Biden is not our guy!

Me neither, but I suspect he speaks for many.

Democrats have gone so far left they’ve managed to go left of people *who used to be* considered mainstream lefties. A mere four years ago Bernie was on the left fringe all by himself. This current crop makes an average democrat like Bill Clinton look like Pat Buchanan.

And I’m not exactly sure how to account for it because it makes absolutely no sense in terms of winning national elections.

No way Bill Clinton circa 1990's wins for the Democrats today. Then again probably no way GWHB or W could win among the Republicans today either. It's a very different electorate right now.
Hiding might get him through the primaries—and he does have a decent shot at the nomination, but he won’t be able to hide from Trump in the general election season.

Putting myself in the shoes of a moderate democrat, I could live with the gaffes if he had good principles but I don’t think Joe has any, really.

Joe just wants to be President.

Once its one on one nobody has a chance agsinst Trump.
every major Democratic candidate is beating the shit out of Trump in the polls...…..per Fox

You are going to be a very disappointed moron in 2020 snowflake.

I just want to see the asshole gone and in prison

Not going to happen. You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.
Biden has less stupid comments than Trump.

Wrong; when it comes to stupid, O'Biden has few peers....AND, he will be your nominee. You will vote for him. You have no principles. You're a Marxist.

But I’d like o see s younger more energetic candidate.

There is no energy in the Party of the Jackass. Their campaign is basically anyone BUT Trump. Their candidates draw tiny crowds and very little enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Trump is filling arenas with 12,000 +.

Gosh, I wonder how successful a campaign can be when it calls 62,979,636 voters morons.
A Biden candidacy will be a Hillary Clinton 2016 redux. Biden will inspire or excite no one. Biden is establishment on steroids. If he is the candidate I will have to hold my nose at the voting box. I hope for the closest to FDR the party has to offer. The party left its Progressive roots and it will continue to pay for it.

So when Biden wins the nomination, you'll not be voting. ;)
Most Americans are for the more Progressive policies whether they refer to it as such or gun legislation, addressing climate change, affordable healthcare and education, campaign finance reform, a woman's right to choose, taxing the rich, etc. Biden is more of the same old same old and the low turnout of 2016 will happen all over again as if we are in The Twilight Zone. Also, Biden's enormous baggage will provide unending fodder for the right.

WRONG; but I am amused that you think most Americans are nut bags like you. :laugh:
It is easy for me to say that, I live in Calif so whoever gets the nom will win here..

I am familiar w/ her but was curious why you are so adamant??

I don't support her because she's too typically progressive and supports policies she'll never be able to implement. As such, I feel she is just pandering to the naivete of young, inexperienced millenials and people who refuse to accept the reality that they can't have all the free goodies people like Harris tell them they can.

Most Americans are for the more Progressive policies whether they refer to it as such or gun legislation, addressing climate change, affordable healthcare and education, campaign finance reform, a woman's right to choose, taxing the rich, etc. Biden is more of the same old same old and the low turnout of 2016 will happen all over again as if we are in The Twilight Zone. Also, Biden's enormous baggage will provide unending fodder for the right.

That is all standard Democratic Party platform stuff and which Biden is 100% in support of. I notice you didn't mention the other Progressive policies that Biden actually (and rightfully) doesn't support. Like free college tuition, free unlimited health care for everybody, reparations, a $15 minimum wage for everyone including 16 year old part time burger flippers, etc, etc.

Do you really think the majority of Americans support those policies?

I don't think so, nor do I support them.