BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

No matter how much Biden is proven correct, you will always believe he lied. He told the truth about the girl being pregnant, and about the law imposing hardship on her. Biden had no knowledge about the perpetrator, nor even about the particulars of the rape. But, the existence of a pregnant 10 year old means there was almost certainly a rape.

Biden wasn't correct. He didn't have the entire story. He was stupid to make it a political cudgel in his speech. What makes it more stupid is that the mother of the child is defending the admitted illegal rapist now.

Run along you brain dead hack. You're an idiot.
The AG for Ohio made that claim, not me shit-for-brains.

Biden believed all the medical staffs at two hospitals that said there was a 10 year old pregnant girl. You decided that made him a liar, even though it was plain that it was the truth. You believed a Republican politician desperate to cover up a rape. You say you have no responsibility for the statements you made based on that belief.

Biden couldn't have picked a worse case to play politics with.

It is one of the difficult cases that are made worse by Republicans seeking to punish rape victims.
You made up lies about it being unverified, and there being no evidence. As it turns out, the prosecutors had a report from PCSA before any doctor even saw the girl, and there were two entire medical staffs that saw the girl was pregnant. That is beyond verified.
Links please....
It wasn't a Republican who announced the story to the world..and threw the little girl and her family to the wolves...As the investigation continues, very sadly, any possibility of privacy is forever gone...
Biden believed all the medical staffs at two hospitals that said there was a 10 year old pregnant girl. You decided that made him a liar, even though it was plain that it was the truth. You believed a Republican politician desperate to cover up a rape. You say you have no responsibility for the statements you made based on that belief.
It is one of the difficult cases that are made worse by Republicans seeking to punish rape victims.

The rape went unreported. The rapist admitted to the rape and is an ILLEGAL alien. The mother of the daughter who was the victim is now defending the Rapist.

Yeah dipshit, it was a GREAT example to use for a political campaign speech. Dunce.
Pregnant 10 year old rape victim could not get an abortion in Ohio, had to be moved to Indiana... Yup, every part of Biden's statement completely checks out.

That's a lie dumbass. The Ohio law allows for exceptions like these. Stop parroting the stupid lies the PHONY media is feeding you like a lemming. :palm:
The Ohio law allows for exceptions like these.

No, it does not. It only has an exception for medical emergencies, not for avoiding a medical emergency. So it required the doctors to sit by, doing nothing, as a child approaches a medical emergency.

And now you are whining that has been exposed. We are all supposed to keep your failed law a secret, because you are embarrassed by its horrible effects. I think not.
Well, that is not true. It is one of the most reported rapes in history. In fact, reporting the rape is how the whole chain of events started.

Another stupid lie. I don't think you can post without looking stupid and lying. The mother didn't want it reported and doesn't want the ILLEGAL who raped her daughter prosecuted.

Why do you think that is dumbfuck?
The mother didn't want it reported and doesn't want the ILLEGAL who raped her daughter prosecuted.

Are you taking the mother's side in this? Is there a common cause here? The mother wants it covered up for her reasons, and the Republicans want it covered up because it exposes their brutal law.

I have stated before, when a crime is committed, the family loses control of the situation. The state has to step in and do the right thing. When the school handed the case to PCSA social workers, and the social workers handed the case to the police and doctors, the family had lost control over the case. The mother, AND THE REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS, could no longer cover it up. They cannot force it not to be reported.
No, it does not. It only has an exception for medical emergencies, not for avoiding a medical emergency. So it required the doctors to sit by, doing nothing, as a child approaches a medical emergency.

First off, Biden and the PHONY media lied about the 6 week provision. There is no such thing in the law. It is a HEARTBEAT provision.

Secondly, there is an exception in the instance of rape

Section 2919.192 | Determination of presence of fetal heartbeat.

Section 2919.121 | Unlawful abortion upon minor.

And now you are whining that has been exposed. We are all supposed to keep your failed law a secret, because you are embarrassed by its horrible effects. I think not.

You're the dipshit lying and whining. I am giving you facts. You are emotionally disturbed and pounding your tiny, insignificant little fists on the table. :palm:
Are you taking the mother's side in this? Is there a common cause here? The mother wants it covered up for her reasons,

It can't be covered up anymore you miserably stupid moron. Biden made it a public debate. The mother doesn't want the ILLEGAL child rapist prosecuted. Why do you think that is asswhipe?

...and the Republicans want it covered up because it exposes their brutal law.

See above you insufferably stupid lying leftist moron. :palm:

I have stated before, when a crime is committed, the family loses control of the situation. The state has to step in and do the right thing. When the school handed the case to PCSA social workers, and the social workers handed the case to the police and doctors, the family had lost control over the case. The mother, AND THE REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS, could no longer cover it up. They cannot force it not to be reported.

More stupid lies. Republicans didn't need to cover anything up you dipshit. They didn't even know about the case until Biden tried to use it for political purposes.

There is no six week provision in the law. That's a lie.

There was no initial reporting of a crime. The mother has now come forward DEFENDING the ILLEGAL child rapist.

There is a provision in a case like this where the minor can obtain an abortion. The crossing state lines story was a LIE.

I wish you weren't a lying leftist moron. Really I do.
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First off, Biden and the PHONY media lied about the 6 week provision. There is no such thing in the law. It is a HEARTBEAT provision.

The heartbeat provision limits abortions to the first 6 weeks.

Secondly, there is an exception in the instance of rape

There are no exceptions for rape in Ohio.

An Ohio state law went into effect in July 2019 which makes abortion illegal after the fetal heartbeat can be detected, which usually develops between five or six weeks after conception. No exceptions are made for "hard cases" such as rape, incest, or a fetus determined to possibly have Down syndrome. The only "hard case" exception, according to ORC 2919.193(B),[7] is a medical emergency, defined in 2919.16(F) & (K): "serious risk of the substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman."[8] This does not include potential bodily damage to the woman's mental health.
There is a provision in a case like this where the minor can obtain an abortion. The crossing state lines story was a LIE.

Minor, and adults, can only get legal abortions in Ohio if it is in the first 6 weeks, or if there is an immediate medical emergency. Neither applied in this case, so the child was moved to Indiana to get an abortion. The way a person gets from Ohio to Indiana is by crossing state lines, so clearly that is not a lie. There is no teleporter technology.
Minor, and adults, can only get legal abortions in Ohio if it is in the first 6 weeks, or if there is an immediate medical emergency. Neither applied in this case, so the child was moved to Indiana to get an abortion. The way a person gets from Ohio to Indiana is by crossing state lines, so clearly that is not a lie. There is no teleporter technology.

There is no six-week provision in the law, you lying leftist dumbass. :palm: