Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Biden did not know he still had the documents. When he was told he had them, he immediately returned them. Trump deliberately stole a truckload of documents and refused to return them. When they came for them, he hid some of them. He had many copied. He even showed them to unauthorized people. He still has some hidden.
Anyone saying the cases are the same is lying to protect Daffy Donald.
Biden did not know he still had the documents. When he was told he had them, he immediately returned them. Trump deliberately stole a truckload of documents and refused to return them. When they came for them, he hid some of them. He had many copied. He even showed them to unauthorized people. He still has some hidden.
Anyone saying the cases are the same is lying to protect Daffy Donald.
Nope Biden bragged to his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in the basement.

But you didn't look at the underlying material. Which is the topic of this thread.

This idiot continues to post breathlessly on a topic about which she knows nothing. As usual. As always. You're a loser, toxic.


Great beat-down of a terminally stupid hater, thank you. Watch the sick twat bump this thread tomorrow with a fake cheery 'good morning.' Like with her mango god, negative attention is still attention and means that somewhere, someone acknowledges that the dumb cunt exists enough to respond to. :laugh:

ETA: I predicted this!
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Biden did not know he still had the documents. When he was told he had them, he immediately returned them. Trump deliberately stole a truckload of documents and refused to return them. When they came for them, he hid some of them. He had many copied. He even showed them to unauthorized people. He still has some hidden.
Anyone saying the cases are the same is lying to protect Daffy Donald.

At least two of Trump's employees are also charged in this same case, for moving and hiding the documents, for trying to erase security system recordings that included them moving the documents at Trump's behest.

I didn't see a single instance of that in Hur's document, did you?
Hur's job is to evaluate evidence and people...there was enough evidence to charge Biden, but the opinion of the court after 5 hours of evaluation was that it would not be advantageous to do so...

His job was to evaluate evidence. Period. There was no "court" -- where did that come from, your fevered imagination?

It was not an "evaluation," tardgrrl. They were interviews -- not all performed by Mr. Hur but by underlings -- to determine whether there was intent to break the law. The conclusion was that there was no intent, there was no chargeable crime, and therefore charges were not warranted. Period.

Your utter obsession and hatred of Biden is bizarre and unhinged. How many hours have you wasted here spreading your desperate lies and gossip about him and his family? Has it accomplished anything other than your total humiliation? You've shown us that you can't even read the document you linked, or understand it, or the simple legal concepts it contains. Your sick fixation on "Biden has dementia" is, frankly, disturbing. Get help.
In fact, what Hur said is if they took Biden to court, he could present himself as an old man with a fading memory and he would not be found guilty. That was speculation. Hur was off base with that. Hur made it into a political document.
Except what you say is a lie, as always.

He makes it clear that they did not have enough to charge Biden. There is no question of that. That he thinks, even if they had enough, Biden would be sympathetic to the jury, DOES NOT change that he said they did not have enough, regardless.

As I pointed out recently, America's prisons are full of convicts that lacked the mental ability to understand that what they were charged with was a crime. Prosecutors don't care about that. They care about convictions. If there isn't sufficient evidence to convict, they simply don't bring charges. End of story. Toxic has claimed that she has a sister who is an attorney. You'd think she'd ask her about this so that she doesn't look like a total fool. Wonder why she doesn't. Might ruin the whole Biden is a crook with dementia schtick?
Neither matters legally except in sentencing. You don't get to rob a bank, and cooperate in giving some of the money back when caught and then we all just walk away any more than such should happen here. Now you may get a lighter sentence for helping, but not "free and clear"...

Though that isn't what really was said here. What he said is that the central role of the hit movie "Brokebrain White House" was filled by someone who has committed the crime but would not be prosecutable as his broken brain makes it so folks would see him as having limited capacity and because of his memory issues it would look like they were persecuting your demented grandpa.

Now, "Come and get them now that I've held on to some since the 1970s"... is just not as cooperative as you imagine it is and provably he had no reasonable access to the classified information he just let lie about his house from the time he was in the Senate.

It's pathetic to see how desperate you all are to hang a non-crime on a non-criminal. Guess what? Even if Biden WAS charged, it won't make #TRE45ON less guilty nor make HIS crimes go away.
You are obviously not satisfied with the report. When you read it, you do not think, if you report it honestly it would give the message you want.

So you lie about what it says.

It is the biggest proof you know what is in it is not damning enough for you or you would just use the facts and truth and without lying.

Like most MAGATs, Toxic only likes certain parts of any given document; the disagreeable parts are ignored. They do this with the Constitution. She does it with the Bible when she weaponizes it, but disregards all the admonishments against lying, bearing false witness, bragging about her alleged good deeds publicly, hurting others, etc. etc.
And all these poor little camp followers making a case for themselves in this argument that they have the mental impairment they ascribe to Joe Biden. After those chances to return the documents allowed Trump there was zero possibility of indicting Biden, who volunteered to give his back.

It's pathetic to see how desperate you all are to hang a non-crime on a non-criminal. Guess what? Even if Biden WAS charged, it won't make #TRE45ON less guilty nor make HIS crimes go away.
Trump has the Presidential Records act. Biden was a senator when he smuggled Classified documents out of a SCIF. And later he gave classified information to his ghost writer. And he told his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in his basement. Can you say willful intent? Hur certainly can.
Trump has the Presidential Records act. Biden was a senator when he smuggled Classified documents out of a SCIF. And later he gave classified information to his ghost writer. And he told his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in his basement. Can you say willful intent? Hur certainly can.
Indeed...and Hur did...;)
Trump has the Presidential Records act. Biden was a senator when he smuggled Classified documents out of a SCIF. And later he gave classified information to his ghost writer. And he told his ghost writer that he had classified documents in boxes in his basement. Can you say willful intent? Hur certainly can.

And he did:

“Willfully retained" AND "disclosed classified material"
And he did:

“Willfully retained AND disclosed classified material"
He can't remember, Hur gently, but firmly, reminded him... this isn't jumping on Joe... this isn't "cruel" or inaccurate...This is about making sure our country is protected and can begin to heal...
He can't remember, Hur gently, but firmly, reminded him... this isn't jumping on Joe... this isn't "cruel" or inaccurate...This is about making sure our country is protected and can begin to heal...


The Democrats must do the right thing for the country and remove Biden.

Of course they always put party over country and won't do the right thing.