Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again


Those things are miles away from being a rational choice for the vast majority of consumers.
they are improving terms of charge time and distance -
A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty-to-full with a 7kW charging point. Most drivers top up charge rather than waiting for their battery to recharge from empty-to-full. For many electric cars, you can add up to 100 miles of range in ~35 minutes with a 50kW rapid charger.
the problem is China is sucking up all the rare earth metals material for battery production,
and im nt sure how the batteries ae recycleable.

I suppose if we throw enough subsidies it can happen -the problem is we'll be hurting our industry while helping China

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products.

The Gulf Coast exports of crude oil -- oil that has not been refined into everything from butane to gasoline -- spiked during the same time period. Companies exported about 280,000 barrels of crude oil every day last year, compared to 4,000 in 2012.

The Gulf Coast imported more than 3.3 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2016.

Most of that oil came from Latin America and the Middle East. Only 9 percent of the crude oil imported to the Gulf Coast came from Canada.

Seems to me we should keep that 280,000 barrels of crude.

The U.S. uses 20 million barrels of petrol products per day. :palm:

And ...
"In 2019, Canada was the source of 49% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports and 56% of gross crude oil imports.
The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were.
Saudi Arabia6%

Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) › oil-and-petroleum-products › imports-and.."

That XL oil will now be shipped by trains, trucks and barges, you dumbfuck white lib. You think that's an improvement?
they are improving terms of charge time and distance -

the problem is China is sucking up all the rare earth metals material for battery production,
and im nt sure how the batteries ae recycleable.

I suppose if we throw enough subsidies it can happen -the problem is we'll be hurting our industry while helping China

They’re definitely improving and will continue to.

But can you imagine the repair bill when one breaks lol? What if the battery goes out a week after the warranty expires? That sort of thing is going to scare off the majority of consumers [I’m one of them] for the foreseeable future.
Chm. Jao killing jobs, raising taxes, raising gas prices, infecting our National Guard. There's just no end to the fun and unity is there?

Hahahaha! I've been enjoying your unhinged squeals the last few days, Sister Stench. Don't you get tired of always being wrong? There was no Rapture. There was no storm that put your #MalignantMessiah back in office. There was no steal. Biden IS the president, despite your many claims that he never. Summer heat didn't kill off the pandemic -- nor did it magically vanish on Nov. 4. Other than you Whores4Trump, the nation is resting easier the last few days.

Is your snake-handling little church going to pray for President Biden's death today?
you are such a dumbass!! good god, bitch, electric cars have been on the road in this country about as long as gas powered cars. none of that shit you talk about is prevalent.

I wonder what it is about electric cars that so enrages Reichwingers, do you know? It's almost as though they believe that they're going to be forced to buy one, after having all combustion engines confiscated.

Like with most things, consumers and the markets will decide their future.
Good, right decision.

Why is Biden's firing 11,000 blue collar workers (8k Union jobs) in the middle of a Chinese pandemic a good decision?

Why are oil trains better than a pipeline?

Why do you want to fuck our ally, Canada?.
Chm. Jao killing jobs, raising taxes, raising gas prices, infecting our National Guard. There's just no end to the fun and unity is there?
Indeed....Zero unity yet and none in sight....
Hopefully if Joe truly wants what is best for the country, he'll reverse some of those ridiculous EOs... Keystone XL tops on the list....Another decision that hurts so many Americans in so many ways...Maybe Montana doesn't count in his America..
The U.S. uses 20 million barrels of petrol products per day. :palm:

And ...
"In 2019, Canada was the source of 49% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports and 56% of gross crude oil imports.
The top five sources of U.S. total petroleum (including crude oil) imports by share of total petroleum imports in 2019 were.
Saudi Arabia6%

Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) › oil-and-petroleum-products › imports-and.."

That XL oil will now be shipped by trains, trucks and barges, you dumbfuck white lib. You think that's an improvement?

Yes you dumbass, teabagger.

On November 17, 2017, the XL pipeline leaked around 9,600 barrels (1,530 m3) onto farmland near Amherst, South Dakota. The oil leak is the largest seen from the Keystone pipeline in the state.

In April 2018, a federal investigation found that 408,000 US gallons (1,540 m3) of crude had spilled at the site, almost twice what TransCanada had reported. That number made it the seventh-largest onshore oil spill since 2002.

Too bad it wasn't in your trailer park.

November 1 2019

Approximately 383,000 gallons of crude oil have spilled into a North Dakota wetland this week in the latest leak from the Keystone Pipeline, further fueling long-standing opposition to plans for the pipeline network’s extension.

It’s one of the 10 largest onshore oil spills in the country since 2010, when an Enbridge pipeline released more than 800,000 gallons of oil in Michigan, according to the Star Tribune.
I wonder what it is about electric cars that so enrages Reichwingers, do you know? It's almost as though they believe that they're going to be forced to buy one, after having all combustion engines confiscated.

Like with most things, consumers and the markets will decide their future.

You're too fucking stupid to understand Joanie!
Hahahaha! I've been enjoying your unhinged squeals the last few days, Sister Stench. Don't you get tired of always being wrong? There was no Rapture. There was no storm that put your #MalignantMessiah back in office. There was no steal. Biden IS the president, despite your many claims that he never. Summer heat didn't kill off the pandemic -- nor did it magically vanish on Nov. 4. Other than you Whores4Trump, the nation is resting easier the last few days.

Is your snake-handling little church going to pray for President Biden's death today?

You're such a nasty evil cunt, truly fucked in the head!
Yes you dumbass, teabagger.

On November 17, 2017, the XL pipeline leaked around 9,600 barrels (1,530 m3) onto farmland near Amherst, South Dakota. The oil leak is the largest seen from the Keystone pipeline in the state.

You believe oil trains are better? ... 2 million gallons spilled in a town by oil train, 47 killed, town destroyed. Do You want oil trains going thru your neighborhodd?

" July 6, 2013, when an unattended 73-car freight train carrying Bakken Formation crude oil rolled down a 1.2% grade from Nantes and derailed downtown, resulting in the fire and explosion of multiple tank cars. Forty-two people were confirmed dead, with five more missing and presumed dead.[3] More than 30 buildings in the town's centre, roughly half of the downtown area, were destroyed,[2][4] and all but three of the thirty-nine remaining downtown buildings had to be demolished due to petroleum contamination of the townsite.[5] Initial newspaper reports described a 1-kilometre (0.6 mi) blast radius.[6]

The death toll of 47 makes it the fourth-deadliest rail accident in Canadian history"égantic_rail_disaster

And that's only one example of many.
they are improving terms of charge time and distance -

the problem is China is sucking up all the rare earth metals material for battery production,
and im nt sure how the batteries ae recycleable.

I suppose if we throw enough subsidies it can happen -the problem is we'll be hurting our industry while helping China

Yes lanthanides like dysprosium and neodymium, cobalt, nickel and lithium.
You believe oil trains are better? ... 2 million gallons spilled in a town by oil train, 47 killed, town destroyed. Do You want oil trains going thru your neighborhodd?

" July 6, 2013, when an unattended 73-car freight train carrying Bakken Formation crude oil rolled down a 1.2% grade from Nantes and derailed downtown, resulting in the fire and explosion of multiple tank cars. Forty-two people were confirmed dead, with five more missing and presumed dead.[3] More than 30 buildings in the town's centre, roughly half of the downtown area, were destroyed,[2][4] and all but three of the thirty-nine remaining downtown buildings had to be demolished due to petroleum contamination of the townsite.[5] Initial newspaper reports described a 1-kilometre (0.6 mi) blast radius.[6]

The death toll of 47 makes it the fourth-deadliest rail accident in Canadian history"égantic_rail_disaster

And that's only one example of many.

These twats have no concept of relative risks, they are just fucking numpties!
I wonder what it is about electric cars that so enrages Reichwingers, do you know? It's almost as though they believe that they're going to be forced to buy one, after having all combustion engines confiscated.

Like with most things, consumers and the markets will decide their future.

Their lives are defined by being against anything percieved to be liberal. To Trump ass kissers, driving a hybrid Prius would be akin to being forced to kiss Hillary Clinton's feet.
Their lives are defined by being against anything percieved to be liberal. To Trump ass kissers, driving a hybrid Prius would be akin to being forced to kiss Hillary Clinton's feet.

Hahaha... yep. They're the same morons who, during the 1970s oil crisis, refused to give up their 8 mpg trucks in favor of something more economical because Murica derp muh rights freedumb blah blah blah.
It's time for the weekly reminder to the flaccid little weiner who follows me around like he's my bitch. :laugh:

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