the president, respectively, while Sanders was supported by 48 percent of voters in a head-to-head contest with Trump. Biden was supported by the most voters, 50 percent, in a one-on-one race against the president.

In the Democratic primary, Warren saw the largest gain in support, an 8 percent jump, from last month's poll to take second place behind Biden with the support of 20 percent of Democratic primary voters. Sanders dropped to third, now at 10 percent in the poll and the only other candidate besides Warren and Biden scoring double digit support among voters.
rant on ya fuckin moron

Fox News poll shows Trump losing to Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris

Source: The Hill

A Fox News poll released Thursday showed President Trump losing head-to-head matchups against four of the top Democratic primary contenders following the second round of debates last month.

The poll found Trump with the support of only 39 percent of registered voters against Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), while registering just 38 percent support from voters in a matchup against former Vice President Joe Biden.

Warren and Harris registered support among 46 and 45 percent of voters in matchups against the president, respectively, while Sanders was supported by 48 percent of voters in a head-to-head contest with Trump. Biden was supported by the most voters, 50 percent, in a one-on-one race against the president.

In the Democratic primary, Warren saw the largest gain in support, an 8 percent jump, from last month's poll to take second place behind Biden with the support of 20 percent of Democratic primary voters. Sanders dropped to third, now at 10 percent in the poll and the only other candidate besides Warren and Biden scoring double digit support among voters.

Who is the moron here? You're relying on a poll about races that haven't happened. Are you 15? Every poll said that Hillary would annihilate Trump. How did that work out? But go ahead and goose-step with the party. No matter what.