BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Wow, you would have a major slam dunk if you could prove that... Anything?

I gave you a link to the law shit-for-brains. Read it and attempt to comprehend it if you can. I doubt it. It's obvious you're an uneducated mental case prone to parroting the lies Democrats feed you. :palm:
So there was medical proof of a heartbeat? (6 wks, 3 days was "interesting"...who determined that? Details will emerge as the investigation continues....A rape/pregnancy would be extremely dangerous medical situation when it's a 9 or ten year old...correct?
Lest you trolls forget or ignore, consider the following details versus your gutter lies:

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he
became our president.

Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country so far:

• Biden signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that passed with 13
Republicans who voted with the Democrats in favor of the bill.

This package increases investment in roads and bridges, renovates ports and public transportation, expands broadband access and replaces every lead pipe in the United States, among other initiatives. This bill brings jobs, jobs and more jobs, and it begins to rebuild our long-neglected infrastructure.

• Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in March 2021 that included up to
$1,400 per person to financially struggling Americans, extended unemployment support
and provided billions of dollars to help schools, colleges and universities reopen.

• Biden put in place a $20 billion vaccination program to fight COVID. While 1% of the U.S.
population was vaccinated when Biden came into office, 74% of Americans – 249 million
Americans – have received at least one vaccine dose.

• Biden expanded access to affordable health care for five million Americans.

• Under Joe Biden, unemployment dropped to 3.9%; under Donald Trump, unemployment was 6.3%.

• 6,000,000 jobs have been created already.

• Jobless claims are the lowest since 1969.

• The United States under Joe Biden is no longer denying science, but is once again a respected global leader in world affairs. We are doing our part to champion the health of our planet.

Biden has earned the respect of our European allies and he is coordinating a measured
response to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive war on Ukraine while avoiding World War III. Best to you, Joe Biden! Thank you for your service.

Margaret S Beekman
Freehold Township"

The white house talking points copy and paste.
So there was medical proof of a heartbeat?

They listen for the heartbeat. Between 5 and 6 weeks it is detectable, so abortions can no longer be done legally in Ohio.

A rape/pregnancy would be extremely dangerous medical situation when it's a 9 or ten year old...correct?

It usually becomes a medical emergency, but was not a medical emergency at 6 weeks. The law has no exception for future medical emergencies.
They listen for the heartbeat. Between 5 and 6 weeks it is detectable, so abortions can no longer be done legally in Ohio.

It usually becomes a medical emergency, but was not a medical emergency at 6 weeks. The law has no exception for future medical emergencies.
So there was proof of a heartbeat detected?? I'm still waiting for your links to this case, btw...Not any other cases. This case. You were very specific... Also... You don't know if there was an "emergency"...they rushed her to Indiana, didn't they? Why?

And then announced it to the world. Let's hope this investigation is very thorough...
So there was proof of a heartbeat detected?? I'm still waiting for your links to this case, btw...Not any other cases. This case. You were very specific... Also... You don't know if there was an "emergency"...they rushed her to Indiana, didn't they? Why?

And then announced it to the world. Let's hope this investigation is very thorough...

We have gone from "Biden lied" to perhaps all the medical staff lied, and maybe an intensive investigation will prove it.
We have gone from "Biden lied" to perhaps all the medical staff lied, and maybe an intensive investigation will prove it.
Just provide your links.
An investigation will reveal what happened...when something like this goes viral, that's how it works....
An investigation will reveal what happened...when something like this goes viral, that's how it works....

We already know Ohio AG Yost lied about there not being a "whisper of evidence" of rape. What do you think should happen if Indiana AG Rokita lied about Dr. Bernard not being a doctor? The Indiana University Health System and the Indiana licensing board both seem to think she is an obstetrician-gynecologist in good standing.
We already know Ohio AG Yost lied about there not being a "whisper of evidence" of rape. What do you think should happen if Indiana AG Rokita lied about Dr. Bernard not being a doctor? The Indiana University Health System and the Indiana licensing board both seem to think she is an obstetrician-gynecologist in good standing.
Why was there not a whisper or evidence available at that time...We shall see...
Dr. Bernard is an abortion activist first, a doctor second...
The best interests of her little patient was clearly not her top priority...or we wouldn't be having this discussion. Sad...This is on her...
Why was there not a whisper or evidence available at that time...We shall see...

Yost claims there was not a "whisper of evidence", but most normal people would say a pregnant 10 year old is very conclusive evidence.

Dr. Bernard is an abortion activist first, a doctor second...

So you claim, but your previous claims have all fallen apart.

The best interests of her little patient was clearly not her top priority.

You think it was in the best interest of a 10 year old girl to remain pregnant?
Yost claims there was not a "whisper of evidence", but most normal people would say a pregnant 10 year old is very conclusive evidence.

So you claim, but your previous claims have all fallen apart.

You think it was in the best interest of a 10 year old girl to remain pregnant?
You haven't provided a single link to prove your claims thus far-the ones I have repeatedly and very specifically asked you to provide...Do you think it was in the best interest of the 10 year old for Dr. C. to give her 2 pills and announce the procedure and details to the world? When you're ready to move on with an actual discussion about this case just let me know...
You haven't provided a single link to prove your claims thus far-the ones I have repeatedly and very specifically asked you to provide...Do you think it was in the best interest of the 10 year old for Dr. C. to give her 2 pills and announce the procedure and details to the world? When you're ready to move on with an actual discussion about this case just let me know...
Yes the abortionist provided enough information on this ten year old that a TV station tracked her family down and knocked on her door and spoke to her mother. That can't be good.
Yes the abortionist provided enough information on this ten year old that a TV station tracked her family down and knocked on her door and spoke to her mother. That can't be good.
Exactly...there should have never been any of this revealed to the news...The reported "rapist" was listed as a 7 year members DNA is being tested... Names and addresses are available now, sadly...there will be an investigation that involves the entire family...particularly since the mother is defending the arrested....It's being suggested the abortion pills could have been given in Ohio...etc. etc. We shall see...
Doubtful that this will turn out well..
Yes, Republicans have suggested a huge number of things... So far they have all proven to be lies.
The only person who has done harm is the wildly inappropriate Dr. C....
Republicans would never had to comment if she hadn't leaked the story...but she did...and now there are many questions to answer.... Hopefully they will be... In the meantime the family is in the news....the city..and everyone else knows who they are...School starts awkward will that be?
You still haven't given any links...
The only person who has done harm is the wildly inappropriate Dr. C....

A 10 year old girl was raped. She became pregnant. She was denied life saving medical treatment, because it was not a medical emergency yet. She had to go to a neighboring state. The attorney general of the state where she was raped says there is not a "whisper of evidence" she was raped (when there is severe evidence that she was). Her own mother just wants things to get back to "normal".

I look at a huge number of people in that who did this girl harm. Doctor Bernard was none of them. Doctor Bernard certainly did not rape this child.

Could this have all been covered up? A 10 year old pregnant girl is hard to cover up. More importantly, does it really help the girl to cover up the crime against her?
A 10 year old girl was raped. She became pregnant. She was denied life saving medical treatment, because it was not a medical emergency yet. She had to go to a neighboring state. The attorney general of the state where she was raped says there is not a "whisper of evidence" she was raped (when there is severe evidence that she was). Her own mother just wants things to get back to "normal".

I look at a huge number of people in that who did this girl harm. Doctor Bernard was none of them. Doctor Bernard certainly did not rape this child.

Could this have all been covered up? A 10 year old pregnant girl is hard to cover up. More importantly, does it really help the girl to cover up the crime against her?
It's impossible for things to go back to normal thanks to Dr CB feeling it necessary to make it political and announce it to the world.... Republicans are not the ones who did her harm... Everyone in who participated in sharing the story are going to be the one of the reasons that her life will never be able to be normal again. And of course the investigation and the trial will provide a lot of missing information.... You still haven't posted links.. I'll continue to ask you politely to do so...
By keeping everything confidential this could have all been handled quite differently as I'm sure you're well aware... What was the point of throwing this 10-year-old girl in her family to the wolves?