BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Lest you trolls forget or ignore, consider the following details versus your gutter lies:

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he
became our president.

Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country so far:

• Biden signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that passed with 13
Republicans who voted with the Democrats in favor of the bill.

This package increases investment in roads and bridges, renovates ports and public transportation, expands broadband access and replaces every lead pipe in the United States, among other initiatives. This bill brings jobs, jobs and more jobs, and it begins to rebuild our long-neglected infrastructure.

• Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in March 2021 that included up to
$1,400 per person to financially struggling Americans, extended unemployment support
and provided billions of dollars to help schools, colleges and universities reopen.

• Biden put in place a $20 billion vaccination program to fight COVID. While 1% of the U.S.
population was vaccinated when Biden came into office, 74% of Americans – 249 million
Americans – have received at least one vaccine dose.

• Biden expanded access to affordable health care for five million Americans.

• Under Joe Biden, unemployment dropped to 3.9%; under Donald Trump, unemployment was 6.3%.

• 6,000,000 jobs have been created already.

• Jobless claims are the lowest since 1969.

• The United States under Joe Biden is no longer denying science, but is once again a respected global leader in world affairs. We are doing our part to champion the health of our planet.

Biden has earned the respect of our European allies and he is coordinating a measured
response to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive war on Ukraine while avoiding World War III. Best to you, Joe Biden! Thank you for your service.

Margaret S Beekman
Freehold Township"

yes here are his accomplishments, completely destroying retirement savings while driving inflation and interest up to the point any raises are erased. You have to be the stupidest motherfucker on the planet to say Biden has done anything good.
So there was proof of a heartbeat detected?? I'm still waiting for your links to this case, btw...Not any other cases. This case. You were very specific... Also... You don't know if there was an "emergency"...they rushed her to Indiana, didn't they? Why?

And then announced it to the world. Let's hope this investigation is very thorough...

Evidently you wanted that poor child to have that baby. Even if it killed them both, it's [insert pious expression here] what Jesus wants.

Another donation to PP going out in your name, dear. BTW, they've accepted the last four since you lied about contacting them. Would you like to see the receipt? :laugh:
The Republicans, the mother, the rapist, etc. just want everything to go back to the way it was before... With a girl being raped, and no one knowing about it.
That's not normal and simply not true...And it sounds like you're OK with announcing and politicizing it to the world....I'm so lad most o not fell that way... But now it's out there let's see how it unfolds...continuing this morning at 9... Will there be other charges? Could the pl have been given in many unanswered questions...for everyone to watch...
How doubly tragic for this little girl....who will need therapy for the rest of her life...she's famous didn't need to be this way...This is on the Dr.
I'd like to hear her "reasoning"...
so let's see how it unfolds

I would strongly agree, but there is not a real investigation of the two Republican attorney generals and their cover ups. This is serious stuff, and they need to be investigated.

The fact is the horror stories are beginning to really flow. Anyone with a brain knows reversing Roe v. Wade was going to seriously hurt, and even kill lots of people. Maybe it is worth it, but it is wrong to cover it up.
I would strongly agree, but there is not a real investigation of the two Republican attorney generals and their cover ups. This is serious stuff, and they need to be investigated.

The fact is the horror stories are beginning to really flow. Anyone with a brain knows reversing Roe v. Wade was going to seriously hurt, and even kill lots of people. Maybe it is worth it, but it is wrong to cover it up.
Oh it is being investigated... The accused was in court this morning... If you believe there's an investigation of any Republican please feel free to include the links when you post the other links I have requested... There was no cover up and broadcasting it did damage that will never be able to be repaired... I'm not sure why you're okay with that but that is your choice...
They are investigating themselves, and will clear themselves. Clearly these two Republican attorney generals have lied for political reasons.
No they aren't and they didn't lie for political reasons. The Dr. released the little girl's very private story for political reasons, though...why would anyone do that? She's quiet now...and she'll never do it again, you can believe that...something she'll have to live with for life...
The Republicans, the mother, the rapist, etc. just want everything to go back to the way it was before... With a girl being raped, and no one knowing about it.

Agreed that's wha they want, but that ain't going to happen. The assholes made a BFD about it and now that it's proved true, they are backpedaling like circus clowns to get away. They did it to themselves....including any lawsuits that come out of it:
Indiana doctor threatens to sue state prosecutor for defamation in 10-year-old's abortion case
By Gabriella Borter

July 19 (Reuters) - An Indiana doctor who performed an abortion on a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim threatened to sue Indiana's attorney general for defamation on Tuesday, filing a claim alleging that he made "false and misleading" statements about her handling of the case.

The case prompted a national outcry and scrutiny after the Indianapolis Star newspaper published a story, based on Indiana Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account, of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who traveled to Indiana for an abortion because an Ohio law banned the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, a Republican, said last week that he was investigating whether Bernard had abided by state laws requiring doctors to report the termination of a pregnancy and suspected cases of child abuse, and whether she had violated federal patient privacy laws. read more

Rokita in a statement posted online along with a letter addressed to Indiana's governor said Bernard could face "criminal prosecution and licensing repercussions" if she failed to file the required reports on time.

The Indianapolis Star reported that it had obtained documents through a public records request showing that Bernard had, indeed, met the disclosure requirements in a form she filed with the Indiana Department of Health and the Indiana Department of Child Services.

Lawyers for Bernard filed a claim against Rokita on Tuesday, seeking unspecified damages for security costs, legal fees, reputational harm, and emotional distress, and giving the state 90 days to respond before potentially filing a defamation suit.

Mr. Rokita’s false and misleading statements about alleged misconduct by Dr. Bernard in her profession constitute defamation per se," the claim said.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Rokita's office called the claim "an attempt to distract from the important work of the office, including the duty to determine whether practitioners have violated the standards of practice in his or her profession, as well as federal and state laws."

The 10-year-old girl was referred to Bernard for an abortion three days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. After Roe's fall, an Ohio law took effect banning abortion before most women know they are pregnant and barred the girl from getting an abortion in-state.

The story went viral, with abortion rights activists and even U.S. President Joe Biden, holding up the case as an example of the consequences of Roe v. Wade's reversal, while abortion opponents cast doubt on the truth of the Indianapolis Star's report.

On July 13, an Ohio man was charged with raping the 10-year-old girl who traveled to Indiana for an abortion, corroborating the story.