Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

I posted the link to the Joe lied about having them in filing cabinets that were either locked or could be...
I guess he didn't remember they're in torn boxes next to the potting soil and the dog pictured...

And trump lied and said he didn’t have them stored in a public business in an unlocked closet in a public hallway

One was charged

One can’t be charged

That was the decision of even this bias lawyer
the doj argument said there was a crime, just that the defendant would win due to sympathy.

speculation on eventual outcome is never a valid legal reasoning.

Good point

Why didn’t he charge him for this crime you cite

Because the lawyer lied to smear Biden

That’s how he destroyed his career
More like poor Hur

And all these poor little camp followers making a case for themselves in this argument that they have the mental impairment they ascribe to Joe Biden. After those chances to return the documents allowed Trump there was zero possibility of indicting Biden, who volunteered to give his back.
Oh, how adorable! You found something that disproves your own arguments! Good grrrl, good doggy!

From page 5 of your link:

However, for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice's Principles of Federal Prosecution. For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden.

And trump lied and said he didn’t have them stored in a public business in an unlocked closet in a public hallway

One was charged

One can’t be charged

That was the decision of even this bias lawyer

this is ludicrous.

trump was the only one protected by the presidential records act, an actual thing.

trump was the only one president at the time.
Stop lying Ricky. The Hur report says there is evidence of WILLFUL retention of Classified documents and dissemination of Classified Information. Hur let Biden off the hook because Biden is doddering SENILE old man.

Repeating your lies doesn't make them true.
At no time does Hur call Biden senile.
It seems you are the one that is senile since you can't read and retain what is in Hur's report.
Guno צְבִי;5899626 said:
Too funny!!! A retired lunch lady pretending to be a psychologist :laugh:

Worse would a person pretending to be a Jew and in fact, support those who wish to wipe them off the map. Go figure.
Where does Hur use the word senile in his report? He never does.
Are you senile?
Does dementia leave you without the ability to read and comprehend?

I'm not senile but you may be. That or you are just plain old stupid.

My mom was 93 when she died last August she had suffered from Dementia for at least 6 years. She could read the chyron on the TV screen

Senile means relating to, exhibiting, or characteristic of old age. It can also refer to a loss of cognitive abilities, such as memory, associated with old age. to advancing,, associated with old age.”
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