BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost appeared on Fox News this week, casting doubt on the veracity of Dr. Caitlin Bernard's account that a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim needed to travel to Indiana for an abortion.

Yost, a Republican, doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday.

Ohio abortion arrest:Arrest made in rape of 10-year-old girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing international attention

"Every day that goes by the more likely that this is a fabrication. I know the cops and prosecutors in this state. There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him," he said. "I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence. And shame on the Indianapolis paper that ran this thing on a single source who has an obvious axe to grind.""

After news broke Wednesday of an arrest in the case, Yost issued a single sentence statement: "We rejoice anytime a child rapist is taken off the streets."

Abortionist Dr. Caitlin Bernard violated HIPAA laws in leaking the case and will be punished for it.

She is accused of not reporting underage abortions as required by statute – another violation of the law. She did not report this case to the state.

The young girl did not need to travel outside of Ohio. She could have had the abortion legally in the state

The young girl did not need to travel outside of Ohio. She could have had the abortion legally in the state

The accused rapist is an illegal fucking alien. He raped her not once, but twice. .

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
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It was reported, your "very fine people" either ignored it, didn't care, or didn't do their jobs.

But that's beside the point...the point here is that all your "very fine people" were lying about this.
Which doesn't change that Jarod wanted a reference to the fact that the doctor must report, which is what I provided. You are arguing against nobody about nothing without regard to reality. You quoted me, said some nonsense that had nothing to do with my post, I pointed it out and instead of just moving on you pretend that I didn't provide the information I provided.

If you want to argue with somebody, I suggest beginning by talking to somebody who is participating in the same conversation as you are participating in rather than randomly picking someone talking to someone else about a different topic.
Bidens complete lack of willingness to tell the truth is not the really big problem, that is that this is mostly more than fine with the Failed Elite Class.

We are so fucked.

"An Ohio man was arrested Tuesday for raping a 10-year-old girl who became a central figure in the debate over abortion rights after she reportedly traveled to Indiana to have an abortion when Ohio outlawed the procedure last month.

Arrest records and court records viewed by The Daily Beast confirm that Gerson Fuentes, 27, was arrested Tuesday in Franklin County on a felony charge of raping a person under 13. The Columbus Dispatch, who first reported on his arrest, attended Fuentes’ arraignment in Columbus on Wednesday."
Rapes of a 10 year old that result in pregnancies are prosecuted. And Ohio allows abortions for rape and incest so this story doesn't sound true anyway. Plus the abortionist would lose his license for not reporting it. He is obligated by law to report it.

"The unidentified girl became national news when a doctor’s allegation that she traveled from her home in Columbus to Indianapolis for an abortion began to spread in the wake of the the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Her home state had a trigger law that immediately made abortions in the state illegal, while abortions remain legal in Indiana."

Man Who Allegedly Raped 10-Year-Old Girl Who Got An Abortion Was In The Country Illegally

If laws were enforced this POS wouldn't have been here to rape this child

Thanks Biden and libs

This was a preventable crime that could have been stopped if the suspect had been unable to illegally enter and/or remain inside the United States.
Remember how the left was mad at Trump for saying that there were murderers and rapists crossing the border? “Gee, Trump was right!
The rape part of the story is true. The part about being “forced” to cross state lines to get an abortion is false. She could have, maybe did have, an abortion in Ohio. Ohio has no law that would have prevented it.

The caveat here is that she didn’t need to cross state lines. This was just to make headlines for political purposes.
Absolutely and... "Ohio’s attorney general revealed on Monday while speaking to Fox News’ Jesse Watters that there have been no reports of a 10-year-old being raped, including no crime lab results (a rape kit would have been performed). "

Blame the parents. They reported the rape to Child Services on June 22, long after it happened.

"Citing detectives, the newspaper reported that police were first made aware of the girl’s pregnancy through a referral filed with the local child services’ branch by her mother on June 22. Eight days later, the girl reportedly received a medical abortion in Indianapolis. Court records say the rape occurred on May 12."
The rape part of the story is true. The part about being “forced” to cross state lines to get an abortion is false. She could have, maybe did have, an abortion in Ohio. Ohio has no law that would have prevented it.

The caveat here is that she didn’t need to cross state lines. This was just to make headlines for political purposes.

So how did that doctor know about her? Hmm?

Abortion is still legal, but there is a restrictive six-week ban in place.

Ohio has enforced a ban on abortion after cardiac activity has been detected. This bans abortion for most people who are 6 weeks pregnant or further. If you need abortion services, call your local clinic and they will help direct you to the services you need. You can find them via Abortion Finder or All Options.

The girl could have got an abortion in Ohio
Man Who Allegedly Raped 10-Year-Old Girl Who Got An Abortion Was In The Country Illegally

If laws were enforced this POS wouldn't have been here to rape this child

Thanks Biden and libs

This was a preventable crime that could have been stopped if the suspect had been unable to illegally enter and/or remain inside the United States.

Daily Caller, :rofl2:

Just when did he allegedly enter the country illegally?