Biden is not our guy!

I'm getting tired of Biden's asinine gaffes, he may be to old for the job?!!
But that being said, if he is the nominee I will support and vote for him over Trump!
If Biden keeps making these gaffes, the dems should look for another front running too?!!


Why don't Daffy Donald's gaffes count? He does it a lot more than anyone who ever ran before.
I still think Bernie, Biden, and Trump are too damn old. Trump is the only one showing mental damage though. Trump makes no sense and has a 5th grde vocabulary. He is the dumbest guy we have had in the office.
I still think Bernie, Biden, and Trump are too damn old. Trump is the only one showing mental damage though. Trump makes no sense and has a 5th grde vocabulary. He is the dumbest guy we have had in the office.

Absolutely! An understatement. I always say that Dubya is so relieved that he no longer owns that title.
Most Americans are for the more Progressive policies whether they refer to it as such or gun legislation, addressing climate change, affordable healthcare and education, campaign finance reform, a woman's right to choose, taxing the rich, etc. Biden is more of the same old same old and the low turnout of 2016 will happen all over again as if we are in The Twilight Zone. Also, Biden's enormous baggage will provide unending fodder for the right.

Sure, I would agree, given the list you gave........

Are you leaving anything out here??

Several of them are also proposing lots of free things, including for illegals........

IMHO offering all the "free stuff" is simply going to scare off many of the ppl you need to win........

I think Nomad pointed out very well-they aren't going to be able to get all that anyways..

None of those other gimmick candidates will ever be able to make good on their empty promises.

Without a 60 seat majority in the Senate, the Repugs will be able to block everything any Dem President tries to do.

At least Biden is running on a realistic platform and not making all kinds of phony, pie-in-the-sky gimmick promises ala Bernie Sanders.

Change does not come quickly in this country and as soon as the self-centered, youth, race and gender obsessed progressives figure that out, the better we'll all be.

The DNC has already demonstrated that they are not interested in what their constituents want. There are court records to back that up.

I find your previous post quite interesting since it expressed your opinion that a Biden run would probably fail.

Frankly, I don't care. I will be writing in Major Tulsi Gabbard for president.
Maybe after all the chaos, hate & madness, maybe that is what ppl what, the known, plan-O bland-NORMAL..

Biden is anything but exciting & can win, can any of the others??
fuck that. the status quo is why Trump got elected in the first place..the dotards in DC do nothing
Sure, I would agree, given the list you gave........

Are you leaving anything out here??

Several of them are also proposing lots of free things, including for illegals........

IMHO offering all the "free stuff" is simply going to scare off many of the ppl you need to win........

I think Nomad pointed out very well-they aren't going to be able to get all that anyways..

Free stuff? Be specific please.
The DNC has already demonstrated that they are not interested in what their constituents want. There are court records to back that up.

I find your previous post quite interesting since it expressed your opinion that a Biden run would probably fail.

Frankly, I don't care. I will be writing in Major Tulsi Gabbard for president.

Gabbard is easily the best of the bunch but the DNC doesn’t want her and neither do progressives—for reasons I can’t put my finger on.

Regardless of the what the polls say, Biden would have his hands full with Trump. Trump has plenty of negatives—but they all have to do with his style of leadership. Democrats are going to have trouble attacking Trump on *policy*. That fact has been implicit in the way they have attacked him. It’s ALWAYS ‘Trump is racist, Trump is a Russian asset, Trump is unstable, blah-blah-blah’.

If it weren’t for the success of Trump’s policies democrats could run anyone they want against him and win. For all the handwringing about Trump the Warmonger [think back to before the 2016 election] we haven’t started a war or intervention since he’s been in office. We, finally, have China on their heels after decades of them screwing us on several fronts. The economy is solid even though all of Trump’s enemies [including China, you think Xi wants to see Trump’s second term lol?] are hoping for a recession.

Blacks employment is at record numbers. Etc, etc. Trump makes an easy target if you want to attack him for some of the crap he puts on Twitter or whatever. But he has the country in pretty good shape—in spite of what the democrats, the media and the Deep State put us through with their absurd Russian fantasies.

And if Barr/Durham start indicting people over that, democrats are going to be pretty much screwed, going into 2020.
Maybe after all the chaos, hate & madness, maybe that is what ppl what, the known, plan-O bland-NORMAL..

Biden is anything but exciting & can win, can any of the others??

You want someone who hides his own Easter eggs to have the nuclear football?
And help Trump win like they did the last time?

I don't think so.

There is a large swath of centrist Democrats as well as independents across America who are not only sick of Trump's childishness but also sick of all the progressive sjw nonsense like demanding $15 an hour for burger flippers, free college and unlimited free health care for everyone and reparations. And that's not to mention constantly harping about racism and all the constant gay and feminist whining. If those are the things that inspire and excite progressives, fine but don't think that just because your wing of the party swallows that crap everyone else does.

Those progressive candidates cannot win the middle.

Wow. Don’t know if I’ve ever heard a Democrat on this board say something like this.
Many will stay home if their faction of the party isn’t represented in the election. I didn’t like Obama and I sat out in 2012.

The democrat party is split between moderate and radical. If I was a moderate democrat, I’d be really frustrated that they couldn’t do better than Old Joe. He talks and sounds more like a white supremacist than the supposed ‘white supremacists’ do lol. I can’t think of a single thing he’s accomplished after all his decades in DC. But Joe is the establishment’s guy [he might as well have ESTABLISHMENT tattooed on his forehead] so he’s got the pundit class and liberal media in his corner.

On the other side [with maybe two or three exceptions] are the loons. These aren’t the democrats best days .

When a poster says that he would vote for Bernie, the Socialist, who would destroy Capitalism, begin the New Green Plan which would ban all gasoline engines...and cows, provide health care for all (including illegals...non-citizens) which would eliminate 185 million private policies, decriminalize illegal border crossings, reparations for people who have never been slaves, and Lord knows what else, I wonder what these potential Bernie voters are thinking.
Wow. Don’t know if I’ve ever heard a Democrat on this board say something like this.

Me neither, but I suspect he speaks for many.

Democrats have gone so far left they’ve managed to go left of people *who used to be* considered mainstream lefties. A mere four years ago Bernie was on the left fringe all by himself. This current crop makes an average democrat like Bill Clinton look like Pat Buchanan.

And I’m not exactly sure how to account for it because it makes absolutely no sense in terms of winning national elections.