Biden knows his vaxx mandate is unconstitutional.

bullshit. are OSHA regulations unconstitutional? requiring cafes to be inspected? seat belt laws? the president has broad authority to protect this country, including from dumbass anti-vacc dickstains.

Correct. OSHA has broad powers. Take him to court. Good luck with that. Of course there is an easier solution.

That is for DAMN sure! On all counts.

No, it's absolutely stupid. You are incapable of viewing anything without your partisan glasses. I want the damn pandemic over. So how about you get in line and get vaccinated. Or be fired. Have fun.
The president does have the power. We have mandated vaccines for generations. Did you get your shots before kindergarten? Of course, you did.
Not just the government, but companies can demand vaccines as a condition of employment. Biden can force every federal employee to vaccinate.

We vaccinate healthy kids for diseases that actually threaten them.

Vax fanatics.
We vaccinate healthy kids for diseases that actually threaten them.

Vax fanatics.

With actual vaccines, that dont leak, and that last.

THese so-called vaccines work poorly, with unknown health risks for those they are injected into....max vaxxing kids is insanity and deeply immoral.
With actual vaccines, that dont leak, and that last.

THese so-called vaccines work poorly, with unknown health risks for those they are injected into....max vaxxing kids is insanity and deeply immoral.

you are full of shit- they work great, they have very little risk, you are a fucking insane dickhead.
bullshit. are OSHA regulations unconstitutional? requiring cafes to be inspected? seat belt laws? the president has broad authority
Biden claims that he can bypass Congress on this matter because the OSHA can issue orders without going through the time-consuming rulemaking process under its Emergency Temporary Standards power.

Before this summer, that power was last used in the 1980s, and that order — mandating employers to limit the level of asbestos its employees were exposed to — was struck down by the courts as inconsistent with the law.
The law authorizing OSHA’s temporary powers clearly envisions such orders arising in a workplace context, where threats to health that arise from the workplace can be eliminated by actions within the workplace — something clearly not true of covid-19. OSHA law was not intended to use workplace regulations to fight a pandemic, and the courts will not twist it to say otherwise.
Biden seems to understand this, too, when it comes to issues he cares about, such as abortion rights.
His administration ironically filed suit on Thursday to enjoin Texas’s new “fetal heartbeat” law, which is opposed by abortion rights advocates as violating the principle that it is the sacred right of a woman to do what she wants with her body. The logical disconnect between the suit and the order is mind-blowing.
Biden claims that he can bypass Congress on this matter because the OSHA can issue orders without going through the time-consuming rulemaking process under its Emergency Temporary Standards power.

Before this summer, that power was last used in the 1980s, and that order — mandating employers to limit the level of asbestos its employees were exposed to — was struck down by the courts as inconsistent with the law.
The law authorizing OSHA’s temporary powers clearly envisions such orders arising in a workplace context, where threats to health that arise from the workplace can be eliminated by actions within the workplace — something clearly not true of covid-19. OSHA law was not intended to use workplace regulations to fight a pandemic, and the courts will not twist it to say otherwise.

how does anybody know OSHA laws were never intended to fight a pandemic? how does that make any sense, dickhead? is dying of covid due to exposure to workplace dickheads somehow not as bad as dying from something hitting you on top of the head while not wearing a hard hat? what the point was is that government has the right to protect the majority from the minority, the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, in a public venue.
The sheer arbitrariness of the 100-employee standard renders the Labor Department’s new rule unlawful, as it violates the “arbitrary or capricious” standard of the Administrative Procedure Act. Under it, rules are invalid if they are “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law.”

Biden’s new rule is promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) through an emergency temporary standard (ETS), which is exceedingly uncommon. In fact, the Congressional Research Service noted in July that “OSHA has rarely used this authority in the past—not since the courts struck down its ETS on asbestos in 1983.”

It is almost certain that Biden knew well in advance that his latest mandate would face serious legal challenges; it is even probable that he knows his mandate won’t survive them. It is entirely plausible—and, frankly, terrifying—that he is relying on a similar strategy that he used to extend the eviction moratorium on landlords.

“Here’s the deal,” he said last month, “I can’t guarantee you that the Court won’t rule that we don’t have that authority. But at least we’ll have the ability to appeal and keep this going for a while.”

Knowingly engaging in unconstitutional governance because courts take a long time to rule is about as close to despotic rule as this country has perhaps ever seen, and the distinct possibility that Biden is running the same gambit with his vaccine mandate represents a dangerous pattern of autocratic behavior.

“So what if it’s unconstitutional? We can get away with it for as long as the courts deliberate” is no way to govern, and ironically, it will prove to be Biden’s undoing once the courts start ruling on his vaccine mandate.
how does anybody know OSHA laws were never intended to fight a pandemic? how does that make any sense, dickhead? is dying of covid due to exposure to workplace dickheads somehow not as bad as dying from something hitting you on top of the head while not wearing a hard hat? what the point was is that government has the right to protect the majority from the minority, the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, in a public venue.
The law authorizing OSHA’s temporary powers clearly envisions such orders arising in a workplace context, where threats to health that arise from the workplace can be eliminated by actions within the workplace — something clearly not true of covid-19. OSHA law was not intended to use workplace regulations to fight a pandemic, and the courts will not twist it to say otherwise.
The president does have the power. We have mandated vaccines for generations. Did you get your shots before kindergarten? Of course, you did.
Those shots had been tested and studied for years, decades. Not a couple of months with a gene therapy technology never used before. We don't know what the long term effects are and the potential of ADE lurks in the shadows. Will that come to fruition at some point in the future? No one knows.

There is no equivalent to this. Stop trying to find one. Stop trying to force your will on others. Worry about what you are doing, not everyone else. That is none of your business.
Biden seems to understand this, too, when it comes to issues he cares about, such as abortion rights.
His administration ironically filed suit on Thursday to enjoin Texas’s new “fetal heartbeat” law, which is opposed by abortion rights advocates as violating the principle that it is the sacred right of a woman to do what she wants with her body. The logical disconnect between the suit and the order is mind-blowing.
No shit.
The law authorizing OSHA’s temporary powers clearly envisions such orders arising in a workplace context, where threats to health that arise from the workplace can be eliminated by actions within the workplace — something clearly not true of covid-19. OSHA law was not intended to use workplace regulations to fight a pandemic, and the courts will not twist it to say otherwise.

says who, dumbass?