BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie


Abortion is still legal, but there is a restrictive six-week ban in place.

Ohio has enforced a ban on abortion after cardiac activity has been detected. This bans abortion for most people who are 6 weeks pregnant or further. If you need abortion services, call your local clinic and they will help direct you to the services you need. You can find them via Abortion Finder or All Options.

The girl could have got an abortion in Ohio

Duh. She was six weeks and three days when she went to the OH doctor.
Man Who Allegedly Raped 10-Year-Old Girl Who Got An Abortion Was In The Country Illegally

If laws were enforced this POS wouldn't have been here to rape this child

Thanks Biden and libs

This was a preventable crime that could have been stopped if the suspect had been unable to illegally enter and/or remain inside the United States.

The guy arrived during the Trump presidency, dip shit!
In this case I guess you can't report something that didn't happen...(But... You do realize that "story" this was about a minor who was supposedly raped and...correct?
It's against the law not to report it on Ohio.. are the laws different where you "practice"?)

It was reported, just not made public as often happens in open investigations.
Because the Ohio AG says there is no report you dumb fuck, this entire story came from one planned parenthood baby killing Doctor who wouldn't even give the name of the child abuse counselor who he says told him the story.
