Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Although the indictment against Donald Trump doesn’t cite the Presidential Records Act, the charges are predicated on the law. The indictment came about only because the government thought Mr. Trump took records that didn’t belong to him, and the government raided his house to find any such records.
This should never have happened. The Presidential Records Act allows the president to decide what records to return and what records to keep at the end of his presidency.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

44 U.S.C. § 2203(a). The only reference in the entire statute to the designation of records as personal versus Presidential also calls for the decision to be made by the executive, and to be made during, and *301 not after, the presidency. It provides:
“materials produced or received by the President, [and other Executive Office employees], shall, to the extent practicable, be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.” Id. § 2203(b).
The PRA contains no provision obligating or even permitting the Archivist to assume control over records that the President “categorized” and “filed separately” as personal records. At the conclusion of the President's term, the Archivist only “assume
responsibility for ... the Presidential records.” Id. § 2203(f)(1).

Ok so you demonstrate how a derp and stupid person misreads a ruling. Here is the proper read.

Bill Clintons memoires, just as diary would, can and would cover "discussions included a broad range of presidential matters". A Memoire specifically would be an first hand account of those "presidential matters" by its very design.

The PRA gives a very specific exemption to Memoires and Diaries and names them for that reason and says SPECIFICALLY any such material can be deemed exempt.

What the PRA DOES NOT DO, is allow a POTUS to take anything and simply make it exempt and quite the opposite it clearly states that is not the case.

So due to the FACT that Trumps material was not a Memoire or Diary material and it WAS government records, the PRA very clearly outlines it HAS TO BE GIVEN TO PRA CUSTODY the day a POTUS leaves office.

So you are wrong. And oh ya, stupid.
The important thing is that now people have confirmation that Biden is indeed compromised and most definitely should not continue as the president...

The important thing is now people have confirmation that

Trump is a RAPIST!!!

Do you really want a confirmed rapist as President?
Although the indictment against Donald Trump doesn’t cite the Presidential Records Act, the charges are predicated on the law. The indictment came about only because the government thought Mr. Trump took records that didn’t belong to him, and the government raided his house to find any such records.
This should never have happened. The Presidential Records Act allows the president to decide what records to return and what records to keep at the end of his presidency.

44 U.S.C. § 2203(a). The only reference in the entire statute to the designation of records as personal versus Presidential also calls for the decision to be made by the executive, and to be made during, and *301 not after, the presidency. It provides:
“materials produced or received by the President, [and other Executive Office employees], shall, to the extent practicable, be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.” Id. § 2203(b).
The PRA contains no provision obligating or even permitting the Archivist to assume control over records that the President “categorized” and “filed separately” as personal records. At the conclusion of the President's term, the Archivist only “assume
responsibility for ... the Presidential records.” Id. § 2203(f)(1).

The FBI didn't raid Trump's home because of the PRA. They raided his house because he failed to comply with a lawful subpoena that required Trump to turn over all documents that had classification markings.
Instead of complying Trump tried to hide documents. That is why he is charged with a crime.

No document created by the Defense Department can be a personal record.
But Biden! Digitally Penetrated Tara Reade against her will!!
I guess you don't know the difference between an allegation and a court finding based on evidence.

Trump is a Rapist!!
because a jury listened to evidence from both sides and found that one side was more credible resulting in their ruling.