BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

If Biden is completely wrong, why do you need to lie about the truth to prove him wrong?
Because a ten year old who is pregnant is a medical emergency and needs an abortion to protect the life of the mother. So she does not need to travel outside of Ohio for that.

Biden has fabricated so many lies that it isn't surprising that people thought this was just another one of "Uncle Joe's" lies.
Because a ten year old who is pregnant is a medical emergency

No, it is going to BECOME a medical emergency, but is not already. Ohio law requires the hospital to sit around and wait for it to become a medical emergency, and do serious damage to the girl's health, before they can perform an abortion. Indiana law allows the abortion to be performed before it becomes a medical emergency.

So she does not need to travel outside of Ohio for that.

The hospital lawyers, the social workers, the county prosecutors, etc. all disagree with you. At best you might be right, so are asking the hospital staff to risk their freedom based on your uneducated guess. Realistically, you are almost certainly wrong, and the hospital staff, and the social workers would have been gone to prison.
The FABRICATED story came from the doctor in Indiana, dumbass. There was no report. :palm:

You made an absolute statement there, which turned out to be completely wrong. The social worker got temporary custody based on a report being filed. Every report from the doctors back to the social worker was added to the report.
No, it is going to BECOME a medical emergency, but is not already. Ohio law requires the hospital to sit around and wait for it to become a medical emergency, and do serious damage to the girl's health, before they can perform an abortion. Indiana law allows the abortion to be performed before it becomes a medical emergency.

The hospital lawyers, the social workers, the county prosecutors, etc. all disagree with you. At best you might be right, so are asking the hospital staff to risk their freedom based on your uneducated guess. Realistically, you are almost certainly wrong, and the hospital staff, and the social workers would have been gone to prison.
Not according to the Ohio AG the man who would be in charge of prosecution.
Not according to the Ohio AG the man who would be in charge of prosecution.

Actually, Attorney Generals are not in charge of individual investigations. A week ago, Yost was lying about there not even being an investigation, now he is claiming he did not know about the investigation, but to be in absolute control of it?

You are coming from a lie, expecting us to believe in time travel and other lies.
Looks like it was TDAK who lied. Again. Like he always does. Don't you feel like a fucking idiot?
I never said Biden was lying...I said the story wasn't verified...and it was not...Your judgment when it comes to what I post has always been wrong...;)

You made up lies about it being unverified, and there being no evidence. As it turns out, the prosecutors had a report from PCSA before any doctor even saw the girl, and there were two entire medical staffs that saw the girl was pregnant. That is beyond verified.

There is no evidence that this actually happened, btw....In Ohio, It would have to be reported.
There's NOTHING...
This does seem to be a case of fabrication at this point... And if that is true there should be a bunch of people held responsible including the ones that put this in the Biden teleprompter...
You made up lies about it being unverified, and there being no evidence. As it turns out, the prosecutors had a report from PCSA before any doctor even saw the girl, and there were two entire medical staffs that saw the girl was pregnant. That is beyond verified.
You forgot the links....
Parents have to be responsible for what happens to their children.

This is a major point that Democrats disagree with Republicans on. There are situations where parents have overstepped any reasonable social boundaries, and lose control over their children. When a parent allows her daughter to get pregnant at age 10, that parent no longer has parental authority. It is time for Ohio PCSA to step in, which they did.
Without verification it could have easily been a fabrication.

Two hospital staffs all agreed to lie... But then it turned out they told the truth.

Just act like a grownup and admit you were wrong, and used terrible news sources.

You are right, the victim should have reported the rape sooner. It makes me think that 10 year olds are not mature enough to handle the complex decisions involved with having sex... If I did not think this before.

The medical staffs at the two hospitals had to deal with the reality, not what should have happened. They had to deal with a 10 year old girl who was already 6 weeks pregnant, but was not yet in a medical emergency.
Two hospital staffs all agreed to lie... But then it turned out they told the truth.

Just act like a grownup and admit you were wrong, and used terrible news sources.
Still no links or news sources from you...I'd appreciate them...
I'm following it very closely's local you would have been nicer if it wasn't true, though, right? Thanks to the good Dr. C., though, the entire world knows...You sound like you believe that is a good that true?
Biden did lie. He lied about Ohio's abortion laws. He talked about the rape and not the perpetrator.

No matter how much Biden is proven correct, you will always believe he lied. He told the truth about the girl being pregnant, and about the law imposing hardship on her. Biden had no knowledge about the perpetrator, nor even about the particulars of the rape. But, the existence of a pregnant 10 year old means there was almost certainly a rape.
You made an absolute statement there, which turned out to be completely wrong. The social worker got temporary custody based on a report being filed. Every report from the doctors back to the social worker was added to the report.

The AG for Ohio made that claim, not me shit-for-brains. But the story becomes even more caustic when the mother defended the rapist. Biden couldn't have picked a worse case to play politics with. :palm: