Biden knows his vaxx mandate is unconstitutional.

You can’t spit deadly viruses in a crowded theater

And you can’t scream fire in a crowded covid ward

Learn how to understand the constitution and court decisions

Vaccine is less than a year old, dumbass.

It was fast-tracked by Trump, I ain't trusting some rush-job gimmick.

Besides, I already had Covid. You don't get a vaccine for the measles if you already had it. :/
No problem.

Just set the constitution aside and get every single birthingpersonfucker vaccinated.

Shot in the arm or shot in the head. Choose. When we're done, we can take the constitution out of the drawer again.
Spoken like a true elitist.
are you saying roe v wade is not, stupid shit clown?
of course not. But SCOTUS just ruled on a procedural issue there and went out of its way to say abortion providers and civil rights groups “raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law at issue.”

which has nothing to do with OSHA purview - why are you conflating and spamming as usual?
of course not. But SCOTUS just ruled on a procedural issue there and went out of its way to say abortion providers and civil rights groups “raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law at issue.”

which has nothing to do with OSHA purview - why are you conflating and spamming as usual?

the point was the government has the duty to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the US. the president has that same authority. but cannot necessarily get it funded.
the point was the government has the duty to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the US. the president has that same authority. but cannot necessarily get it funded.

Covid panicking is not "providing for the general welfare" of the US.

Make welfare recipients get vaxxed or no check. :D

Big Biter isn't ain't makin' sure the illegals being dispersed all over the US have been vaxxed. 'Sup with that?
the point was the government has the duty to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the US. the president has that same authority. but cannot necessarily get it funded.
If you want to have a serious discussion of Federalism -im all for it- even though Dems are out to destroy it
Feds emergency OSHA power is only to solve problems generated in the workplace.
They can step in for emergency safety reasons without court approval

COVID isn't OSHA purview except for federal facilities. Biden even said this

He's clearly overstepping in a political attempt to pick a fight with red state govs.
DeSantis accused him of having a "hissy fit" :nodyes:
President Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, gave up the administration’s game by endorsing a tweet from MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle:

So as with other things — such as the federal eviction moratorium — Biden knows his actions are unconstitutional. He’ll just try to do it anyway with loopholes and gambles that by the time the case winds its way through the courts, it won’t matter.

It’s all so performative and cynical.

Biden isn’t playing to the unvaccinated, who are even less likely to get the shot after being lectured to and insulted by the president.

It’s for smug Democrats who appreciate him lecturing and insulting those people, dividing the nation even more.

Biden could have tried compassion and empathy instead of anger and hectoring. Instead, after his mismanagement of everything from the border to the economy, Biden is trying to lay claim to some moral high ground. Look at those GOP governors, they are “cavalier” with life, he claimed Friday.

I suppose you super spreader assholes never considered the history of mandated vaccines of America, and cite one source of the U.S. Constitution that justifies your assertion at defending the well being of society as unConstitutional:

The Long History of Mandated Vaccines in the United States
Vaccines against smallpox during the Revolutionary War may have saved the Continental Army from defeat. It’s one example of how mandates have protected the health of Americans for more than two centuries.

Last week, President Biden issued a new order requiring all federal employees, as well as all employees at the Veterans Administration, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or undergo a strict testing and masking program. Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York have issued similar orders for their states. While these mandates are the first vaccine requirements for COVID-19, the United States has a long history of protecting the nation’s health through vaccines.

It began with George Washington in 1777, less than one year after the U.S. declared independence from Great Britain. During the Revolutionary War, smallpox was the biggest threat to the Continental Army, threatening to inflict far more damage on the troops than the British forces. While 18th-century Americans didn’t fully understand the science behind smallpox, they knew that it seemed to break out in crowded areas — like big cities or military camps — and killed one-third of all who contracted the disease.

Doctors in Massachusetts first deployed a crude vaccine in the 1720s, and leading figures, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Martha Washington, received the inoculation. To administer the vaccine, doctors lanced a pustule of an infected patient and then sliced the same knife under the skin of a healthy individual. The vaccinated patient usually contracted a milder case of smallpox, rendering them immunized against potentially deadlier strains in the future. Despite the life-saving benefits of the vaccine, many officials distrusted the science and blamed the inoculation for spreading the disease. Under this assumption, the Continental Congress had banned inoculations in 1776."
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I suppose you super spreader assholes never considered the history of mandated vaccines of America, and cite one source of the U.S. Constitutional that justifies your assertion at defending the well being of society as unConstitutional:

The Long History of Mandated Vaccines in the United States
Vaccines against smallpox during the Revolutionary War may have saved the Continental Army from defeat. It’s one example of how mandates have protected the health of Americans for more than two centuries.

Last week, President Biden issued a new order requiring all federal employees, as well as all employees at the Veterans Administration, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or undergo a strict testing and masking program. Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York have issued similar orders for their states. While these mandates are the first vaccine requirements for COVID-19, the United States has a long history of protecting the nation’s health through vaccines.

It began with George Washington in 1777, less than one year after the U.S. declared independence from Great Britain. During the Revolutionary War, smallpox was the biggest threat to the Continental Army, threatening to inflict far more damage on the troops than the British forces. While 18th-century Americans didn’t fully understand the science behind smallpox, they knew that it seemed to break out in crowded areas — like big cities or military camps — and killed one-third of all who contracted the disease.

Doctors in Massachusetts first deployed a crude vaccine in the 1720s, and leading figures, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Martha Washington, received the inoculation. To administer the vaccine, doctors lanced a pustule of an infected patient and then sliced the same knife under the skin of a healthy individual. The vaccinated patient usually contracted a milder case of smallpox, rendering them immunized against potentially deadlier strains in the future. Despite the life-saving benefits of the vaccine, many officials distrusted the science and blamed the inoculation for spreading the disease. Under this assumption, the Continental Congress had banned inoculations in 1776."

Blah blah blah, that email blast talking point is old.
And uhh, those weren't real vaccinations, dumbasses.

I got the real whole deal of Covid and my immune system beat it. I don't need a vaccine for something my body already beat.
Good answer. Not!

Wahh! "You are my Covid, my only Covid. You make me happyyyy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you! Please don't take dax Covid away." :awesome:
It's over! OVER!

I can't believe people let themselves be cowed into ruination over nothing like this. GRRRR!
The President Biden, humanity and American haters should understand at tRump in the gutter conspiring with his un American GQPer officials waging a virus war on society at enabling the covid murder of over 600,000 Americans in compliance with U.S. Constitutional law? Obviously not but a bloviated hypocrite, fool, liar and ignoramus is what it is that should join tRump on a gutter ride to hell. Yet President Biden got over 363 million Americans covid vaccinated. Therefore, you tRump ass licking trolls should consider going back in your rat hole with your fact free bs.
State Information
Polio Vaccine Mandates for Child Care and Elementary Schools


On April 12, 1955, the federal government announced the creation of a safe and effective vaccine for the prevention of polio. The Illinois legislature, which was in session at the time, promptly appropriated $1 million to the Department for the purchase and free distribution of the Salk vaccine.

Congress, likewise, was quick to appropriate special funds for this purpose. Altogether Illinois received $2.2 million in federal funds to purchase polio vaccine during the fiscal year that ended June 30, 1956.

While funds to purchase the vaccine were plentiful, there was little vaccine to be had. Production was complicated and slow, resulting in a yield far below demand. In response, the federal government instituted strict rationing and entrusted its implementation to the U.S. Public Health Service’s National Poliomyelitis Advisory Committee. Throughout this time of scarcity, available vaccine was allotted to states, batch by batch as produced, on a population basis and restricted, at first, to children in the 5- to 14-year-old age group and to pregnant women.

In Illinois, the Department formed the Poliomyelitis Vaccine Distribution Committee to assist in preparing and executing a statewide plan. On April 17, 1955, the plan went into effect when the first batch of vaccine received by the Department was rationed to 75 counties. By the end of June, 350,000 children had received the first dose of the vaccine.

By the end of 1956, with the national supply of vaccine more abundant, demand fell off to the point where vigorous vaccine promotion campaigns were undertaken. Age restrictions were removed, federal rationing was lifted and all but a small percentage of available vaccine destined for Illinois was diverted to commercial channels.

Case reports in Illinois declined from a high of 4,002 in 1952 to 307 in 1957 and continued downward thereafter."

In the United States routine influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged six months and over

Vaccination against influenza began in the 1930s, with large-scale availability in the United States beginning in 1945.[10][11] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[12]
If you want to have a serious discussion of Federalism -im all for it- even though Dems are out to destroy it
Feds emergency OSHA power is only to solve problems generated in the workplace.
They can step in for emergency safety reasons without court approval

COVID isn't OSHA purview except for federal facilities. Biden even said this

He's clearly overstepping in a political attempt to pick a fight with red state govs.
DeSantis accused him of having a "hissy fit" :nodyes:

bullshit. covid has killed 640,000 americans in a year and a half. vaccinated people are 11 times less likely to die than morons who are not. the OSHA example was for the fact the government can intervene to protect citizens in the workplace, goon. do you think workers wearing hard hats on jobs are 11 times less likely to die than those who are not, yet you are not all butthurt about their rights to not wear a stupid fucking hard hat.

Fully Vaccinated People 11 Times Less Likely To Die Of Covid › World
1 day ago — The data came from one of three new papers published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of which underscored Covid vaccines' ...

Unvaccinated are 5X more likely to catch delta, 11X more - Ars ... › science › 2021/09 › unvaccina...
1 day ago — Three fresh CDC studies show vaccines holding up against delta.
bullshit. covid has killed 640,000 americans in a year and a half. vaccinated people are 11 times less likely to die than morons who are not. the OSHA example was for the fact the government can intervene to protect citizens in the workplace, goon. do you think workers wearing hard hats on jobs are 11 times less likely to die than those who are not, yet you are not all butthurt about their rights to not wear a stupid fucking hard hat.

Fully Vaccinated People 11 Times Less Likely To Die Of Covid › World
1 day ago — The data came from one of three new papers published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of which underscored Covid vaccines' ...

Unvaccinated are 5X more likely to catch delta, 11X more - Ars ... › science › 2021/09 › unvaccina...
1 day ago — Three fresh CDC studies show vaccines holding up against delta.

Fuck off, commie faggot. Swing, motherfucker. I want you to. :D
Then I'm going to dump you on your neck, hopefully without breaking the back of your skull and beat you 'til you holler "Uncle".


You know what else holds up against "Oh! Muh Covid!"..? Natural immunity.