BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Only a dishonest mental case like you thinks this makes the story better. It was an ILLEGAL who raped the child you buffoonish mental case. This girl's rape is on Biden's hands asshole. He's the one allowing ILLEGALS to flood across the border. He's the one flying them from the border to states all over the US. He's the one who is attacking his own border agents trying to do their jobs.

So for every ounce of fentanyl that crosses the border that causes a death, for every ILLEGAL that crosses who rapes or commits a crime, that is on Biden dumbass.

Now take your fucking meds and get back to that padded cell before you hurt yourself.

You didn't know who raped her at the time.

At the time, you didn't believe she was raped at all.

And migrants come here because Donald Trump hires them to work in his shitty resorts and hotels.
Biden did lie. He lied about Ohio's abortion laws. He talked about the rape and not the perpetrator. Now we find out the perp was an ILLEGAL that Biden allowed into the country with his border policy of letting them all in.

Gotta love it. An ILLEGAL rapes a young child and Biden uses it to make his buffoonish attack on the Supreme Court and State institutions.

You morons on the left can't become more disconnected from reality or sanity you know that? Now do the world a favor and kill yourself. One less mental case in the world has to be a good thing.

He didn't lie about anything, but you did.

You lied about him lying, and then you lied about lying about Biden lying.
It’s not my thread, dummy.

Refute MY post.

Start your own thread, do not hijack this one. Nothing to refute in your post except the opinion part.

This is about how little regard Trumppers have for truth before they call Biden a liar.
Start your own thread, do not hijack this one. Nothing to refute in your post.

This is about how little regard Trumppers have for truth before they call Biden a liar.

Every single Conservative who accused Biden of lying was in fact lying themselves.
Only a dishonest mental case like you thinks this makes the story better. It was an ILLEGAL who raped the child you buffoonish mental case. This girl's rape is on Biden's hands asshole. He's the one allowing ILLEGALS to flood across the border. He's the one flying them from the border to states all over the US. He's the one who is attacking his own border agents trying to do their jobs.

So for every ounce of fentanyl that crosses the border that causes a death, for every ILLEGAL that crosses who rapes or commits a crime, that is on Biden dumbass.

Now take your fucking meds and get back to that padded cell before you hurt yourself.

This shows how easily you guys will make assumptions to try to claim Biden lies, when he did not. You are desperate to attack with 0 facts.
Y'all jumped the gun, it really happened. An illegal immigrant raped a 10 year old girl and impregnated her. The Rs will be all on about how if we protected the border the girl would not be raped, and the Ds will be all on how her family had to drive a few hours to get an abortion as apparently Ohio doesn't have exceptions for rape or incest.

My best guess is Rs will use it to show both that the border should be secure and that even though states have differing laws legal abortion is still obtainable; while the Ds will say that it harms African Americans "the most" because they just "can't afford to drive elsewhere" both insulting a group of folks and making a point that folks with less money will have less access to legal abortions (truth there).

It will be interesting to see how this all pans out in the end. There is a great conglomeration of conflicting political views in just this one story with every piece of additional information we obtain.

The data shows undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a smaller rate than citizens.
Every single Conservative who accused Biden of lying was in fact lying themselves.

At least they were badly negligently mistaken, they were so desperate to call him a liar they did not care about the reality.
This shows how easily you guys will make assumptions to try to claim Biden lies, when he did not. You are desperate to attack with 0 facts.

Biden did lie. He lied about the abortion laws in Ohio. He lied about the reason this child had to cross the border. What he didn't know about at the time is that it was committed by one of the ILLEGALS he let cross the border.

Of course, you being a committed lying hack for the Party of the Jackass think that ILLEGALS crossing the border and raping ten year old's isn't the issue. It's TRUMP nd his supporters, right saad sack?

You lack the mental acuity to comprehend how utterly pathetic and stupid you look.
Biden did lie. He lied about the abortion laws in Ohio. He lied about the reason this child had to cross the border. What he didn't know about at the time is that it was committed by one of the ILLEGALS he let cross the border.

Of course, you being a committed lying hack for the Party of the Jackass think that ILLEGALS crossing the border and raping ten year old's isn't the issue. It's TRUMP nd his supporters, right saad sack?

You lack the mental acuity to comprehend how utterly pathetic and stupid you look.

So you are changing your claim about what he lied about?
At least they were badly negligently mistaken, they were so desperate to call him a liar they did not care about the reality.

More irony from the clown who defines badly negligently mistaken. Biden lied about Ohio's abortion laws. Biden lied about the reasons the child had to cross state lines. You cannot refute they were lies by pounding your tiny, insignificant little fists upon the table.

In addition, Biden didn't know, when using this lie to promote his buffoonish abortion agenda, is that it was one of the ILLEGALS he is allowing to cross the southern border unfettered.

Yet, ass clowns on the left don't think that is an issue. Why care about an ILLEGAL raping a nine year old multiple times when you can promote an agenda based on nothing bur lies.

You're not very smart.
The data shows undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a smaller rate than citizens.

That is spin, they would not commit crimes at any rate if the borders were closed.

All the rapes, assaults and murders would not have happened if Biden's open borders were closed and the Democrats' sanctuary cities were not protecting illegals.
Illegal immigrants make up 13% of federal prison population › article
Apr 17, 2019 — At least 13% of the federal prison population and nearly 30% of those in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service are illegal immigrants,
That is spin, they would not commit crimes at any rate if the borders were closed.

All the rapes, assaults and murders would not have happened if Biden's open borders were closed and the Democrats' sanctuary cities were not protecting illegals.

Jarod is too painfully stupid to comprehend the obvious. ;)
63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs › Report › 63-NonCitizen-Households-Ac...
Nov 20, 2018 — In 2014, 63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program, compared to 35 percent of native ...

American taxpayers are supporting Biden's illegals who then rape 10 year old girls.
Illegal immigrants make up 13% of federal prison population › article
Apr 17, 2019 — At least 13% of the federal prison population and nearly 30% of those in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service are illegal immigrants,

With a border wall and proper protection we expect from a President, the numbers would be nearly ZERO. That ten year old girl that Biden wanted to use as a prop to his buffoonish agenda wouldn't now be looking forward to a life of regret and depression.

It's sad that smarmy, arrogant low IQ fools like Jarod seem more concerned with defending Biden than little ten year old girls and our borders.
That is spin, they would not commit crimes at any rate if the borders were closed.

All the rapes, assaults and murders would not have happened if Biden's open borders were closed and the Democrats' sanctuary cities were not protecting illegals.

So, why didn't Trump close it during his 4 years, like he said he would do?