Biden knows his vaxx mandate is unconstitutional.

Quote Originally Posted by dukkha View Post
Biden seems to understand this, too, when it comes to issues he cares about, such as abortion rights.
His administration ironically filed suit on Thursday to enjoin Texas’s new “fetal heartbeat” law, which is opposed by abortion rights advocates as violating the principle that it is the sacred right of a woman to do what she wants with her body. The logical disconnect between the suit and the order is mind-blowing.

Try to think- a woman getting a legal discretionary abortion before the third trimester does no harm to ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING. that is why it is her choice. choosing to not wear a mask or not get vaccinated in public puts others at risk...good god, are you really this simple minded?
Those shots had been tested and studied for years, decades. Not a couple of months with a gene therapy technology never used before. We don't know what the long term effects are and the potential of ADE lurks in the shadows. Will that come to fruition at some point in the future? No one knows.

There is no equivalent to this. Stop trying to find one. Stop trying to force your will on others. Worry about what you are doing, not everyone else. That is none of your business.

you are too stupid to try to talk to. go to your basement.
No, it's absolutely stupid. You are incapable of viewing anything without your partisan glasses. I want the damn pandemic over. So how about you get in line and get vaccinated. Or be fired. Have fun.
My thoughts on the "vaccines" has zero to do with politics. Do some research. Look up the history of attempts of coronavirus vaccines and the reasons they failed, the unknown as to whether or not vaccine recipients may develop ADE in the distance future when introduced to Covid again or perhaps another coronavirus, a family of viruses which some common colds belong. Even your God Fauci cannot address or answer that.
Try to think- a woman getting a legal discretionary abortion before the third trimester does no harm to ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING. that is why it is her choice. choosing to not wear a mask or not get vaccinated in public puts others at risk...good god, are you really this simple minded?
I don't give a good goddamn about someone having an abortion. Not one. I wear masks every time I go somewhere, N95s. Go get yourself 10 vaccines and stick them up your twat, I couldn't care less. Stop trying to force your will on others. You were stupid enough to gamble with your health, but you can't force anyone else to do so. Deal with it.
My thoughts on the "vaccines" has zero to do with politics. Do some research. Look up the history of attempts of coronavirus vaccines and the reasons they failed, the unknown as to whether or not vaccine recipients may develop ADE in the distance future when introduced to Covid again or perhaps another coronavirus, a family of viruses which some common colds belong. Even your God Fauci cannot address or answer that.

where are you getting this bullshit?
I don't give a good goddamn about someone having an abortion. Not one. I wear masks every time I go somewhere, N95s. Go get yourself 10 vaccines and stick them up your twat, I couldn't care less. Stop trying to force your will on others. You were stupid enough to gamble with your health, but you can't force anyone else to do so. Deal with it.

not on your own time, bitch. but you get around others in public and you pose a hazard and you need your ass kicked. get it?
Those shots had been tested and studied for years, decades. Not a couple of months with a gene therapy technology never used before. We don't know what the long term effects are and the potential of ADE lurks in the shadows. Will that come to fruition at some point in the future? No one knows.

There is no equivalent to this. Stop trying to find one. Stop trying to force your will on others. Worry about what you are doing, not everyone else. That is none of your business.

The fact is Covid is a coronavirus, a family of viruses we have been dealing with for a very long time. That is why a vaccine came quickly. How about for over 40 years.
Those shots had been tested and studied for years, decades. Not a couple of months with a gene therapy technology never used before. We don't know what the long term effects are and the potential of ADE lurks in the shadows. Will that come to fruition at some point in the future? No one knows.

There is no equivalent to this. Stop trying to find one. Stop trying to force your will on others. Worry about what you are doing, not everyone else. That is none of your business.

The fact is Covid is a coronavirus, a family of viruses we have been dealing with for a very long time. That is why a vaccine came quickly. How about for over 40 years.
The previous vaccine trials for a coronavirus vaccine failed. Why?

Is there a guarantee ADE will never occur in the future with the vaccine recipients?

Nope. There you go.

Never ever? Did you really say that? Who the hell can make that claim? It is possible that we will have to vaccinate for the Trump virus every year, as we do for the seasonal flu, another coronavirus. There you go.
Never ever? Did you really say that? Who the hell can make that claim? It is possible that we will have to vaccinate for the Trump virus every year, as we do for the seasonal flu, another coronavirus. There you go.
No one knows what the long term adverse effects may be. Only time can tell us that. It's a gamble.
I don't give a good goddamn about someone having an abortion. Not one. I wear masks every time I go somewhere, N95s. Go get yourself 10 vaccines and stick them up your twat, I couldn't care less. Stop trying to force your will on others. You were stupid enough to gamble with your health, but you can't force anyone else to do so. Deal with it.

You can’t spit deadly viruses in a crowded theater

And you can’t scream fire in a crowded covid ward

Learn how to understand the constitution and court decisions
No problem.

Just set the constitution aside and get every single birthingpersonfucker vaccinated.

Shot in the arm or shot in the head. Choose. When we're done, we can take the constitution out of the drawer again.
