Biden Said, "Come Get Them"; Trump Said, "Go Fuck Yourself"

Joe's memory loss, confusion, and other examples of mental fragility did not start last October...
There was enough...Hur opted not to proceed...understandably...
If you believe Joe is innocent of wrongdoing, just move on... Right now, he's not being charged...

False and as always, if you writing, you are lying.

Your assessment of enough means nothing when the Prosecutor himself found this...

- Insufficient evidence exists to prove Mr. Biden willfully retained the classified information in the EYES ONLY envelope

- There is insufficient evidence to support charging Mr. Biden for the retention of the other marked classified documents recovered from the Penn Biden Center

- There is insufficient evidence to charge Mr. Biden with willful retention of marked classified documents Al and A2

- There is insufficient evidence to charge Mr. Biden with retention of marked classified document AS

- There is insufficient evidence to charge Mr. Biden with retention of marked classified documents A9 and AlO

- The evidence does not establish that Mr. Biden or anyone else knowingly removed or retained the classified documents found at the University of Delaware. These documents appear to have been included in his Senate papers by mistake.


Finally, none of these decades-old documents contains information so obviously sensitive that a jury would find it compelling enough to convict a former president and vice president of mishandling classified information. For these reasons, it is likely that the few classified found in Mr. Biden's Senate papers were there by mistake. The documents found at the University of Delaware are not a basis for criminal charges.


The evidence does not support a charge under Section 1519

CONCLUSION: For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.
Sucks for you that reality and stated FACT , in no way backs up your lies.
Should be Biden. It's a typo from the report. Do you ever read reports or do you just expect others to spoon-feed you the information in them?
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to take a report seriously if it says "Eiden" multiple times...especially if you claim that was the White House report...;)
False and as always, if you writing, you are lying.

Your assessment of enough means nothing when the Prosecutor himself found this...

Sucks for you that reality and stated FACT , in no way backs up your lies.
Joe broke laws...he mishandled documents, he lied, and his 5 hour testimony could be taken seriously... the picture from his garage is pretty damning...;) If you're happy he's not being formally charged, move on...He's got bigger fish to fry, though...
There's plenty of evidence of crimes committed...

If a paperwork violation, the misplacing of documents. is a crime you are right. But then, you are rarely right. Biden ledt a Repub in a position to evaluate and charge. He found no crimes to charge. So he added a political message to the end of the report. That was the wrong thing to do.
When they were located, Biden turned them over to the Archives. That is what a person with nothing to hide would do. He cooperated immediately and completely.
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I'm pretty sure I'm not going to take a report seriously if it says "Eiden" multiple times...especially if you claim that was the White House report...;)

The typo happened when I copied it over to a notepad. It was a coding issue. I linked to the report and gave the page. If you bothered to look you'd see that it was spelled correctly in the WH letter.
Joe broke laws...he mishandled documents, he lied, and his 5 hour testimony could be taken seriously... the picture from his garage is pretty damning...;) If you're happy he's not being formally charged, move on...He's got bigger fish to fry, though...

I'd be happier if you actually read the report for yourself rather than make assumptions of lies and wrongdoing. It's only 388 single pages; I know that's practically insurmountable for you but it'll be worth it.
I'd be happier if you actually read the report for yourself rather than make assumptions of lies and wrongdoing. It's only 388 single pages; I know that's practically insurmountable for you but it'll be worth it.
I have no questions...I'm satisfied with the findings...
What's been presented seems to be accurate and make perfect sense...
"Psychologically fragile" is mine...And yes, the report is in...with mention of the crimes he committed...I'm quite sure you've read Hur's reasoning not to charge...He opted not to charge though the crimes existed...

So you make up shit and then claim it is in the report.
1. psychologically fragile is not in the report
2. There are no mention of crimes Biden committed. It would likely result in Hur being disbarred if he claimed Biden broke laws but didn't give him a chance to defend himself in court.
3. Hur opted not to charge because he couldn't prove the crimes he was tasked with investigating happened. DoJ standard is is you can't prove the crime you don't indict. DoJ standard is also supposed to be, if you can't prove the crime you don't publicly say they did the crime.
So you make up shit and then claim it is in the report.
1. psychologically fragile is not in the report
2. There are no mention of crimes Biden committed. It would likely result in Hur being disbarred if he claimed Biden broke laws but didn't give him a chance to defend himself in court.
3. Hur opted not to charge because he couldn't prove the crimes he was tasked with investigating happened. DoJ standard is is you can't prove the crime you don't indict. DoJ standard is also supposed to be, if you can't prove the crime you don't publicly say they did the crime.
There's proof of crimes committed. And Biden is psychologically fragile...I think that's a very respectful way to describe him...
There's proof of crimes committed. And Biden is psychologically fragile...I think that's a very respectful way to describe him...

Repeating the shit you made up still doesn't make it true.
There no proof of crimes committed because there is not enough evidence to indict. The failure to indict is prima facie evidence there is no proof of crimes committed.

For you to claim there is proof of crimes committed would make Hur a pretty stupid prosecutor.
Repeating the shit you made up still doesn't make it true.
There no proof of crimes committed because there is not enough evidence to indict. The failure to indict is prima facie evidence there is no proof of crimes committed.

For you to claim there is proof of crimes committed would make Hur a pretty stupid prosecutor.
Hur made a difficult but necessary decision based on what everything he saw. Biden's state of mind clearly was relevant to the decision made...
Hur made a difficult but necessary decision based on what everything he saw. Biden's state of mind clearly was relevant to the decision made...

Hur made a necessary decision based on lack of evidence.
Lack of evidence would mean there is NO PROOF!!

The only evidence we are seeing is the evidence of you making up shit about what you wish was in the report.

Biden't state of mind is relevant because the statute requires intent to be applicable. It has nothing to do with his reasoning or dementia. Hur couldn't prove intent because there is nothing to show Biden intended to take documents or intended to keep documents. Hur can't even prove that Biden knew he had the documents let alone that he knew and refused to turn them over.
You forgot the most important part -

Biden Exonerated!!!
No! Exonerated means:

to be cleared of an accusation or charge, and from any attendant suspicion of blame or guilt.


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No double standard exists in the special counsel's decision not to indict Biden for possessing classified documents, as Trump has been charged with. Trump had multiple opportunities to avoid prosecution by giving the documents back, but he spurned them all, either denying he had them or claiming they belonged to him.

Somehow this distinction seems to have escaped Senator Hawley.

Neither matters legally except in sentencing. You don't get to rob a bank, and cooperate in giving some of the money back when caught and then we all just walk away any more than such should happen here. Now you may get a lighter sentence for helping, but not "free and clear"...

Though that isn't what really was said here. What he said is that the central role of the hit movie "Brokebrain White House" was filled by someone who has committed the crime but would not be prosecutable as his broken brain makes it so folks would see him as having limited capacity and because of his memory issues it would look like they were persecuting your demented grandpa.

Now, "Come and get them now that I've held on to some since the 1970s"... is just not as cooperative as you imagine it is and provably he had no reasonable access to the classified information he just let lie about his house from the time he was in the Senate.