Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Image how stupid the world would be that Expresslane is pushing.

Trump takes documents home, when there are copies in 10 other places around the world. Various Consulates and other government buildings where they are being accessed and stored.

All the people handling them have no clue, that according to ExpressLane, that they are no longer classified as Trump never tells anyone what is in the 30 or so boxes he took home.

People can still go to jail for mishandling those same docs' despite Expresslane arguing they are declassified, because NO ONE KNOWS what Trump did.

Over decades we have numerous POTUS taking stuff home and no one ever knew all those doc's were declassified. No one can currently know, with any certainty if anything they touch is classified because that would require knowledge of what the POTUS took home each night.

Such a stupid system makes sense to ExpressLane as he is stupid, so to him he thinks that is tenable, when it is not.

As i said, Trump himself went to Court 3 times arguing ExpressLane was wrong and Trump won all 3 cases.
Image how stupid the world would be that Expresslane is pushing.

Trump takes documents home, when there are copies in 10 other places around the world. Various Consulates and other government buildings where they are being accessed and stored.

All the people handling them have no clue, that according to ExpressLane, that they are no longer classified as Trump never tells anyone what is in the 30 or so boxes he took home.

People can still go to jail for mishandling those same docs' despite Expresslane arguing they are declassified, because NO ONE KNOWS what Trump did.

Over decades we have numerous POTUS taking stuff home and no one ever knew all those doc's were declassified. No one can currently know, with any certainty if anything they touch is classified because that would require knowledge of what the POTUS took home each night.

Such a stupid system makes sense to ExpressLane as he is stupid, so to him he thinks that is tenable, when it is not.

As i said, Trump himself went to Court 3 times arguing ExpressLane was wrong and Trump won all 3 cases.
Any document that the President takes home is part of the PRA and by virtue of that fact is declassified. The only person that can determine if a record is a Presidential record or not is the President per a Federal court ruling. Trump records are not classified because Trump has declared them as Presidential records.
Personal observations are not government documents. Documents that are part of the decision process are government documents.
Hur lists what the notebooks contained.
(1) Work notes.
(2) Work reflections.
(3) Political notes and reflections.
(4) Personal reflections.
(5) To-do lists.
Read page 86 if you want the explanation of what those constituted.

Hmm.. where does Hur say there is no there there?
(Document pages, PDF pages are +4)
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
page 10
Page 11 -Compares Biden's actions to Trump stating Trump's actions show "serious aggravating facts."
Page 12 "But addressing those risks through criminal charges, the only means available to this office, is not the proper remedy here. "
Page 14
Page 115
Page 154
Page 155
(Other pages. Perhaps you should actually read it.)

NOPE. Biden took personal notes on intelligence briefings. Those documents contained sources and methods and are property of the government. Dementia Joe read those notes verbatim to his Ghost writer that did not even have a security clearance. That is HIGHLY illegal.
NOPE. Biden took personal notes on intelligence briefings. Those documents contained sources and methods and are property of the government. Dementia Joe read those notes verbatim to his Ghost writer that did not even have a security clearance. That is HIGHLY illegal.

Dementia seems to be all you have going for you. You certainly don't have facts.
Any document that the President takes home is part of the PRA and by virtue of that fact is declassified. The only person that can determine if a record is a Presidential record or not is the President per a Federal court ruling. Trump records are not classified because Trump has declared them as Presidential records.

What a crock of shit.
The President doesn't get to take any document home according to the Presidential Records Act.
Specifically, the PRA:

Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
Requires that Vice-Presidential records be treated in the same way as Presidential records.
Places the responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent Presidential records with the President.
Requires that the President and his staff take all practical steps to file personal records separately from Presidential records.

What fictional court ruling says a President can declare all government records his personal records?

Your dementia just keeps getting worse.
NOPE. Biden took personal notes on intelligence briefings. Those documents contained sources and methods and are property of the government. Dementia Joe read those notes verbatim to his Ghost writer that did not even have a security clearance. That is HIGHLY illegal.

During our interview of him, Mr. Biden was emphatic, declaring that his notebooks are "my property" and that "every president before me has done the exact same thing," that is, kept handwritten classified materials after leaving office. was emphatic, declaring that his notebooks are "


If this is what Mr. Biden thought, we believe he was mistaken about what the law permits, but this view finds some support in historical practice. The clearest example is President Reagan, who left the White House in 1989 with eight years' worth of handwritten diaries, which he appears to have kept at his California home even though they contained Top Secret information. During criminal litigation involving a former Reagan administration official in 1989 and 1990, the Department of Justice stated in public court filings that the "currently classified" diaries were Mr. Reagan's "personal records." Yet we know of no steps the Department or other agencies took to investigate Mr. "personal records." Yet we know of no steps the Department or other agencies took to investigate Mr. Reagan for mishandling classified information or to retrieve or secure his diaries. Most jurors would likely find evidence of this precedent and Mr. Biden's claimed reliance on it, which we expect would be admitted at trial, to be compelling evidence that Mr. Biden did not act willfully.

I guess you will have to take it up with Hur who states that he would be unable to prove in court that Biden acted willfully.
No double standard exists in the special counsel's decision not to indict Biden for possessing classified documents, as Trump has been charged with. Trump had multiple opportunities to avoid prosecution by giving the documents back, but he spurned them all, either denying he had them or claiming they belonged to him.

Somehow this distinction seems to have escaped Senator Hawley.

Not escaped ... ignored. The whole MAGA movement rests on deniability and constant repetition of lies and revisionism. Hawley is just a little shit who ran like hell on Jan. 6th. If only the dummies who put him in office would see him for what he is.
Oh, how adorable! You found something that disproves your own arguments! Good grrrl, good doggy!

From page 5 of your link:

However, for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice's Principles of Federal Prosecution. For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden.

Unreal! MAGA troll-ism just keeps mentally deteriorating. Kind of sad to watch, but then again strangely entertaining!
Originally Posted by Damocles View Post
No, when the person who stored the documents was not a President (in this case Biden was a Senator, not even VP when he began his classifieds collection) pretending that it magically makes the crime go away because he "let them in" to search is absurd. He held onto classified documents for decades that he had no legal right to remove from the SCIF under the capitol building. The current President didn't get the "same chance", he was solely given a (paraphrasing) "we can't prosecute because his broken brain makes him incapacitated and folks would think it was elder abuse".

The reality, this demented old man broke the law for decades, flaunted it, and then pretended that "giving them back" long after the time period any President is supposed to be allowed to go through and separate out documents without facing any charges... No. This excuse doesn't fly.

This is again someone caught holding onto $30,000 of $100,000 stolen from the bank saying they get a pass because they gave the $30,000 back as soon as they realized they were found out.

The law has no, "unless you cooperate" clause, it isn't there. It is in sentencing such a fact would come into play. He told us why they wouldn't recommend prosecution, it was because: They would have to wait until he was out of office, then prosecute an old man with a poor memory and juries would be sympathetic with Brokebrain White House.

Your comparison with ordinary criminal inquiries is idiotic. Like it or not, Presidents are not treated as ordinary. Your point that Biden was not President when the documents were first stored on his property is also idiotic. He was President when the documents came to light and the case came before a special counsel. And you fail to take into account the most important point in all this, which Phantasmal reminded us of in an earlier post. Trump was not indicted for the documents he returned, only for those he failed to return after repeated demand he do so.

:clap: BRAVO! Well Done!
Show me how someone can WILLFULLY RETAIN a classified document without WILLFUL Intend . You are a willful retard :laugh: Show me where I said Hur DID say Willful intent. :laugh:

YOU made claims that you cannot factually support. Trying to dodge that by posing another question won't cut it, my chuckling chickadee.

Oh, and as to another one of your consistent peepings:

How a ghostwriter was ensnared in the Biden classified documents probe
Any document that the President takes home is part of the PRA and by virtue of that fact is declassified. The only person that can determine if a record is a Presidential record or not is the President per a Federal court ruling. Trump records are not classified because Trump has declared them as Presidential records.

That is both a lie and only something a stupid person says.

You cannot back up any of it with any thing you can cite, especially any court ruling. I already quoted the PRA showing you are wrong.

But you are the idiot who also says Trump as POTUS has immunity to kill, because anything Trump says, no matter how stupid you parrot, as a good cultist.
What a crock of shit.
The President doesn't get to take any document home according to the Presidential Records Act.

What fictional court ruling says a President can declare all government records his personal records?

Your dementia just keeps getting worse.

He is rambling on about the Clinton "socks" case which he has a profound misunderstanding of and which Trump believed his idiot non-lawyer advisor on.

Trumps advisor sued Clinton, years ago to try and get his memoire notes, which he kept in his sock drawer. it was that case, which Trumps advisor lost, that lead to the PRA clarifying language.

The court determined that if an item was DETERMINED personal and not govt material, such as a diary or memoire, then the POTUS could apply to the Archives to keep it as personal property.

Trump advisor was angered at losing the case and told Trump he could keep anything and just call it personal under the PRA. A profound misunderstanding of the case and the law.

But it is why i repeat that stupidity such as ExpressLane and Trumps advisors, and people like Trump listening to them is our Super Power. Their stupidity is self defeating.
I guess you will have to take it up with Hur who states that he would be unable to prove in court that Biden acted willfully.

Fact check: Biden makes three false claims about his handling of classified information


"President Joe Biden gave a press conference Thursday night after the release of a report from special counsel Robert Hur, who announced that Biden would not face charges over his handling of classified information from prior to his presidency.
Biden was combative, forcefully rejecting Hur’s claims that he has a poor memory. But the president was also repeatedly inaccurate, making three claims that were clearly contradicted by Hur’s report..."

No double standard exists in the special counsel's decision not to indict Biden for possessing classified documents, as Trump has been charged with. Trump had multiple opportunities to avoid prosecution by giving the documents back, but he spurned them all, either denying he had them or claiming they belonged to him.

Somehow this distinction seems to have escaped Senator Hawley.
That is how mindless and stupid the MAGA's are , you can say the stupidest things to other MAGA's and as long as it is hate driven ,it will be picked up as gospel by the other Hate Nazi's/ Thats why the longer they are around the least likely they will ever say anything that is true. They are a none stop lie as it is and they are as stupid as needed to believe the most nonsensical comment.
Unreal! MAGA troll-ism just keeps mentally deteriorating. Kind of sad to watch, but then again strangely entertaining!
It gets worse as time goes on because e they get all their ideas from each other , no substance just unsupported nonsense. and the longer it goes on the further the MAGA maggots get from reality.
Fact check: Biden makes three false claims about his handling of classified information


"President Joe Biden gave a press conference Thursday night after the release of a report from special counsel Robert Hur, who announced that Biden would not face charges over his handling of classified information from prior to his presidency.
Biden was combative, forcefully rejecting Hur’s claims that he has a poor memory. But the president was also repeatedly inaccurate, making three claims that were clearly contradicted by Hur’s report..."

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen including marked classified documents about Afghanistan and handwritten notes Biden had kept, Hur's report said... But for the
reasons he stated
, that evidence would not establish Biden's
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt." ...(this is where the senility and inability to recall time, place, facts, etc comes in... ) Happy to get the link if someone cries about fact... that,guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”
And yes, Biden lied...He lies A Lot...
That is both a lie and only something a stupid person says.

You cannot back up any of it with any thing you can cite, especially any court ruling. I already quoted the PRA showing you are wrong.

But you are the idiot who also says Trump as POTUS has immunity to kill, because anything Trump says, no matter how stupid you parrot, as a good cultist.

Very typical of Trumpanzees -- if their #MalignantMessiah says it, it magically becomes true in MAGATWorld. I supplied that particular moron (ExcessLame) with the actual statute (and a link to it) delineating how classified materials are declassified -- the procedures that *must be followed.* She ignored this and still insists that Trump can magically declassify everything just by thinking about it.

And we let these ppl vote. lol