Biden/Palin Debate

"Biden came across as crass and mean, a bitter old man who just wanted to take shots at McCain and lie if he had to, in order to do so"

Yeah, you're right Dix. We're too partisan. Thanks for the objective viewpoint.
We get it, we know your M.O. by now. It won't play in the heartland. Biden came across as crass and mean, a bitter old man who just wanted to take shots at McCain and lie if he had to, in order to do so. Palin was warm and cordial, not mean (as Darla predicted) at all, and I think she picked up some votes for McCain.

TEE HEE HEE aren't I just such a maverick doncha know?
two polls have Biden winning pretty handly. How anyone can say that she even debated is beyond me. She failed to answer many questions, or gave one word answers and then went to the script. Her handlers OBVIOUSLY realized she could not debate off the cuff, so they had her memorize statements on energy, on Iraq and the war (even though she called the commander in charge in Afghanistan McClellan when that is NOT his name) and on attacking Biden. She didn't know what McCain's health care proposal was, she misquoted Obama's voting record. This was NOT a debate, she ignored the questions put to her and that does not a winning debate make.

Ohmyfuckingod... I forgot about the beloved POLLS! DearJesusLord.... what is Palin going to do now? Shut up you Democrat fraud! The only polls on the debate are from idiot pinheads like you, who couldn't wait for the debate to be over so you could start up trashing Sarah Palin again. I don't buy the polls! The ONLY poll that matters is the one on November 4th!
Hmmm.... Hours after the debate, and pinheads are still flailing away, acting like Biden just cleaned her clock. I'm sorry pinheads, I don't see it like that. You guys are too partisan for your own good, if you think Biden scored a big win over Palin. He didn't. But, I think deep down inside, you all know that, which is why you are here doing as much damage control as humanly possible for your boy. Maybe if you all join in unison to condemn Sarah Palin and praise Biden, the Liberal blogs all go bonkers the rest of the night, and MSNBC joins in the fray by morning, you can convince the public Biden won?

We get it, we know your M.O. by now. It won't play in the heartland. Biden came across as crass and mean, a bitter old man who just wanted to take shots at McCain and lie if he had to, in order to do so. Palin was warm and cordial, not mean (as Darla predicted) at all, and I think she picked up some votes for McCain.

As I predicted--the debate was about 50% foreign relations--and Sarahcuda held her own well. She would have killed him on almost every other issue that Americans really care about--if it were not for that crippled liberial niggar. (yea--phuck you)


The people saw her light a bit, and I think some of these unkmowing marxists here are actually starting to like her.--but she held back IMO, to stay in line with Juan McCain.

Wait until Plain has no restraint in 2012.
Ohmyfuckingod... I forgot about the beloved POLLS! DearJesusLord.... what is Palin going to do now? Shut up you Democrat fraud! The only polls on the debate are from idiot pinheads like you, who couldn't wait for the debate to be over so you could start up trashing Sarah Palin again. I don't buy the polls! The ONLY poll that matters is the one on November 4th!

Ohmyfuckingod... I forgot about the beloved POLLS! DearJesusLord.... what is Palin going to do now? Shut up you Democrat fraud! The only polls on the debate are from idiot pinheads like you, who couldn't wait for the debate to be over so you could start up trashing Sarah Palin again. I don't buy the polls! The ONLY poll that matters is the one on November 4th!

Sounds like spoiled grapes to me and I'm not talking about John McCain.
two polls have Biden winning pretty handly. How anyone can say that she even debated is beyond me. She failed to answer many questions, or gave one word answers and then went to the script. Her handlers OBVIOUSLY realized she could not debate off the cuff, so they had her memorize statements on energy, on Iraq and the war (even though she called the commander in charge in Afghanistan McClellan when that is NOT his name) and on attacking Biden. She didn't know what McCain's health care proposal was, she misquoted Obama's voting record. This was NOT a debate, she ignored the questions put to her and that does not a winning debate make.

I know. I was very confused by her answers to the first several questions. She kept saying "i want to go back to" (this was BEFORE she announced that she wouldn't be answering the moderator's questions, but was talken directly to the merican people) and I'd be like, go back to? When were they there? And then after I guess 10 minutes or so, my bf said, she's reading a speech. They gave her a speech and broke it up into 90 second increments. She's proved she can't answer questions, but she can read a speech. And I was like, oh yeah, that IS what she's doing. Then she made her announcement, and we were cracking up.

I thought Ifill sucked. The right basically put Palin in there with a speech, and told Ifill you'll sit down and shut up. And Ifill got her orders, and she sat down and shut up. So Palin never had to even attempt to answer a question if she didn't want to answer it.

But, in the long run, that's OK. Palin was transparent. The more women see of her the more they don't like her. This could be, that like myself, they work in professional atmospheres, in jobs they would never have even gotten if they interviewed by winking and giving actressey smiles. Nor would they be able to keep those jobs with that kind of behavior, which would be considered bizzare in any professional setting. And I don't think she's going to play well with independent men either. I mean, men can think, or so they have always told me. She made her base happy. And that mattered. I mean, she went in there and she did accomplish stemming the calls coming from the right for her to leave the ticket. So that's something. But that's all she did.
Biden definitely deserves props. The pre-debate talk was all about the potential pitfalls for him, tone-wise, in going against Palin. He struck the right tone throughout, came across as serious & informed, and hammered both McCain & Bush with gusto (and connected the 2 much better than Obama did last week). His emotional moment was overlooked in the post-debate stuff I saw, but I agree it was a memorable moment.

Palin got away with a lot of things that someone with reasonable expectations wouldn't have been allowed. There were at least 4-5 questions that she simply didn't answer; she responded to the Achilles heel question by listing all of her strengths. She also gave a couple of pure BS answers, that were more refined versions of her Couric answers, and not as blatant.

Still, that "folksy" style - she out-folksed Bush, even - probably won over some people, at least judging by what I saw, and the base is fired up again; they are truly pumped, because she didn't bomb, and seemed fairly confident. If no one believes me, you have only to witness the "Sarah Barracuda, part deux!!!" thread which will no doubt arrive on these shores later this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.

From the stand point of a debate, a structured debate with rules, Biden clearly won. He did a better job of answering the questions asked and defending his responses than Palin did. In that respect he clearly won.

But so what. These debates are not about scoring brownie points.

Over all Palin very much exceeded low expectations and I bet a dollar to a whole in a doughnut that the Dixies of the world were thrilled with her performance (I know...that aint saying one hell of a lot is it?).

I think from a political stand point of attacking the opposing candidates position and defining her running mates position and in influencing voters Palin did a damned good job but it was again a clear win for Obama/Biden. Though that was really no fault of Palins and more so to the present economic crisis.

I'll say this about Palin in her debate. She beat the hell out of Dan Quayle, that's for sure.

And what about Biden? Best debate I've ever seen him do. Probably his best performance. He also exceeded expectations.

The VP debate, IMHO, was a lot better than the first Presidential debate. I'd give this debate an A-. Both candidates performed well.
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Chap it's interesting that you noted that.

I think she did better than you and tiana and meg seem to think though...but not as good as Onceler kinda indicates he thinks she did, ya know? Anyway, yeah, nice talken to yah Chap, can I call you Chap? ;) Thanks!

RU you kidding me? I was actually embarrassed for her at some parts.
Biden definitely deserves props. The pre-debate talk was all about the potential pitfalls for him, tone-wise, in going against Palin. He struck the right tone throughout, came across as serious & informed, and hammered both McCain & Bush with gusto (and connected the 2 much better than Obama did last week). His emotional moment was overlooked in the post-debate stuff I saw, but I agree it was a memorable moment.

Palin got away with a lot of things that someone with reasonable expectations wouldn't have been allowed. There were at least 4-5 questions that she simply didn't answer; she responded to the Achilles heel question by listing all of her strengths. She also gave a couple of pure BS answers, that were more refined versions of her Couric answers, and not as blatant.

Still, that "folksy" style - she out-folksed Bush, even - probably won over some people, at least judging by what I saw, and the base is fired up again; they are truly pumped, because she didn't bomb, and seemed fairly confident. If no one believes me, you have only to witness the "Sarah Barracuda, part deux!!!" thread which will no doubt arrive on these shores later this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Totally agree with you.
two polls have Biden winning pretty handly. How anyone can say that she even debated is beyond me. She failed to answer many questions, or gave one word answers and then went to the script. Her handlers OBVIOUSLY realized she could not debate off the cuff, so they had her memorize statements on energy, on Iraq and the war (even though she called the commander in charge in Afghanistan McClellan when that is NOT his name) and on attacking Biden. She didn't know what McCain's health care proposal was, she misquoted Obama's voting record. This was NOT a debate, she ignored the questions put to her and that does not a winning debate make.

I know. I was very confused by her answers to the first several questions. She kept saying "i want to go back to" (this was BEFORE she announced that she wouldn't be answering the moderator's questions, but was talken directly to the merican people) and I'd be like, go back to? When were they there? And then after I guess 10 minutes or so, my bf said, she's reading a speech. They gave her a speech and broke it up into 90 second increments. She's proved she can't answer questions, but she can read a speech. And I was like, oh yeah, that IS what she's doing. Then she made her announcement, and we were cracking up.

well, Duhhhhhh
I know. I was very confused by her answers to the first several questions. She kept saying "i want to go back to" (this was BEFORE she announced that she wouldn't be answering the moderator's questions, but was talken directly to the merican people) and I'd be like, go back to? When were they there? And then after I guess 10 minutes or so, my bf said, she's reading a speech. They gave her a speech and broke it up into 90 second increments. She's proved she can't answer questions, but she can read a speech. And I was like, oh yeah, that IS what she's doing. Then she made her announcement, and we were cracking up.

I thought Ifill sucked. The right basically put Palin in there with a speech, and told Ifill you'll sit down and shut up. And Ifill got her orders, and she sat down and shut up. So Palin never had to even attempt to answer a question if she didn't want to answer it.

But, in the long run, that's OK. Palin was transparent. The more women see of her the more they don't like her. This could be, that like myself, they work in professional atmospheres, in jobs they would never have even gotten if they interviewed by winking and giving actressey smiles. Nor would they be able to keep those jobs with that kind of behavior, which would be considered bizzare in any professional setting. And I don't think she's going to play well with independent men either. I mean, men can think, or so they have always told me. She made her base happy. And that mattered. I mean, she went in there and she did accomplish stemming the calls coming from the right for her to leave the ticket. So that's something. But that's all she did.

well--she digs for truth, and presents it to the people. I can see how that is confusing for a liberial. You can't say she ever lied about anything--ever.

But you can bet your socialized fat ass that obama will never repeat the words in my sig--ever again.

the pres debates are going to be confusing--because obama has a different story every day. Ya have to go back--to find the lies the public may have missed.

Admitt it---she did a great job, and shead the media BS. only you media sheep marxists here on this forum don't think so.
Chap it's interesting that you noted that.

I think she did better than you and tiana and meg seem to think though...but not as good as Onceler kinda indicates he thinks she did, ya know? Anyway, yeah, nice talken to yah Chap, can I call you Chap? ;) Thanks!

we were all drinking and laughing at Police Chief Marge Gunderson at the beginning of the debate. She did much better in the second part of the debate. You can call me Chap
Ohmyfuckingod... I forgot about the beloved POLLS! DearJesusLord.... what is Palin going to do now? Shut up you Democrat fraud! The only polls on the debate are from idiot pinheads like you, who couldn't wait for the debate to be over so you could start up trashing Sarah Palin again. I don't buy the polls! The ONLY poll that matters is the one on November 4th!
STFU! After the convention you were beating off to the polls because they showed that Sheriff Gundersen was new and popular. But now the polls are wrong, they'[re faked they're, whatever you want because they no longer show that Americans are taken by her cutsey folksy ways. The thing I find funny is that everyone of you that have decided she is the GMILF of the moment refuse to address how she did not participate in the debate but held a semi-press conference while Joe Biden sat next to her and actually answered the questions. If the rolls had been reversed and Biden didn't answer questions you would be (correctly) laffing your ass off at him for ducking the debate. You are the BIGGEST HACK on this board and you can't hide it from any of us.
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"but held a semi-press conference while Joe Biden sat next to her and actually answered the questions"

I loved this line:

"I may not answer the questions the way you and the moderator want to hear, but I'm gonna talk straight to the American people."

Quite a dodge for such a "Washington outsider"...
by the way--Palin is more of a energy expert than biden is in foreign relations--yet--the debate--as I predicted was over 50% about foreign relations. All other issues that Americans have a more direct interest in were just lightly brushed over by the liberial media who seems to care about other nations citizens more than ours.

Fact is fact.
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