Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

They have no such power. I am sure you know there is a procedure for declassification. The departments in government that use them are brought into conference and classification is discussed. They have input since they are using the documents in their departments. They have to notify everyone who has access. There is no I will click my heels together and everything in the government is declassified. That is so stupid. You believe that because you want to, however if a prez could do that, it is simply the end of declassification. It becomes meaningless. You should think before you type.
When Trump made that insane claim I laughed thinking nobody is stupid enough to think that makes sense. I was wrong. Your gullibility level is extreme.

He knows it's bullshit. He worships Trump. No matter what Trump does. That's why people like him need to be removed from the public discourse, shunned, mocked and laughed at like the court jester.
She knew it meant Biden. It was just her classic deflection because she couldn't rebut the facts in the document.

Exactly. I predicted that she'd bump this thread this morning, too. Poor sick thing loves being spanked. This morning she's over wiping poop all over a pleasant thread that Evince started, with her back-up hater mutt.
Exactly. I predicted that she'd bump this thread this morning, too. Poor sick thing loves being spanked. This morning she's over wiping poop all over a pleasant thread that Evince started, with her back-up hater mutt.

She follows Evince around like a dog in heat. It's embarrassing. :laugh:
Trump has the Presidential Records act. Biden was a senator when he smuggled Classified documents out of a SCIF. And later he gave classified information to his ghost writer. And he told his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in his basement. Can you say willful intent? Hur certainly can.

I see you have decided to just regurgitate bullshit without bothering to check it.
Hur didn't say "willful intent." In fact he said on several occasions in his report that there was no evidence of willful intent.
The evidence does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Biden willfully retained the notebooks
p 236

In summary, the innocent explanation the retention the classified documents in the EYES ONLY envelope at the Penn Biden Center 1s not only plausible, it is a better explanation than one of willful retention. summary, the innocent explanation the retention the classified documents in the EYES ONLY envelope at the Penn Biden Center 1s not only plausible, it is a better explanation than one of willful retention. There 1s insufficient evidence to support charging Mr. Biden or anyone else willful retention of the documents in the EYES ONLY envelope at the Penn Biden Center. or anyone else willful retention of the documents in the EYES ONLY envelope at the Penn Biden Center.
p 311

Can you provide the page where you claim Hur says Biden had willful intent and Hur can prove that intent?
There is NO SET PROCEDURE for a President to declassify documents. The very fact that Trump had them moved to Mar A Lago means he declassified them. It is exactly like the classifed documents that Clinton took. A federal judge says only the President gets to decide what a Presidential document is.

That is an idiotic comment on your part.
Vice Presidents are also authorized to declassify documents. if we accept your argument that Trump could declassify by taking documents home then Biden could also declassify by taking documents home.

You are confused as to the difference between a classified document and a personal document.
Personal documents are ones produced by the person but may contain classified information they are aware of.
Classified documents produced by the government and distributed to the person are not personal documents. Trump kept documents that were produced by the the military and intelligence services and given to him to look at. No one other than a complete idiot would argue that a classified document that describes in technical detail the nuclear capabilities of Iran are a personal document.

Clinton took home tapes made of his private interviews with a reporter. (Not government business and not produced by the government.)
Biden took home his personal notebooks where he made notes in his handwriting. (Not government produced document.)
That is an idiotic comment on your part.
Vice Presidents are also authorized to declassify documents. if we accept your argument that Trump could declassify by taking documents home then Biden could also declassify by taking documents home.

You are confused as to the difference between a classified document and a personal document.
Personal documents are ones produced by the person but may contain classified information they are aware of.
Classified documents produced by the government and distributed to the person are not personal documents. Trump kept documents that were produced by the the military and intelligence services and given to him to look at. No one other than a complete idiot would argue that a classified document that describes in technical detail the nuclear capabilities of Iran are a personal document.

Clinton took home tapes made of his private interviews with a reporter. (Not government business and not produced by the government.)
Biden took home his personal notebooks where he made notes in his handwriting. (Not government produced document.)
They only have the authority to declassified documents that THEY classified.
I see you have decided to just regurgitate bullshit without bothering to check it.
Hur didn't say "willful intent." In fact he said on several occasions in his report that there was no evidence of willful intent.
p 236

p 311

Can you provide the page where you claim Hur says Biden had willful intent and Hur can prove that intent?

President Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” special counsel Robert Hur found in a bombshell report released Thursday — though Hur recommended against criminal charges, in part because a jury might well view Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Explain to me how you can WILLFULLY retain a Classified document without WILLFULLY INTENDING TO DO IT. :laugh:
They only have the authority to declassified documents that THEY classified.

LOL. Do you have a source that says VPs only can declassify what they classified?

(By the way, this would mean when Biden wrote his notes, he classified his notes so he could declassify them. No one else looked at his notes in order to classify them.)
Explain to me when Hur started writing for the NYPost. You claimed Hur said "willful intent."
Either you are talking out of your ass or you have dementia.

Cite the page number of the document Hur wrote where you think he says "willful intent."

Show me how someone can WILLFULLY RETAIN a classified document without WILLFUL Intend . You are a willful retard :laugh: Show me where I said Hur DID say Willful intent. :laugh:
LOL. Do you have a source that says VPs only can declassify what they classified?

(By the way, this would mean when Biden wrote his notes, he classified his notes so he could declassify them. No one else looked at his notes in order to classify them.)

So do you have ANY proof that Biden classified the documents he had at his home? Did he originally classify them? Link? Why would Hur even discuss taking Biden to court if they were declassified in Hur's opinion. Remember Trump had the PRA and Biden does not and Biden had documents he stole from a SCIF decades before.

Declassification authority is defined in Section 6.1(l) of E.O. 13292. It is granted to: “(1) the official who authorized the original classification…; (2) the originator’s current successor in function; (3) a supervisory official of either; or (4) officials delegated declassification authority in writing by the agency head or the senior agency official.”

So the Vice President has authority to declassify anything that he himself classified. He also clearly has authority to declassify anything generated in the Office of the Vice President, which he supervises.
Show me how someone can WILLFULLY RETAIN a classified document without WILLFUL Intend . You are a willful retard :laugh: Show me where I said Hur DID say Willful intent. :laugh:

And he told his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in his basement. Can you say willful intent? Hur certainly can.

Dementia seems to have definitely set in with you.

Now show me where Hur said "willful intent."

Biden willfully retained his personal notebook. It was not a government document. It was not a classified document. It contained some information that was deemed to be classified but that doesn't provide willful intent for retaining it since it meets none of the standards required to prove a crime.

The problem with the claim that Biden told his ghost writer that he had classified documents is it is not true when you read Biden's entire statement. Hur tries to take 8 words out of Biden's statement and twist them into something they are not. Hur admits there is no there there later in the document.
Dementia seems to have definitely set in with you.

Now show me where Hur said "willful intent."

Biden willfully retained his personal notebook. It was not a government document. It was not a classified document. It contained some information that was deemed to be classified but that doesn't provide willful intent for retaining it since it meets none of the standards required to prove a crime.

The problem with the claim that Biden told his ghost writer that he had classified documents is it is not true when you read Biden's entire statement. Hur tries to take 8 words out of Biden's statement and twist them into something they are not. Hur admits there is no there there later in the document.
EVERYTHING a VP writes while performing his official duties is a GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT.

Biden's ghost writer's sworn testimony says Biden read him a classified document that included sources and methods. He also said Biden told him he had classified documents in his basement. Biden took notes on official meetings that had classified information.

What page does Hur say there is no there there?
So do you have ANY proof that Biden classified the documents he had at his home? Did he originally classify them? Link? Why would Hur even discuss taking Biden to court if they were declassified in Hur's opinion. Remember Trump had the PRA and Biden does not and Biden had documents he stole from a SCIF decades before.

VPs are also subject to the Presidential records act as is anyone that works in the White House. Biden took home his notebooks that he wrote things down in. They are personal records since he created them.

So the Vice President has authority to declassify anything that he himself classified. He also clearly has authority to declassify anything generated in the Office of the Vice President, which he supervises.
Anything that Biden wrote down was generated in the Office of the Vice President.

Let's look at what was actually found -
FBI agents found 19 documents that had potential classified markings that were related to foreign trips that Biden took while in the Senate. From the 1970's and 1980's. (Possibly itineraries which would be classified prior to the trip.)
Inside Biden's many notebooks, the found 2 documents marked classified, one about Afghanistan and one about Iran.
Then Hur sent 109 pages from Biden's notebooks to the State Department to check classification of the information it contained. The normal agency is the National Security Council.
Hur admits that the State Department was used to avoid a conflict but that the State Department is not privy to the actual classifications.
Of those 109 pages sent, about 15 passages were found to contain Top Secret information
Hur documents how Biden was told he could take his notebooks with him since they were personal records and not government records.
Hur admits that there exist multiple instances of people leaving the WH and having classified documents mixed in with their personal documents and no crimes being charged.

Hur makes a pretty clear case that there is no chargeable crime here.
EVERYTHING a VP writes while performing his official duties is a GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT.

Biden's ghost writer's sworn testimony says Biden read him a classified document that included sources and methods. He also said Biden told him he had classified documents in his basement. Biden took notes on official meetings that had classified information.

What page does Hur say there is no there there?

Personal observations are not government documents. Documents that are part of the decision process are government documents.
Hur lists what the notebooks contained.
(1) Work notes.
(2) Work reflections.
(3) Political notes and reflections.
(4) Personal reflections.
(5) To-do lists.
Read page 86 if you want the explanation of what those constituted.

Hmm.. where does Hur say there is no there there?
(Document pages, PDF pages are +4)
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
page 10
Page 11 -Compares Biden's actions to Trump stating Trump's actions show "serious aggravating facts."
Page 12 "But addressing those risks through criminal charges, the only means available to this office, is not the proper remedy here. "
Page 14
Page 115
Page 154
Page 155
(Other pages. Perhaps you should actually read it.)
Biden's ghost writer's sworn testimony says Biden read him a classified document that included sources and methods. He also said Biden told him he had classified documents in his basement. Biden took notes on official meetings that had classified information.
You should probably read Hur's document before you make such idiotic claims.
Biden's ghost write didn't say under sworn testimony that Biden read him a classified document.
This shows how silly you are with your statements. You don't even get basic facts right.
Hur got the tape of Biden being interviewed. The claim that Biden said he had documents downstairs is from that. It completely ignores the 66 word statement and attempts to cherry pick out 8 words when the rest of the statement show that Biden clearly isn't claiming he has classified documents. He has the draft of the memo he sent to Obama.
There is NO SET PROCEDURE for a President to declassify documents. The very fact that Trump had them moved to Mar A Lago means he declassified them. It is exactly like the classifed documents that Clinton took. A federal judge says only the President gets to decide what a Presidential document is.

Except your statement is a lie.

There is a set procedure for declassify doc's as has been proven to you many times.

It was Trump, his WH lawyer and Mark Meaddows who went to court 3 times to argue there is a procedure, and if that procedure IS NOT followed up on, then NOTHING is declassified. that was after Trump wrote on Twitter, (his official writings) that he had declassified certain docs and said on a TV news interview he has declassified others, and one other instance.,

So not even if Trump WRITES THESE ARE NOT DECLASSIFIED or says on the news live THESE ARE ALL DECLASSIFIED, are they in fact classified as Trump's team argued in court and won, keeping the material classified and away from the media.