BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Yeah, only EARL should get welfare! NYAH!

“63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs”

From this fact, you determine that I am on welfare.

To determinate this, you would have to know my name and have proof that I am drawing welfare benefits.

Since I have never drawn one dollar of welfare benefits, it’s incumbent on you to prove this scurrilous lie.

I wait for your proof, cobarde.
This illegal (non-resident) should never have been in America.

There are two million more illegals in America since Biden took office.

His open borders policy and sanctuary cities are enabling the rape of ten year old girls.

Many of these illegals are Mexicans who think it is just swell to rape children and rob and murder.

Biden is harming Americans and he and the far left Democrat Socialists have blood on their hands.
From this fact, you determine that I am on welfare.

No, a source close to JPP said you were on welfare.

“63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs”

I notice how you didn't source this particular metric.

To determinate this, you would have to know my name and have proof that I am drawing welfare benefits.

How do you know I don't have this info, or wasn't provided it?

Since I have never drawn one dollar of welfare benefits, it’s incumbent on you to prove this scurrilous lie.

A source close to JPP said you are on welfare.
No, a source close to JPP said you were on welfare.

I notice how you didn't source this particular metric.

How do you know I don't have this info, or wasn't provided it?

A source close to JPP said you are on welfare.
Name the source,cobarde.

I’ll wait.
Illegal crossings fell to less than half of what they were when Trump took office.

The stat here is total apprehensions, not crossings.

Apprehensions fell to less than half of what they were prior to Trump, which means Trump apprehended fewer people than Obama.

You have yet to prove that fewer migrants crossed the border...the only stat you posted was that Donald Trump apprehended fewer people at the border than Obama, but you didn't post a stat showing the number of border crossings were less.

You're trying to say fewer people tried to cross the border because of Trump, but that's not what you proved.

What you actually proved was that Trump apprehended fewer people at the border, not that he deterred people from coming, you stupid fucking idiot.
The stat here is total apprehensions, not crossings.

Apprehensions fell to less than half of what they were prior to Trump, which means Trump apprehended fewer people than Obama.

You have yet to prove that fewer migrants crossed the border...the only stat you posted was that Donald Trump apprehended fewer people at the border than Obama, but you didn't post a stat showing the number of border crossings are less.
The U.S. (improper entry) as a first-time immigration offender is either a fine from between $50 up to $250 or a prison sentence of up to 6 months. Repeat offenders are likely to be fined twice as much as the first attempt and may face a new prision sentence of up to 2 years.

Yes, you need to prove that fewer people showed up at the border, as opposed to proving that Trump apprehended fewer people who did.

So far, all you've proven is that Trump was worse than Obama when it came to apprehending people at the border.

Trump apprehended about half as many people in 2017 than Obama did in 2016, and you have yet to prove that half as many people showed up at the border in 2017 than 2016.
Total Criminal Convictions by Type
This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct. Because some criminal noncitizens may be convicted of multiple criminal offenses, total convictions listed below exceed the total arrests noted in the table above.

FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22TD
Assault, battery, domestic violence 1,007 692 524 299 208 1,178 711
Burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, fraud 825 595 347 184 143 825 561
Driving under the influence 2,458 1,596 1,113 614 364 1,629 953
Homicide, manslaughter 8 3 3 2 3 60 45
Illegal drug possession, trafficking 1,797 1,249 871 449 386 2,138 1,374
Illegal entry, re-entry 7,060 4,502 3,920 2,663 1,261 6,160 4,118
Illegal weapons possession, transport, trafficking 237 173 106 66 49 336 195
Sexual offenses 155 137 80 58 156 488 219
Other 1 2,544 1,851 1,364 814 580 2,691 1,784
So, you have no source that I am on welfare, cobard.

Oh, I have a source close to JPP that says you're on welfare.

It's up to you to prove I don't.

At least, that's what you all are doing when it comes to the exact same thing with Hutchinson.

So if "a source close to the Secret Service" is enough for you to conclude she's a liar, then "a source close to JPP" is enough for me to conclude you're a big ol' welfare queen.

How sad that you didn't bother to actually read the chart you were linking to, because that chart very clearly is a chart of apprehensions, not border crossings.

And your chart shows that Trump apprehended about half as many people at the border than Obama did.

So Trump did a half-assed job apprehending people at the border.
Are your feelings hurt that I gave volsrock the bird, Expressweenie? It's thoughtful of you to stand up for him. :rofl2:

He lived here throughout the trump reign of terror and neither trump nor ICE did anything about it.
Nope. I just enjoy annoying you. Apparently it worked. :rofl2: :fu::fu::fu: BTW I don't even like volsrock