Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

Seems to you?
Why? Now the company shipping tar sand extracted oil from Canada to Houston will do it via railroad instead of pipeline and the chances of a spill or other accident go up exponentially, not to mention that diesel locomotives are more polluting than a pipeline. How is that the "right decision?"

Seems to me to be the decision of an ill-informed idiot doing what the environmentalist, radical, know-nothings, of the Left demand based on puerile bullshit to me...

Seems to you?

How could that possibly matter?
Yeh it makes perfect sense to put that oil back on trains! After all they never crash and burn, do they? It's a return to climate lunacy of the Obama era and proof positive that Michael Moore was right about billionaires like Tom Steyer who made his fortune from fossils fuels and now wanted them eliminated.

The Obama-Era War Against The Economy Is About To Resume

Different issue. I will make myself clear, while I agree that shipping the oil via the rails has it's own issues and yes a pipeline is usually a safer and more efficient method, the Problem is, this oil is to intended for the US market, it is for export and the oil is from Canada for a Canadian company, yet we forced Americans to allow the pipeline to be run through their property. The reason for the pipeline is because Canada does not have the coastal facility to deal with the oil and get it shipped out on tankers, we do. I am not against a pipeline in itself how it was done and where it was being installed was the problem. Most of the pipeline already exists for for cost saving for the Canadians they took the easiest route. Forcing Americans to give up land for any private business should be illegal, and especially when done for a foreign Nation and company.
Personally I believe a pipeline will be completed but it needs to be done in a better way and I believe there will be changes made and then approved.
Seems to you?

Seems to you?

How could that possibly matter?

Because greentard stuff like this ends up costing the whole of American society more while doing nothing useful. Obama pretty much proved that conclusively in his eight years in office. California is proving it with their greentard push too. Going "Green" as the Left wants it done is a recipe for economic disaster that doesn't accomplish the goal of bettering the environment. Germany is another glaring proof of that.
Biden should never have been elected.....the DNC should reimburse this company for every penny their stupidity has cost them......

The fuckers won't do that, they'd have to pay them huge compensation. It's just more virtue signalling and pandering to their ignorant base. They also have no regards for the sixty thousand workers who will be laid off, if any of them voted for Biden then more fools them.
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Fuck off, ignorant bastard!

That one is as deep a mudpuddle on a Miami sidewalk on a hot day in July.

It could even get tadpoles going in it....until the sun comes out and evaporates everything including the tadpoles. They leave tadpole shaped stains in the sidewalk concrete.
Different issue. I will make myself clear, while I agree that shipping the oil via the rails has it's own issues and yes a pipeline is usually a safer and more efficient method, the Problem is, this oil is to intended for the US market, it is for export and the oil is from Canada for a Canadian company, yet we forced Americans to allow the pipeline to be run through their property. The reason for the pipeline is because Canada does not have the coastal facility to deal with the oil and get it shipped out on tankers, we do. I am not against a pipeline in itself how it was done and where it was being installed was the problem. Most of the pipeline already exists for for cost saving for the Canadians they took the easiest route. Forcing Americans to give up land for any private business should be illegal, and especially when done for a foreign Nation and company.
Personally I believe a pipeline will be completed but it needs to be done in a better way and I believe there will be changes made and then approved.

Oh and his bullshit about the oil being for export is yet another canard. First day and the ignorant twat is lying already.
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Because greentard stuff like this ends up costing the whole of American society more while doing nothing useful. Obama pretty much proved that conclusively in his eight years in office. California is proving it with their greentard push too. Going "Green" as the Left wants it done is a recipe for economic disaster that doesn't accomplish the goal of bettering the environment. Germany is another glaring proof of that.

This is the BLM bullshitter that thought the Sun shone out of Ghaddafi's arse The Chicoms and Putin are laughing out loud at these ignorant peasants, no wonder that they wanted SloJo to be their tame poodle.
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That one is as deep a mudpuddle on a Miami sidewalk on a hot day in July.

It could even get tadpoles going in it....until the sun comes out and evaporates everything including the tadpoles. They leave tadpole shaped stains in the sidewalk concrete.

He just got over life threatening cancer, you'd think that he'd change and not be such a militant Marxist. Straight from central casting, he's full of piss, bile and hate, he's just the same maybe even worse than before.


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Because greentard stuff like this ends up costing the whole of American society more while doing nothing useful. Obama pretty much proved that conclusively in his eight years in office. California is proving it with their greentard push too. Going "Green" as the Left wants it done is a recipe for economic disaster that doesn't accomplish the goal of bettering the environment. Germany is another glaring proof of that.

Off and On is bad for business as everyone knows, make up your mind and stick with it is the only not terrible option.

How many people can still think this far?

Not many I think.
Off and On is bad for business as everyone knows, make up your mind and stick with it is the only not terrible option.

How many people can still think this far? Just wait till Horizontal Harris gets her own personal Sybian equipped chair in the Oval Office. She's truly ignorant, supremely arrogant and hubristic.

Not many I think.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum!

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Oh and his bullshit about the oil being for export is yet another canard. First day and the ignorant twat is lying already.

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products.
this is energy independence
The decision came despite pleas to Biden from multiple Canadian government officials to give them time to make their case.

In an email to staff on Wednesday obtained by POLITICO, Keystone XL chief Richard Prior said the permit denial would force the company to cut more than 1,000 positions.

he wrote.

President Biden’s executive order will rob both American and Canadian workers of good-paying jobs,” Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in a statement Wednesday.

News that the order would land on the first day of Biden’s presidency surprised some analysts and Canada-U.S. experts, who expected the new administration to at least give the Canadians an audience

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, whose province was set to supply some of the fuel to the pipeline, told POLITICO he's already begun setting up virtual meetings and calls with congressional lawmakers and governors to plead his case for Keystone and assess the path forward. He said he's also looking to Trudeau to elevate the issue to Biden and tout the pipeline's environmental and economic benefits.

yes kill some job and make us more energy dependent on others way to go blow hole joe
This is the BLM bullshitter that thought the Sun shone out of Ghaddafi's arse The Chicoms and Putin are laughing out loud at these ignorant peasants, no wonder that they wanted SloJo to be their tame poodle.

Qaddafi's Libya was far from perfect, but far better then after our destruction (proximate)caused the decade long failed state there

I dont think Biden will improve Russian relations - he still says Russia is the prime threat -not China