Biden/Palin Debate

Good debate. I would say she won on style points, Biden on substance.

I thought all of her "I'm a maverick", "I'm just like you & talkin' straight to the American people" would wear on people (like it did me), but I just saw a focus group where they were gushing about it. Go figure.

Still, she smashed expectations. Not that it mattered, but Biden was pretty spot on for the most part.
I have one PC and three laptops, all of them are able to use the chat in four different browsers. :dunno:

Maybe he should upgrade to the newest java.

Can't do that on my work PC. It has software that will rip it out if they don't like it. And Marimba that automatically installs what it likes. Oh well in not too long I will give that one back to them.
Good debate. I would say she won on style points, Biden on substance.

I thought all of her "I'm a maverick", "I'm just like you & talkin' straight to the American people" would wear on people (like it did me), but I just saw a focus group where they were gushing about it. Go figure.

Still, she smashed expectations. Not that it mattered, but Biden was pretty spot on for the most part.
It wore on me, but I had friends here watching that were really into that stuff. Some people amaze me.
Her apparent lack of debating experience also played well with them. They thought that it showed that she was definitely an "outsider".
Good debate. I would say she won on style points, Biden on substance.

I thought all of her "I'm a maverick", "I'm just like you & talkin' straight to the American people" would wear on people (like it did me), but I just saw a focus group where they were gushing about it. Go figure.

Still, she smashed expectations. Not that it mattered, but Biden was pretty spot on for the most part.

I took a nap so im still watching the debate, I do think she did well considering her recent meltdowns with the media. I do think her answers are all crafted and it was evident when she discussed global warming being manmande... her teachers must not have thought of that one. Do you think it's going to make a dent in the polls?
"Do you think it's going to make a dent in the polls?"

That's a good question. I think they'll get at least a small bump. I don't know whether McCain's drop over the past week has more to do w/ her or the economy, or just a combo of both. She stopped the bleeding on the "her" part.

I expect we'll see polls start to tighten now in general, but who knows.
I think Biden came accross with what most people want to hear right now.
She had the same old republican talking points.
Well outside of the global warming and the same sex rights thing. That might cause some not to vote for her, but not switch to Obama.

I did not realize till tonight that AK had same sex rights.
I took a nap so im still watching the debate, I do think she did well considering her recent meltdowns with the media. I do think her answers are all crafted and it was evident when she discussed global warming being manmande... her teachers must not have thought of that one. Do you think it's going to make a dent in the polls?
I think it may. Only because of what I saw from people here. It doesn't change my mind, I'm not voting for either of them, but it sure convinced some people that were feeling a bit weak on them that she had some mastery of the issues and experience and good judgment in making decisions. Again, the neophyte angle is working for her. I can't see them changing it too quickly.
"Do you think it's going to make a dent in the polls?"

That's a good question. I think they'll get at least a small bump. I don't know whether McCain's drop over the past week has more to do w/ her or the economy, or just a combo of both. She stopped the bleeding on the "her" part.

I expect we'll see polls start to tighten now in general, but who knows.

well i think she stretched the truth on bunch of issues and I don't think Biden is doing that great of a job.
"Do you think it's going to make a dent in the polls?"

That's a good question. I think they'll get at least a small bump. I don't know whether McCain's drop over the past week has more to do w/ her or the economy, or just a combo of both. She stopped the bleeding on the "her" part.

I expect we'll see polls start to tighten now in general, but who knows.
I think it is mostly the economy and his mistimed grandstanding. I think they'll tighten too because the US public forgets things quickly.
Nah, she said it was definitely partially human created and that we need to clean things up. Then she said that regardless of how much it is human as opposed to natural cycles she didn't want to get into because they could spend all night talking about that, then stressed that we need to clean up the planet regardless of the causes and how much is related to human activity.

How is it that my summary seems longer than her answer?

Because you had to explain it in terms even a retard like IBdumb could understand
she sucks at debating.this ain't a beauty contest. wipe that smile off ur face.

Chap it's interesting that you noted that.

I think she did better than you and tiana and meg seem to think though...but not as good as Onceler kinda indicates he thinks she did, ya know? Anyway, yeah, nice talken to yah Chap, can I call you Chap? ;) Thanks!
Chap it's interesting that you noted that.

I think she did better than you and tiana and meg seem to think though...but not as good as Onceler kinda indicates he thinks she did, ya know? Anyway, yeah, nice talken to yah Chap, can I call you Chap? ;) Thanks! sound like a total maverick! I never knew that about you...
Good debate. I would say she won on style points, Biden on substance.

I thought all of her "I'm a maverick", "I'm just like you & talkin' straight to the American people" would wear on people (like it did me), but I just saw a focus group where they were gushing about it. Go figure.

Still, she smashed expectations. Not that it mattered, but Biden was pretty spot on for the most part.

Well, if by style you mean she came off as very rehearsed, and very attractive looking, with a cute smile and a lot winken, then yes.

CNN had one of those meters, and they showed men vs women. Women didn't like her. They liked Biden.

She really didn't have either style or substance, but she exceeded her expecations by finishing the debate. She was more gimicky than even I had imagined she would be.

She's about as dangerous as I had taken her to be, before the disaster that was the Couric interview. She's certainly charming. She has no depth of knowledge. She comes across as a populist. And she's actually an ignorant person with an authoritarian personality.

And by the way, I just want to mention, Biden was fucking great. He really was. And when he had that moment, in response to her acting as if she was the only human being who had ever raised children, and he said that just because he was a man, it didn't mean he didn't know about raising children alone, and he choked up, he won women, period, but I think that is a moment that will also speak to many men, particularly those involved in, or who have been involved in, custody battles, which men often get the short end of the stick in, just because they're men. So I think that was a big moment emotionally, and of course, on the substance he smoked her, but more importantly, he gave one hell of a debate. He would have smoked anyone they put up there. That was a performance by Biden that smokes Romney, that smokes Rudy, you name the R that could have been there, Biden beats them.

He deserves some props for that I think.
Biden definitely deserves props. The pre-debate talk was all about the potential pitfalls for him, tone-wise, in going against Palin. He struck the right tone throughout, came across as serious & informed, and hammered both McCain & Bush with gusto (and connected the 2 much better than Obama did last week). His emotional moment was overlooked in the post-debate stuff I saw, but I agree it was a memorable moment.

Palin got away with a lot of things that someone with reasonable expectations wouldn't have been allowed. There were at least 4-5 questions that she simply didn't answer; she responded to the Achilles heel question by listing all of her strengths. She also gave a couple of pure BS answers, that were more refined versions of her Couric answers, and not as blatant.

Still, that "folksy" style - she out-folksed Bush, even - probably won over some people, at least judging by what I saw, and the base is fired up again; they are truly pumped, because she didn't bomb, and seemed fairly confident. If no one believes me, you have only to witness the "Sarah Barracuda, part deux!!!" thread which will no doubt arrive on these shores later this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.
Biden definitely deserves props. The pre-debate talk was all about the potential pitfalls for him, tone-wise, in going against Palin. He struck the right tone throughout, came across as serious & informed, and hammered both McCain & Bush with gusto (and connected the 2 much better than Obama did last week). His emotional moment was overlooked in the post-debate stuff I saw, but I agree it was a memorable moment.

Palin got away with a lot of things that someone with reasonable expectations wouldn't have been allowed. There were at least 4-5 questions that she simply didn't answer; she responded to the Achilles heel question by listing all of her strengths. She also gave a couple of pure BS answers, that were more refined versions of her Couric answers, and not as blatant.

Still, that "folksy" style - she out-folksed Bush, even - probably won over some people, at least judging by what I saw, and the base is fired up again; they are truly pumped, because she didn't bomb, and seemed fairly confident. If no one believes me, you have only to witness the "Sarah Barracuda, part deux!!!" thread which will no doubt arrive on these shores later this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest.

haha, I totally agree! And you were right about her being better looking than I first took her for. Honestly I would like to see how her performance would be greeted if you put, let's say, Kay Bailey Hutchinson's face on her? It's interesting. But I was really taken back by all of her cutsey posing and winking and actressy smiles. I thought that Chap hit it when he said, hey this isn't a beauty contest. But, a certain kind of male is going to eat that up. You know the 65 and over crowd, and the one tooth types of all ages.

Anyway, bottom line I think - this won't change the race. for whatever part of her base she firmed up, she lost some independent women.
Hmmm.... Hours after the debate, and pinheads are still flailing away, acting like Biden just cleaned her clock. I'm sorry pinheads, I don't see it like that. You guys are too partisan for your own good, if you think Biden scored a big win over Palin. He didn't. But, I think deep down inside, you all know that, which is why you are here doing as much damage control as humanly possible for your boy. Maybe if you all join in unison to condemn Sarah Palin and praise Biden, the Liberal blogs all go bonkers the rest of the night, and MSNBC joins in the fray by morning, you can convince the public Biden won?

We get it, we know your M.O. by now. It won't play in the heartland. Biden came across as crass and mean, a bitter old man who just wanted to take shots at McCain and lie if he had to, in order to do so. Palin was warm and cordial, not mean (as Darla predicted) at all, and I think she picked up some votes for McCain.
two polls have Biden winning pretty handly. How anyone can say that she even debated is beyond me. She failed to answer many questions, or gave one word answers and then went to the script. Her handlers OBVIOUSLY realized she could not debate off the cuff, so they had her memorize statements on energy, on Iraq and the war (even though she called the commander in charge in Afghanistan McClellan when that is NOT his name) and on attacking Biden. She didn't know what McCain's health care proposal was, she misquoted Obama's voting record. This was NOT a debate, she ignored the questions put to her and that does not a winning debate make.