Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again


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The decision came despite pleas to Biden from multiple Canadian government officials to give them time to make their case.

In an email to staff on Wednesday obtained by POLITICO, Keystone XL chief Richard Prior said the permit denial would force the company to cut more than 1,000 positions.

Over 1,000 positions will be eliminated in the coming weeks, the majority of these unionized workers representing the building trades,"
he wrote.

President Biden’s executive order will rob both American and Canadian workers of good-paying jobs,” Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in a statement Wednesday.

News that the order would land on the first day of Biden’s presidency surprised some analysts and Canada-U.S. experts, who expected the new administration to at least give the Canadians an audience

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, whose province was set to supply some of the fuel to the pipeline, told POLITICO he's already begun setting up virtual meetings and calls with congressional lawmakers and governors to plead his case for Keystone and assess the path forward. He said he's also looking to Trudeau to elevate the issue to Biden and tout the pipeline's environmental and economic benefits.
killed for climate change not on the merits

President-elect Joe Biden formally announced on Wednesday he was revoking a key permit for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, the second time a Democratic administration has scuttled the $8 billion project in less than a decade. :rofl2::rofl2:
It's a good thing, shitty losers. You had your turns and fucked up so much even some Republican politicians abandoned the party.
The decision came despite pleas to Biden from multiple Canadian government officials to give them time to make their case.

In an email to staff on Wednesday obtained by POLITICO, Keystone XL chief Richard Prior said the permit denial would force the company to cut more than 1,000 positions.

he wrote.

President Biden’s executive order will rob both American and Canadian workers of good-paying jobs,” Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in a statement Wednesday.

News that the order would land on the first day of Biden’s presidency surprised some analysts and Canada-U.S. experts, who expected the new administration to at least give the Canadians an audience

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, whose province was set to supply some of the fuel to the pipeline, told POLITICO he's already begun setting up virtual meetings and calls with congressional lawmakers and governors to plead his case for Keystone and assess the path forward. He said he's also looking to Trudeau to elevate the issue to Biden and tout the pipeline's environmental and economic benefits.

Killing jobs and raising fuel prices already. Bad bad bad.
Enjoy higher gas and food prices, dumbass.

Oh yeah, I expect gas lines like the 70s if this continues.

We are not getting that oil, it is for export, thinking the dumbass here is YOU.
Oh and gas prices are not down because of anything trump did, you can thank the SA's and their oil war with Russia for that, once that ends the prices will go up again.
And, why do you hate the US Oil and Gas industry, they need to raise prices if they expect to survive, hence why so few new wells are bing opened and why so many in the industry have been laid off.
Read more and talk less.
Yayyyyyyy, that Canadian oil will move westward to ports on the pacific and be routed to....... you guessed it.....CHINA.

Good job Joe. China getting a return on their investment in you right away!

It is my sincere hope Joe starts doing China's bidding as soon as humanly possible bringing the country to its knees. Only then will people see the truth for what it is. I hope you fucks have real good running shoes.
We are not getting that oil, it is for export, thinking the dumbass here is YOU.
Oh and gas prices are not down because of anything trump did, you can thank the SA's and their oil war with Russia for that, once that ends the prices will go up again.
And, why do you hate the US Oil and Gas industry, they need to raise prices if they expect to survive, hence why so few new wells are bing opened and why so many in the industry have been laid off.
Read more and talk less.
If you've noticed your gas prices rising recently, know that they may continue to increase.

AAA says that gas prices are up in New York state and, overall, nationally because of the price of crude oil, which is above $50, and that leads to rapid increases.

Here in Binghamton, they break down the increase in just one week.

"The price in Binghamton right now is $2.48 on a gallon on average by gasoline. That's 9 cents up from a week ago, so it's a little more than a penny a day. It's a rapid increase -- typically when prices rise we don't see them rise that quickly, but then again, we're in uncertain times," explained Eric Stigberg, Managing Director of Marketing, Public and Governmental Affairs at AAA Northway.

Stigberg also comments that we'll have to wait and see what happens in the new administration, as there is talk for a Biden administration to cancel the Keystone Pipeline which would impact the oil industry.
If you've noticed your gas prices rising recently, know that they may continue to increase.

AAA says that gas prices are up in New York state and, overall, nationally because of the price of crude oil, which is above $50, and that leads to rapid increases.

Here in Binghamton, they break down the increase in just one week.

"The price in Binghamton right now is $2.48 on a gallon on average by gasoline. That's 9 cents up from a week ago, so it's a little more than a penny a day. It's a rapid increase -- typically when prices rise we don't see them rise that quickly, but then again, we're in uncertain times," explained Eric Stigberg, Managing Director of Marketing, Public and Governmental Affairs at AAA Northway.

Stigberg also comments that we'll have to wait and see what happens in the new administration, as there is talk for a Biden administration to cancel the Keystone Pipeline which would impact the oil industry.

As I said....

No, it only means Canada oil cannot be shipped via the pipeline to the US coast to be exported, does not really impact US prices.
As I said....

No, it only means Canada oil cannot be shipped via the pipeline to the US coast to be exported, does not really impact US prices.

Yeh it makes perfect sense to put that oil back on trains! After all they never crash and burn, do they? It's a return to climate lunacy of the Obama era and proof positive that Michael Moore was right about billionaires like Tom Steyer who made his fortune from fossils fuels and now wanted them eliminated.

The Obama-Era War Against The Economy Is About To Resume
Good, right decision.

Why? Now the company shipping tar sand extracted oil from Canada to Houston will do it via railroad instead of pipeline and the chances of a spill or other accident go up exponentially, not to mention that diesel locomotives are more polluting than a pipeline. How is that the "right decision?"

Seems to me to be the decision of an ill-informed idiot doing what the environmentalist, radical, know-nothings, of the Left demand based on puerile bullshit to me...
If you've noticed your gas prices rising recently, know that they may continue to increase.

AAA says that gas prices are up in New York state and, overall, nationally because of the price of crude oil, which is above $50, and that leads to rapid increases.

Here in Binghamton, they break down the increase in just one week.

"The price in Binghamton right now is $2.48 on a gallon on average by gasoline. That's 9 cents up from a week ago, so it's a little more than a penny a day. It's a rapid increase -- typically when prices rise we don't see them rise that quickly, but then again, we're in uncertain times," explained Eric Stigberg, Managing Director of Marketing, Public and Governmental Affairs at AAA Northway.

Stigberg also comments that we'll have to wait and see what happens in the new administration, as there is talk for a Biden administration to cancel the Keystone Pipeline which would impact the oil industry.

I figure gas will go to about $3.00 to 3.25 a gallon by late this year based on nothing more than stupid Democrat greentard policy mistakes. That will mean bigger checks from Conoco for me, but that's not good for the vast majority of people in the US...

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